Chapter 963, Flying Divine Spear Method

Send another chapter, go take a shower first, it’s too hot.


Arrived At this time, Wei Xiaobei does not need to take action, just need to slowly warm the temperature of the dragon scale pot, which is enough to force the sharks to kill more crazy.

In this killing, there are no new sharks in the steam that condense out.

Once any shark is swallowed up by other sharks, it really disappears completely.

Soon, the first miserable shark appeared. When it was besieged by seven sharks, it was torn into pieces and swept away by more sharks.

At this point, the soup in the dragon scale pot is boiling and extreme. In synchrony, the battlefields of these sharks also expand beyond the arved dragon scale. From the mouth of the pot, the steam rises and forms a hundred meters. Steam plumes, and those sharks squat up and down the steam plume, killing their own while preserving themselves.

112, 111, 110, 109…….

As time goes by, the number of these sharks is steadily decreasing, and new sharks are constantly being turned into steam being swallowed by other sharks.

As the number of sharks decreases, the remaining shark body type is also expanding.

When the number of sharks is reduced to 30, the plume above the dragon scale pot is not enough to accommodate the sharks that have expanded five or six times the body type.

By this time, the remaining sharks gradually recovered calm, without the bloody murderous aura.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei knows that this shark’s evolution is probably also at the end of the arrival.

I want to come, too, the Norwegian sea monster, the shark Monster King, although it is powerful, but it is always 4-Star ordinary, 4-Star elite Monster, the meat on its body is precious, the dishes produced, the evolution is also a limit.

As Wei Xiaobei restarts Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, Shark’s attribute table appears in sight.

Name:Spiritual Treasure

Introduction: This dish is the evolution of the sea monster squid wings cooked by the chef Wei Xiaobei. The number is 30, which has evolved to the extreme and cannot continue to evolve…

Effect 1: Each dish is taken with steam, and the full attribute can be used to increase the 15 point. No effect is weakened, and the highest attribute is raised to the 90 point.

Well, the evolution to the ultimate shark fin 煲 has only one effect, that is, full attribute to enhance 15 points!

This attribute boost effect seems to be much less powerful than the previous sea monster squid wings, and it wastes a lot of weight.

But it is a weak effect, it is very abnormal!

Be aware that in Dust World, any food that promotes an attribute will have a diminished effect when the user’s attribute is high.

The original one can improve the ordinary person 10attribute point, but when used on the strong, it will be weakened, only increase 1 points and so on.

And this ineffective effect is that no matter how high the attribute of the strong, it can raise the 15 point!

Of course, there is a limitation behind this, that is, the highest can only promote the attribute to the 90 point.

But even so, this shark fin scorpion is quite a Terror’s treasure.

I didn’t see the Ao Yan eyes next to it, and the eyes were coveted.

Wei Xiaobei originally thought that Ao Yan would still ask for a question, but I didn’t expect that Ao Yan would stare at the dragon scale pot and then squatted down and seemed to fall asleep.

Such a precious treasure, um, if Ao Yan needs it, Wei Xiaobei naturally gives up some points, but if Ao Yan doesn’t, Wei Xiaobei still needs to keep it.

Take the Soup Spoon out, Wei Xiaobei even took a spoonful of broth out of the pot. This time, the shark in the steam swam with a move, move towards Wei Xiaobei to make a threat, it seems to know What happens next.

Even the shark Monster King, Wei Xiaobei will not be a little scared, and there will be fear of sharks in the steam of this area, there is no half-point, and Soup Spoon will be put to his mouth and will drink it.

The entrance to the soup is very sweet, and Wei Xiaobei has fallen into this indescribable taste for a moment.

As the broth flowed into the throat, the shark that floated on it shouted unwillingly, and then suddenly shrank from a diameter of more than a meter, chasing the soup into the mouth of Wei Xiaobei.

It’s so cool and comfortable, there is only one feeling in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

After the sweet broth of the mellow enters the stomach, it instantly turns into a hot stream of move towards Wei Xiaobei body all around.

Whether it is meridians or internal organs, blood vessels, Muscle, are covered by this spread of heat flow.

Even the abundance of heat flow rushed out of Wei Xiaobei’s pores and turned into a rich aura at the outside.

If it is not Wei Xiaobei Reflex, the whole body will be suffocating, and if this rich aura is firmly locked, I am afraid that these overflowing auras will be wasted.

Wei Xiaobei At this time, under the scouring of the heat flow, he could no longer control the body. He sat on the sand with his legs crossed, and his heart sank, driving the heat flow into the Meridians, in an attempt to absorb the heat flow as soon as possible.

The true mercury in the meridians accelerates the speed of the operation and absorbs the heat around all.

At the same time, these heat flows are constantly being integrated into the Wei Xiaobei body.

