Chapter 770, White Fog Shrimp Mother (seeking a monthly pass)

The first chapter is sent! This poor Daoist is working on codewords!


Wei Xiaobei grabbed the soul and smashed the squadron into ten squadrons. Each squadron was divided into four squads, each of which was ten people, and then divided into patrol areas of each squadron.

Wei Xiaobei’s task is to be responsible for the patrols of their respective regions. Once they are found to be hostile, they will immediately report them and then intercept them.

Of course, these squadrons overlap with Sea Shepherd’s patrol area, but this is not a waste of manpower.

After all, Sea Shepherd is indeed a lot worse than the sinister, and there are some things that Sea Shepherd may not be able to find, such as some guys who have a legitimate identity but are guilty.

You should know that the Yin soldier, as a soul, has the advantage that the Life Form does not have in Awareness.

Well, in a nutshell, in the eyes of ghosts, this world is totally different from what humans see.

As the Yin soldiers left the team and began to perform patrol missions, Wei Xiaobei collected the souls, crossed the reef area, and jumped into the sea.

Not long after, Wei Xiaobei’s head popped out of the sea and looked at all around. This area had a lot of shallow sea reefs, and it was late at night, so there were no ships. People came over, but it was quiet except for the slap of the waves.

Then Wei Xiaobei released the still life of the Norwegian sea monster from the Storage Ring.

This sea monster was hit hard by the arrived Wei Xiaobei before. At this time, even if it was released, it floated on the sea, the tentacles were soft, scattered everywhere, and dying.

Wei Xiaobei put it out instead of making it into ingredients. The reason is that this Norwegian sea monster is pregnant!

Well, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei is quite admired for this.

The two sea monsters will be pregnant for a while, and this amazing ability to multiply does not seem to be owned by this behemoth.

Everyone in this world knows a word, God gives you something, then you will definitely take away another thing, um. This sentence can be said to be true.

Just like the slightly more powerful Life Forms, elephants, whales, etc. in the real world, their reproductive power is weak, everyone knows, and those weak Life Forms are dozens of times more powerful than they are hundreds of times. Even thousands of times.

On the other hand, this Norwegian sea monster is so powerful, it is reasonable. It’s a normal thing to have a baby cub in a few hundred years, and one of them will be pregnant.

Especially after releasing the sea monster, Wei Xiaobei observed it. Make sure that a large number of eggs are already developing rapidly in the belly of this sea monster.

At this rate, I am afraid that it will not take long before these sea monster eggs will mature.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei stopped the hand that was preparing to dissect the sea monster, but waited in the sea.

After waiting for half an hour, Wei Xiaobei had some regrets, and the sea monster had hanged.

But after Wei Xiaobei scrutinized for a while, the horror was discovered. The eggs of this sea monster have not stopped developing due to the death of the mother, but have accelerated the development speed and absorbed the mother’s nutrition.

Tens of thousands of eggs have expanded in the body of the sea monster, gradually expanding from the size of the finger to the size of the fist.

Arrived At this time, the sea monster eggs seem to stop expanding, quietly staying in the belly of the sea monster.

But Wei Xiaobei can clearly see that these sea monster eggs are undergoing dramatic changes by inductive pulses.


Time passed quickly in the wait of Wei Xiaobei, and finally the sky began to shine.

In the process, Wei Xiaobei is not so leisurely. Basically, the sea monster should be attributed to the cephalopod in the zoological division. Well, it is the Life Form of the same type as octopus and squid.

A Life Form like this. After his death, the body will rot quickly. Gives a unique stench.

But this stench smell can attract many predators in the ocean.

Well, this half of the night, Wei Xiaobei was driving the sharks that smelled, and it was busy for a long time, even behind the arrived, two whales appeared.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei exudes a strong scent, which has a powerful deterrent effect on the Life Form like a whale, which makes the two whales finally turn around in an honest way.

However, Wei Xiaobei’s strong breath is much worse for sharks with simple brains.

Although these sharks did not dare to come, they gathered in the distance and made Wei Xiaobei extremely angry.

It’s easy to attract attention from so many sharks.

Fortunately, it is more remote here, and there will be no boat crossings for a while.

But the consequences of annoying Wei Xiaobei are not too good.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei simply cultivated more than a dozen White Fog shrimp mothers.

The dozens of guardian shrimps associated with the more than a dozen White Fog shrimp mothers moved toward the sharks in the first place.

To say that these sharks are rare among the oceans.

Even the King Squid, the sperm whale, is not difficult to deal with sharks, but it is difficult to catch up with them.

