Chapter 131: Pass you on the festival!

The young man who seems to be worth a lot of money is of course Lin Moyuan, Lin Da Young Master.

Lin Moyuan did not follow Ye Feng closely, but took the bus to the third stop of the bus, where he waited for the arrival of the bus.

In this way, Ye Feng is an exhaustive plan, and he would never expect that someone would wait for him at the next stop!

Just as Lin Moyuan got on the bus, he easily found Ye Feng’s location. Ye Feng’s location was very obvious. It was on the side of the window, and the bus was not big, so it was easy to find someone alone.

In order to prevent Ye Feng from discovering himself, Lin Moyuan put on a baseball cap and changed into sportswear.

Even if Ye Feng was killed, Lin Moyuan would change his clothes.

Lin Moyuan’s purpose is very simple, that is, to create some chaos and prevent Ye Feng from arriving at the airport on time!

Originally, Lin Moyuan was also worried, and Ye Feng’s actions were quick. Just when he learned that Shengtang Company was coming to Yunhai City, he went straight to the airport without a trace of No. 1 messiness!

It happened that Lin Moyuan saw this scene, and of course he couldn’t let Ye Feng succeed, so he almost immediately caught up.

The only thought in Lin Moyuan’s mind was that Ye Feng must not stop the people from Shengtang Company!

Once there was a problem with Shengtang Company, Qi Yanyu would naturally sit firmly on the Diaoyutai!

The Lin Group will also lose the negotiation capital, because in this way, if you want to do this project, naturally only Qi Yun Shengshi can choose.

Just as Lin Moyuan was thinking about how to stop Ye Feng, he suddenly found a pickpocket on the bus!

The pickpocket originally wanted to attack the old lady in front, but was unexpectedly interrupted by Ye Feng.

And this kid turned his gaze on Ye Feng’s body!

Does this pickpocket want to attack Ye Feng?

Lin Moyuan almost couldn’t help but scold him. Isn’t this giving Ye Feng this son of luck experience points?

Of course, without thinking about it, he reached out and stopped the pickpocket.

At the moment when he stopped the pickpocket, Lin Moyuan’s mind suddenly flashed, and an idea appeared!

If I could use this pickpocket to stop Ye Feng’s footsteps, would it be able to stop Ye Feng’s footsteps from going to the airport?

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Moyuan’s eyes lit up!

This method is reliable! The feasibility is very high!

So just now, Lin Moyuan stopped the pickpocket and wanted to discuss business with him.

“Are you having a feast with this kid?”

Hearing the pickpocket’s question, Lin Moyuan shrugged and whispered:

“Of course he didn’t celebrate the festival with me, but that doesn’t stop me from celebrating the festival!”

“You don’t need to worry about the problem between us. After the matter is 100,000 yuan, you can just say it or not?”

The pickpocket sighed helplessly, then nodded and said:

“Okay, let’s just say that! Don’t want to go wrong! I can remember you!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, indicating that the pickpocket could move.

The pickpocket turned his head and looked at the bus pull ring in his hand, and Ye Feng, who was standing next to the grandmother, glanced at it, and slowly approached in that direction.

And when he was about to arrive at Ye Feng’s side, he took out a mobile phone from the body of an aunt behind Ye Feng. The process was extremely skillful, and the aunt didn’t notice it at all.

As an insider, Lin Moyuan naturally saw all the processes clearly, and sighed secretly in his heart, he was indeed a pickpocket, and he was really proficient in watching the business!

Shouldn’t you do such a thing less often, right?

But this has nothing to do with him, Lin Moyuan is not a Sage, he does not scrutinize any means to achieve his goal, and he does not do this kind of thing less.

The action of the pickpocket did not end there. After getting the mobile phone of the aunt, she accidentally stuffed the mobile phone into Ye Feng’s coat without even knowing it!

In order to make this action without letting Ye Feng suspect, the pickpocket took the opportunity to bump Ye Feng lightly, but Ye Feng didn’t notice it.

“Sorry brother!”

After hitting Ye Feng, the pickpocket also apologized. Lin Moyuan was stunned by this wave of operations!

I rely on! Look at people, this is called professionalism, okay?

Later, Ye Feng came back to his senses and said with a smile that it was okay.

But I didn’t realize that there was an extra mobile phone in my own jacket pocket.

The pickpocket obviously chose to retreat after accomplishing his accomplishments. After finishing these things, he walked slowly to the back door of the bus, and after a wink at Lin Moyuan, he immediately got out of the bus just after it stopped. .

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, took out his mobile phone and output a series of numbers, and transferred one hundred thousand yuan to this account.

This is the end of the pickpocket’s performance, and now it is Lin Moyuan’s turn to perform.

Lin Moyuan slowly came to the aunt’s vicinity, and whispered:

“Auntie, your phone was stolen!”

The auntie was shocked when she heard such a sound suddenly, but she recovered in an instant, she put her hand into her bag and fumbled for a while, indeed she didn’t find her own phone!

So the face of this lady changed instantly!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth again, and then he whispered:

“Madam, I just saw it, and it was taken by the young man standing behind you! The phone is in his hand!”

The aunt’s gaze suddenly became a little confused, she turned around and glanced at Ye Feng. This young man didn’t look like someone who could do this kind of thing!

Lin Moyuan saw the aunt’s suspicion, and found that the aunt’s gaze changed when looking at own, and it seemed that she had begun to doubt herself.

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly, then whispered again:

“Madam, don’t get me wrong, I really saw it, otherwise, you tell me your phone number, and I make a call on your phone. Doesn’t the truth become clear?”

When the lady heard this, she nodded and said a number.

Lin Moyuan took out his own cell phone and dialed according to this number. As expected, the cell phone ringtone that this lady was very familiar with rang on Ye Feng’s body!

The face of this lady suddenly became very ugly!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, but he slowly took a few steps to retreated, hiding his figure in the crowd.

A perfect interpretation of what is meant by lighting the fire and I will run.

Ye Feng’s expression at this time was very ugly.

An inexplicable voice rang in his pocket, and he immediately increased his vigilance.

On the right side of the jacket pocket, he found a strange mobile phone, and looking at the gaze of the aunt behind him, Ye Feng instantly reacted and was cheated!

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