Chapter 964, finally came

Today, I was really fainted. I sat in front of the computer and wrote more than 5,000 words. I went to take a cool shower and look back. I wrote a shit, deleted it, and rewritten it.


Wei Xiaobei feels a bit, frowned head, for him, this Flying Divine Spear method to upgrade a level, the benefits are not as good as the Eight Extremities Fist upgrade, the reason is that the Flying Divine Spear method needs that Flying divine Spear’s huge spear package forms the greatest power.

However, the body of the Flying Divine Spear demon, when Cheng’s Dojo was crushed by the Longbo People, I am afraid that all of them will be crushed, and there may be somewhere left.

In any case, the Flying Divine Spear method is still going to improve.

Next, Wei Xiaobei consumes 2500Evolution Points and promotes the Flying Divine Spear method to an expanded Unfathomable.

This is the limit of the Flying Divine Spear method for the time being. To say that it consumes an Unfathomable skill and promotes it to Matchless, Wei Xiaobei feels that it is not necessary for the time being.

Looking away from the skill bar, Wei Xiaobei stared at the refiner.

At this point, the realm of the refiner is Mastering through Fusing and Linking. In the past, Wei Xiaobei spent a lot of thoughts on this aspect. When it was ok, he used the Dragon Fire Cauldron to refine some Arrows, weapons, armor and so on. Wei Family Island’s core discipline does not say anything else, the equipment in this area is still very good.

In this way, the refiner is also perfect in this realm.

After spending 500Evolution Points and upgrading the refiner to Near Perfection, Wei Xiaobei took the Dragon Fire Cauldron out.

After Cheng’s Dojo was trampled by Longbo People, Wei Xiaobei smashed the body of a lot of demon.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is a weapon fragment.

These weapons fragments are XemonX-Star Terror and above, and they are suitable as raw materials for the refiner.

During the next full day, Wei Xiaobei spent all his time on the refiner, melting and purifying the debris.

All the weapons fragments were stuffed into the Dingzhong and burned and purified by the Fire Dragon.

Finally, the Dragon Fire Cauldron’s cover collapsed on its own, and three Arrows, about one meter long, flew out of the Dragon Fire Cauldron and were caught in the hands of Wei Xiaobei.

The shape of Arrows is very common and the quality is not high, just the Treasure Grade level.

It has two effects, one of which is Sunder Armor! The second is rapid.

However, compared to the Arrows refining Wei Xiaobei, the damage of these three Arrows is different from before.

Due to the high quality of its raw materials, Wei Xiaobei has added three hundred runes to each Arrows.

The two effects that these three runes have spawned are naturally not comparable to those of the twenty or thirty runes.

The name of Arrows is simple, Armor blast Arrow.

Wei Xiaobei was very happy with her work, and then she took the hot Irons into the Storage Ring.

These three Armor blast Arrows are also considered to be one of Wei Xiaobei’s cards.

However, Wei Xiaobei just collected the Dragon Fire Cauldron and heard that Ao Yan had a few painful voices: “Time should be arrived.”

Time to be arrived?

Wei Xiaobei After a moment of doubt, I realized that Ao Yan’s Metamorphosis period is coming to an end.

In fact, the signs have already emerged.

Ao Yan’s Flame, which had been extinguished, rose again. Flame continued to move all around and spread. The volcanic rock that had cooled and condensed quickly melted into a piece that expanded with Flame moving towards all around. Magma.

The temperature of the air rises rapidly, the sandy ground in the distance, the scorpions that rarely appear in the usual way, the spiders have sneaked out of the sand, and move towards the distance to escape.

Even the Red Bi, fat mouth and Fire Crow, which originally lived on Ao Yan back, could not withstand the rapid increase of high-temperature, and they vacated and moved towards high altitude.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei was shocked by a rare shock, and his Intuition felt that an extreme danger was coming quickly.

Need to notify big brother Zhao Yun immediately!

The thoughts in Wei Xiaobei’s mind became clear.

However, Wei Xiaobei has not yet left the desert, but on the edge of the Great Plains and the desert, Wei Xiaobei has met Zhao Yun with a large team!

There is no doubt that the change of Ao Yan has attracted the attention of Zhao Yun.

Listening to Wei Xiaobei saying that Ao Yan is about to end the transition period, Zhao Yun has a slight meditation for a moment, and then he waved his hand and let the soldiers below 4-Star return to the big camp.

Zhao Yun probably understands something that might happen next. If the soldiers who are not strong enough follow the past, I am afraid that they will die.

Later, Zhao Yun sent a commander to inform the fishing camp to withdraw the camp, and the 4-Star generals in the fishing camp gathered together.

When Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei entire group was near Ao Yan, the number of the entire group reached more than 600 people.

Among them, Bai Mayi has more than 400 people, and the rest are military officers from all over the battalion.

Hundreds of people, far away from Ao Yan who is struggling in Flame.

Before the end of this Metamorphosis period, the pain of this Ao Yan was undoubtedly magnified by the ultimate.