The rest of the Ocean Life Form is basically shark food.

So when I saw the dozens of prawns coming over, the sharks were excited, and the indifferent eyes brought some bloodthirsty light, and then the move towards the prawns rushed over.

But these sharks don’t know that these prawn are not ordinary prawns. The Creature Rank of each guarded shrimp is 2-Star, and even the strength of several guarded shrimps reaches the awarded 2-Star elite!

At the same time, these guarded shrimps also have the ability to corrode the poison. As soon as the two sides face each other, several sharks are torn into pieces by the guard shrimp.

Of course, the shark’s desperate counterattack is somewhat useful. At least two guarded shrimps are killed under the attack of sharks.

But it is only the last struggle.

Not long after, more than 20 sharks were exhausted and turned into food that was dragged back by guarded shrimp.

And those White Fog shrimp mothers, after eating the shark’s body, temporarily camped in the shallow sea, began to lay eggs, and produced their own shrimps.

The blood that came out after the sharks were killed attracted more Marine Life Forms. For a time, the more than ten White Fog shrimps had no food shortages.

In the morning, Wei Xiaobei, who was soaked in the sea, picked up the phone of arrived Zhu Xinyi.

Wei Xiaobei’s current cell phone is not a common item. It is not tolerant of tank crushing. At least waterproof is no problem.

Zhu Xinyi called to let Wei Xiaobei go back to dinner.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei, who is guarding the body of the sea monster, has time to go back to eat, saying that he has something to go back to, and then Zhu Xinyi, don’t let the fishing boats on the island come here.

Well, the Wei Family Island is not as rudimentary as it was at the time of the start-up.

When the construction project entered the Middle Stage, Zhu Xinyi purchased three fishing boats on the board.

After all, it depends on the mountains to eat the mountains, the sea to eat the sea, Wei Family Island and even around the seas covered by several small islands is not too small, fishing for some seafood, can also make up for the island’s food.

As for the sailors of the fishing boats, it is enough to recruit some from the Kingdom of the Republic of Bosnia and then pick some from the population of the island.

At noon, the eggs originally produced by the White Fog Shrimp have been hatched, and millions of shrimps have been swept through the sea. Wherever they are, whether it is kelp and other marine plants, or various fish, Shell Wait, all the nets are exhausted.

In this scene, Wei Xiaobei’s brows are straight and wrinkled. To be honest, these White Fog shrimps are too edible. If they let them flourish in a disorderly way, I am afraid that it will take half a month. There is no such thing on the Wei Family Island. Aquatic production.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei moved the White Fog shrimp mothers to the nest, and some White Fog shrimp mothers moved to the outskirts of the islands, and some White Fog shrimp mothers were placed in the deep sea.

Of course, for these White Fog shrimp mothers, Wei Xiaobei still limits the number of its reproduction, at least not beyond the proliferation of aquatic products in its surrounding waters, and never allows them to feed on those marine plants.

This is very important. If the seabed’s marine plants are lighted up, it will be equivalent to destroying the Life Form chain in this place from the grassroots. It is more troublesome to recover.


After giving orders to the White Fog shrimp mother, there was a thought in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Since I am worried that these White Fog shrimp groups will destroy the ocean, why not cultivate some marine life forms for the White Fog shrimp group?

Well, this is a good idea.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei squirted the shredded pork from the left hand palm, took some algae genes from the sea, and let the White Fog shrimps take some of the plants around the seabed.

Compared with cultivating fish, it is better to cultivate some algae or kelp that can be used for photosynthesis.

At the time of Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the genetic maps of the algae are constantly emerging.

Well, the genes for this algae are simpler than other Life Forms.

Of course, if you simply copy these algae, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have to cultivate it.

Well, to be honest, the speed of algae is very fast, but these algae breed more slowly than the white Fog shrimp.

Wei Xiaobei needs to select the subjects for genetic modification from these algae or marine plants.

Well, in these plants, there are fast-growing, fast-growing, survivable, and photosynthetically efficient.

After some selection, Wei Xiaobei finally chose the algae with the highest photosynthetic efficiency.


This kind of algae is usually a single cell. It can be proliferated every 20 hours. It is widely distributed in the world’s major water bodies. Its cells have high fat and carbohydrate content. While performing photosynthesis, it can also absorb other Organic compounds grow.

And its photosynthesis efficiency is more than ten times that of other common plants!

Of course, due to various limitations, the number of such chlorella in nature is not too large. (To be continued~^~)

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