Chapter 965, white heat

I don’t know if it is heat stroke again. It is a bit disgusting. This poor Daoist simply soaked in the bucket, it was hot by it, I slept from the bucket!


There is no doubt that these Shrimp soldiers will be the opponents of the military.

The military generalized shouting loudly, and immediately drove the dragon horse, and rushed past the wave wall.

Of course, the faster is the wave of arrows that Bai Mayi shot from the charge.

For the archers, it is undoubtedly a bad thing to rain.

Heavy rain will make the bowstring soft and lose its elasticity. Therefore, in ancient China, in the event of heavy rain, most of the warring parties will stop fighting for gold. The reason for this is that the archer loses its attack power.

However, Bai Mayi is different. Their bow is made by the big craftsmen in the camp. The bow string is twisted wire. Each bow is at least the quality of Finest Quality. The heavy rain in this area can’t make the bow string soft.

The only problem is that heavy rains will affect Arrows’ hits, but hundreds of people pull the bows together to cover the arrows. Even when the hit rate drops below 50%, it doesn’t matter.

Bai Mayi’s archery is excellent, shuā shuā shuā is the three waves of arrows flying out, and in a blink of an eye they fall on the top of the Shrimp soldiers who are smothered by the momentum.

As I said before, these Shrimp soldiers will be stronger than the South Sea Shrimp soldiers that Wei Xiaobei has seen before, but not all of them are 4-Star, the most of which is 2- Star Terror.

Under the rain of Bai Mayi’s arrows, those Shrimp soldiers will be shot down by Arrows, even if there are several powerful 4-Star crabs, jumping out of the waves and waving their weapons. To be killed, they were shot by Bai Mayi from the fire!

Zhao Yun Jun took the lead and actually took the Shrimp soldiers to a surprise. Before and after the break, the Shrimp soldiers on the first row of waves would be killed in a row, without one.

However, with the number of Shrimp soldiers coming from the two True Dragons, the number of the crabs will be quite large. After the first row of waves collapsed, the second row of waves will follow.

However, those military officers did not fear the number of enemies. The two hundred soldiers who had rushed to the front had already driven the dragon horses to the wall, and they suddenly entered the Shrimp soldiers, and those of them were from this. Followed by the back, the arrow in the hand shot Arrows, the Shrimp soldiers who tried to sneak attack will kill.

Not to mention that the Shrimp soldiers will be smashed with the Zhao Yun army, only to say that after the Black Dragon and Zhao Yun smothered, they could not help but repent, and then threatened: “Bold mortal, I The Dragon Palace of the West Sea, the Crown Prince, is also the life of the King of the Sea Dragon, and come to catch the dragon! If you dare to block, I will send water to the sea!”

Good guy, Wei Xiaobei had previously guessed what the identity of the Black Dragon was, and I didn’t expect it to be the eldest son of West Sea Dragon!

However, Zhao Yun listened to the language of the singer, said with a smile: “This is not the West Sea, let alone you come, even if the West Sea Dragon King, you must first take me a shot.”

When the voice fell, the rotten silver gun in the hands of Zhao Yun immediately swayed. In the twinkling of an eye, countless birds formed, and then turned into a white Phoenix, then move towards the flight.

That Moang was extremely cautious, suddenly slammed into a mouth, and an instant hurricane was generated, then move towards the flying white Phoenix, and the hurricane slammed into the white Phoenix, suddenly bursting open, but that After the white Phoenix collided with the hurricane, it was only the body that shrank the smaller half, but there was no sign of disappearing. On the contrary, it continued to move towards that.

This is the West Sea Dragon Princess Eldest son, the West Sea Dragon King was originally in charge of the sea monsoon convection, the palm of the climate is cool, the weather is changing authority.

Therefore, this 敖 昂 也 is more or less mastered, the hurricane blown out in its mouth is the hurricane of the West Sea, when it appears on the sea, it is even more powerful.

What I can’t think of is that the hurricane that I spit out can’t beat a white Phoenix that the other party released!

This really made the face of that Moang drop a layer.

If you can, you can’t wait to tear the man riding the white horse into pieces.

But this guy is too flexible, and every time he pulls his tail, Zhao Yun will quickly dodge, so there is no way for him.

The most troublesome thing is that the white Phoenix, after hitting himself, shot down several scales.

To say that, just a few scales, it is not a big deal, but if the other side is so many times, the scales on his body may not be too much, which will undoubtedly make the shape of the 敖摩昂 extremely embarrassing.

Don’t say Zhao Yun a little bit of the Black Dragon’s strength, at this time Wei Xiaobei has put the hook down.

a trace The rich and strange scent of the silk quickly dissipated, and soon the White Dragon was lured to the past.

To say that this True Dragon IQ is better than humans, even if it is lured by the bait, the White Dragon has turned a few laps around the hook, but there is no tendency to sneak a bit.