The temperature of the Flame is so high that even Wei Xiaobei feels a heat wave.

In the burning of this Flame, the dragon scale of Ao Yan actually melted, and the melting dragon scale fell into the magma, which would make the fire rise to the height of hundreds of meters.

Two hours later, Ao Yan’s Metamorphosis period is still not over, but Wei Xiaobei suddenly found a distant dark cloud moving towards this side.

The dark cloud made Wei Xiaobei aware of the danger of arrival!

The focus of the eye, the situation of the dark cloud in the distance was seen by Wei Xiaobei.

There are two True Dragons on the black cloud that are rolling in, black and white, with thunder and lightning between their minions, and behind that is a team of Shrimp soldiers.

It’s just that these Shrimp soldiers have a lot of 4-Star’s general momentum.

Wei Xiaobei and Zhao Yun looked at each other inexplicably, but they knew each other’s minds.

“big brother, are you black or white?”

At this time, when the clouds are moving forward, the altitude is constantly declining. What echoes with them is the waves that are constantly rising on the sea. The waves are even connected with the dark clouds, so that the Shrimp soldiers will be transferred from the dark clouds. Arrived above the waves.

“I am picking black.”

Zhao Yun smiled warmly and chose the Black Dragon with a larger body type. There is no doubt that the strength of this Black Dragon is stronger than that of White Dragon. This sentence makes Zhao Yun’s war horses follow. It sounded like a nose, and it seemed to burn the battle intent with the owner.

“Then I only have to choose White Dragon.”

Wei Xiaobei did not recruit the black and white dragon horse. The black and white dragon horse met True Dragon, and it might be soft.

He took out the ink ghost spear and the fishing line, and then rushed to the high-altitude speed, and no more effort would be hidden in the fog.

He is not stupid, the strength of the two True Dragon is at least 4-Star Calamity!

Zhao Yun can’t deal with one, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know, but if he is facing the battle, it is absolutely impossible to deal with one, so the fishing skills that he has painstakingly cultivated should be useful at this time.

When the dark clouds are not there, the raindrops of the size of the soybeans are firstly fallen down, and the small holes with splashes are shot on the sand.

However, other places are fine, but in the area of ​​Ao Yan, the raindrops have not yet fallen on the magma, and they are steamed by the incredible air.

Wei Xiaobei At this point, the huge spear has been connected to the fishing line, and a bait is placed on the hook, and the hook is quietly put down.

At this time, Zhao Yun took the lead in launching the attack!

After the white horse slammed on the sand for a short distance, it vacated and slammed on the air, and moved towards the dark clouds.

“evil creature! Death!”

Zhao Yun lightly shouted, the sound is not too big, but the Black Dragon on the left seems to listen to the arrived, suddenly angry, and the teeth danced toward Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun’s face was light, but his right hand was caught on a short spear hanging on the side of the saddle. He gently cast a throw, and the short spear broke open the air move toward the Black Dragon.

This short spear does not have the power of Zhao Yun’s previous take action. It just emits a trace of silver on the tip of the spear, and when it is rapidly flying in the air, it brings out a very beautiful streamer for it.

The Black Dragon seemed to look down on a short spear shot by humans. Giant’s dragon mouth opened, and there was a water pillar move towards the dragon’s mouth.

Both speeds are extremely fast, and in a flash, the water pillar and the spear collide.

But what made the Black Dragon feel a little uncomfortable was that the water pillar had fallen, and the spear disappeared before it came into contact with the water pillar.


Black Dragon suddenly reflexed over, the huge faucet rose, the short spear suddenly appeared, the next moment, then plunged into the dragon mouth.


I have to say that Black Dragon ignored Zhao Yun and suffered from the suffering.

Of course, if it wasn’t for Zhao Yun, the short spear would not look so good, and the Black Dragon would not be so negligent.

Switching to Zhao Yun with huge spear to make a hundred birds toward the phoenix gun, I am afraid that Black Dragon has long been alert.

After the short spear penetrated the dragon’s mouth, it passed through the side directly. The Black Dragon was sorely screamed, and a dragon Blood spurted out, and the rain became more and more intense.

Zhao Yun started the game and stabbed the black dragon’s dragon’s mouth with a spear. Although the wound was not serious for the Black Dragon, it caused the Zhao Yun army to scream for a burst of cheers. .

You know, when you see two True Dragons appearing between the clouds, those soldiers will be more or less fearful.

True Dragon is a divine object! One of the national totems of China.

The ancient saying that Ye Gonggong is a dragon, it proves that when I see this divine object with my own eyes, the average person can’t hold it.

The power that spreads with the downpour, the incomparable body type of Giant, and the ingenuity of freedom in the dark clouds give people an ultimate shock.

However, Zhao Yun’s take action directly broke the fear of the army.

At this time, as the downpour falls, the sea moves toward the desert, and on the row of waves, those Shrimp soldiers will stand up perfectly and smoothly with the waves. (To be continued~^~)

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