A little bit of time passed, the heat flow in Wei Xiaobei was continuously absorbed, and the real mercury in the meridians was now inexplicably dyed with a trace of faint gold and deepened over time.

What Wei Xiaobei noticed most was that on the liquid ball in his Dantian, the faceless villain also emerged.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the faceless villain stepped on a Ba Snake, and the Fire Dragon was honestly on the shoulderless villain’s shoulder.

After the liquid ball emerges, all the heat flow through Dantian will be swallowed by Ba Snake, Fire Dragon from time to time, and then fed back to the faceless villain.

While Wei Xiaobei was preparing to study the faceless villain, the last a trace heat dissipation dissipated, making Wei Xiaobei have to turn his attention away.

Opened his eyes, Wei Xiaobei was a severe cough, and even a black, stinky liquid was ejected from his mouth.

This should be the hidden impurities in Wei Xiaobei’s body and the subtle internal injuries and bruises.

In fact, with Wei Xiaobei’s current Vitality, it is very difficult to have such things in the body again.

However, after each increase in the attribute, such impurities will appear more or less, and cannot be completely eliminated.

Before the heat flow covered the whole body, it forced the impurities to hide. Wei Xiaobei collected these things in the lungs when the meridians were running. Now they sprayed out, although this spray caused the alveoli to break more than half, but for Wei Xiaobei In a few minutes, this kind of injury can be recovered as much as possible.

At the same time, it is also considered to clean up the body again.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei felt that the arrived was different from the previous one, and then turned his attention to the arrived Attribute Panel.

Strength attribute 95.01, no change, this, Wei Xiaobei is not unexpected, the shark fin 煲 can only promote the attribute to the 90 point.

Agility : 90! It used to be 80.5, but now only 9.5 has been improved, but it is also very good.

Vitality: 90! no change.

Intelligence :78.32, seeing that the Intelligence attribute only raises the 12 point, Wei Xiaobei frowned head, which seems to be inconsistent with the introduction of the shark’s fin, and the effect is weakened?

But after Wei Xiaobei’s mind turned a little, he understood it.

This is not the result of weakening, but there are three points that should be absorbed by the faceless villain in Dantian.

Similarly, Awareness and Charisma also boosted 12 points to Arrived 78.32.

Since the three attributes of Intelligence, Awareness, Charisma and the branch attribute under it do not exceed the 80 point, the subordinate capabilities under the attribute have not changed.

However, Wei Xiaobei does not have much regret for this. If you eat another shark fin soup, all the attributes can be promoted to the 90 point. This is not difficult.

But when Wei Xiaobei picked up a spoonful of shark’s fin, he found that he didn’t have the appetite to eat, and he had a hunch that if he swallowed the spoon of shark’s fin without appetite, he would Give yourself some trouble.

It seems that it takes some time to eat fast.

Wei Xiaobei Slightly regretted that the scoop of shark fins had been smashed back, and the sharks that followed them suddenly got back steam, just like a dead escape.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate to put the dragon scale pot together with the shark fins into the Storage Ring.

This is also a helpless thing.

Nowadays, the dragon scale pot has been unable to transfer the shark’s fin scorpion alone. Otherwise, the quality of the shark’s fin scorpion will fall, and Wei Xiaobei will probably vomit blood.

However, this dragon scale pot is temporarily useless.

Of course, the best ingredients in the Storage Ring are basically used by Wei Xiaobei, and you don’t have to worry about anything.

Temporarily unable to take shark fin soup, Wei Xiaobei frowned head.

If you take another shark fin soup, your own attribute can be raised to the 90 point as a whole.

Now, using Evolution Points to improve the attribute is a bit of a loss.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei focused on the Flying Divine Spear method. Although Wei Xiaobei has the Liuhe Spear Technique that comes with the Eight Extremities Fist, it is only the Spear Technique in reality. What Spear Qi can’t release? from.

The Flying Divine Spear method is different. No matter how high the realm is, as long as it is activated, Spear Qi can be released, but Spear Qi’s strength is different from that of it.

When you think about it, you know that the Flying Divine Spear demon hangs off Wei Xiaobei of the same Creature Rank, and knows how powerful Spear Qi is released by the Flying Divine Spear method.

Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei and 45300 points.

It is more than enough to improve the Flying Divine Spear method.

Focusing on the Flying Divine Spear method, Evolution Points are constantly being consumed, and the Flying Divine Spear method (Mastering through Fusing and Linking) is followed by move towards dark green.

Eventually, after the Evolution Points consumed 500 points, a hint of cyan in the dark green color suddenly emerged, and then like the ink that fell into the clear water, suddenly spread, and the dark green color was dyed as light cyan.

Flying Divine Spear method (Near Perfection). (To be continued~^~)

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