I have to say that this White Dragon is extremely vigilant.

If you switch to another Water Race, you have already bitten it up and swallowed the bait.

But this White Dragon not only did not bite it, but instead used the dragon claws to dial the bait that was going back and forth in the air.

Ok, seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei thought that his fishing operation had failed.

If you want to come, this line of fish seems to have been discovered by the other party.

What Wei Xiaobei absolutely didn’t think was that, just as he was about to take back the bait, the White Dragon seemed to make a decision. When he saw the fish bait move towards the sky, he bite it without thinking.

The bait slides over the mouth of the White Dragon into its throat.

As Wei Xiaobei speeded up the fishing line, White Dragon noticed that he was fooled, and the throat was so painful that he almost stunned the White Dragon.

Of course, most Life Form’s throats are hard to endure this extreme pain when faced with sharp fishhooks.

Arrived At this point, Wei Xiaobei has a certain heart, constantly shrinking the fishing line and dragging the White Dragon move towards.

To say that White Dragon originally wanted to struggle a few times, but it was too painful to have a hook in the throat. Like it, this kind of pampered True Dragon was born to be complimented by others, soaked in honey. Where have you suffered such a bitterness.

After a few struggles, I found that the throat was more painful and almost stunned myself. After that, the White Dragon learned to be treacherous, and spurred along the line of fish, and Move towards the fog.

This White Dragon is not a fool. Although the fish line is translucent, it grows into the fog, and how can it guess the weirdness inside.

What makes the White Dragon absolutely unthinkable is that the faucet is just close to the fog, and it is a huge spear move towards itself.

To say that the White Dragon is nearly 100 meters in body type, this Wei Xiaobei stabs the huge spear is a joke, more than three meters long, it is equivalent to a toothpick forget it.

But the position of the toothpick move towards White Dragon is its eyeball, and White Dragon can also feel the danger of the above-mentioned huge spear!

I didn’t think much about it. One of the faucets was a water pillar move towards that huge spear.

The water pillar hit the huge spear and took it a bit, but even so, the sharp head of the sharp head of the Move towards White Dragon shot a fiery Spear Qi!

The White Dragon only had time to reach out a dragon claw. When a crisp crash came, the White Dragon only felt a slight pain on the dragon claws. When you look again, the dragon claws appear on it. A deep scar.

The dragon claws are covered with tiny scales. To say that the hardest part of the True Dragon is a dragon claw, in addition to the bump between the dragon’s horns.

The dragon claws were actually left with a deep scar, so that their hearts could not help but be surprised. The water pillar continued to sweep out, and a blank was found in the fog, but Wei Xiaobei would be hiding in the fog. I swept it out.

“Bold! I am the West Dragon Dragon Palace, four Crown Prince!”

This White Dragon looked with disdain and embarrassment in his eyes, watching Wei Xiaobei be like a dead man.

However, Wei Xiaobei was not intimidated by the momentum of the White Dragon. The former water pillar was quite powerful, but Wei Xiaobei took advantage of the ability to sit on the Diaoyutai completely, ignoring the power of the water pillar.

Then the huge spear slammed and the fishing line was closed. The White Dragon’s eyes immediately shrank and the pain screamed. The leader couldn’t help but move towards the direction of the fish line, but was stabbed by the huge spear. Sting on the soft meat at the root of the dragon’s horn.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei knows the weakness of this True Dragon through Ao Yan.

This dragon’s horn is hard and hard, but its roots are soft and soft. It is pierced by huge spear, and instantly it is a bright red Dragon Blood jet, which then flows down the dragon scale.

This blow caused the anger of the lookout to rise, so that it no longer cares about the pain in the throat. The snow-white dragon tail swept over a mountain range like move towards Wei Xiaobei.

The dragon’s melee skills are three strokes, the top of the head, the catch, and the tail sweep.

Due to the strength of True Dragon’s body, even if these three strokes, any kind of Life Form is hit by it, it will not be good.

But Wei Xiaobei easily escaped the white dragon’s tail.

In the next battle, Wei Xiaobei can easily control the battle.

No matter how fierce this White Dragon is, even if Wei Xiaobei is unable to dodge, Wei Xiaobei only needs to start the ability to catch the gold carp, which will enable the White Dragon to move along the line of defense.

At this point, the White Dragon can’t think of Wei Xiaobei’s position while suffering.

The battle between Wei Xiaobei and the White Dragon is exactly like a pet, and the battle between Zhao Yun and the Black Dragon has already entered the heat.

At that time, the Black Dragon is already full of solutions. The water pillar, the thunder and the thunder, and the top of the tail, even if it is a mountain peak, will be flattened by the Black Dragon in a blink of an eye.

However, no matter how powerful the tricks are, Zhao Yun will underestimate it, and then he will counterattack a shot and hit a hole in the Black Dragon. (To be continued~^~)

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