Chapter 769, Pointing Yin

The third chapter is sent! The brothers with the monthly ticket don’t hide! ! !



A few minutes later, a farm of 200 acres was found in the botanical garden.

To say that a farm covers an area of ​​200 acres and is placed in some farming and animal husbandry countries, it is simply a miniature farm.

How big is the two hundred acres? About 13 10,000 square meters, which is 300 meters wide, 400 meters long rectangular block.

But such a small farm, after being placed, is also more delicate.

A white stone railing, about two meters high, divides the entire farm into sections, with large open spaces, several barns, two warehouses, and a small pond.

Wei Xiaobei then cultivated some Common Persons separately, arranged them to settle on the farm, first planted some grass seeds, and then took the pipes of the underground reservoir and filled the small ponds.

After that, Wei Xiaobei turned over in the Storage Ring.

Well, there are still life, there are half Evil Thought mermaid 100, Fire Crow eggs 162, Red Bi eggs 11, fat mouth 5, mutant ivy seeds 2800, red meat crab, Ribbon fish A number of shells, small shells, a variety of cannibal plants, a number of rattan, hundreds of blood, and a life of Norwegian sea monsters.

Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised, and unconsciously, there were so many things in his Storage Ring.

Well, half Evil Thought mermaid is put into a small pond, they are fresh water Life Form, just right.

Fire Crow eggs, Red Bi eggs and several Fire Dragon Cliffs are handed over to Common Person and placed in a separate railing.

Fat mouth eggs are temporarily not available, if placed in the farm. I am afraid that after the hatching, the farm will not be able to shut down. It will be troublesome to turn the farm and the botanical garden into a desert.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei dug a few ponds on the farm, poured it into the sea, and opened the red meat crab, the Ribbon fish, the shellfish and the small shell.

The best place to say these guys should be the shallow sea area near Wei Family Island.

But if you put them in the sea. It will take a long time to run away.

This Dust World Life Form is still better in your own hands.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want to create a marine ecological disaster.

Various canna plant seeds were planted separately in the outer periphery of the botanical garden. Wei Xiaobei alone prepared several Sea Shepherd, and several Common Persons were responsible for the cultivation of these cannibal plants.

And the mutant creeper seed, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to plant in this botanical garden, the fun of the game is too strong.

It was cultivated by Wei Xiaobei genetically modified and developed a creeper, which was planted outside the wall.

These cultivating creepers are not as aggressive as the mutant ivy, but will trap the nearby Life Form.

Of course, cultivating a Life Form will be greatly weakened compared to its strong original.

The mutant ivy is the 3-Star ordinary creature, and the cultivating ivy is dropped directly to the 2 star. Of course, if you accidentally fall into the vines that cultivate the ivy, even if it is 3-Star’s ordinary Life Form, it may be difficult to escape.

This is a lot of work. The things in the botanical garden are treated even temporarily.

Before leaving the botanical garden, Wei Xiaobei enters the warehouse and harvests the various spices in the reserve, and the grain is included in the Storage Ring.

This batch of spices, the quality of food has not yet reached the requirements of Wei Xiaobei, but at least it is barely enough, compared to the actual ingredients, it is beyond a lot.

As time goes by. In particular, when the spring water base is filled with thousands of Youth Spring Water and the effect of youthfulness is activated, the quality of the crops in this botanical garden will be greatly improved.

Of course, this also takes some time to wait.

Back at the villa, Wei Xiaobei put some of the food and spices into the warehouse of the villa and informed mother.

Arrived dinner time, meals made from ingredients produced by the botanical garden. It really makes everyone eat like it.

This has little to do with cooking techniques. After all, the quality of the food is largely linked to the quality of the ingredients, while the ingredients produced in the botanical gardens, even with the most inferior craftsmanship, are taken for a long time. There are also some benefits to the body of ordinary people.

After dinner, Wei Xiaobei remembered the Master family and First Senior Brother. Then Zhu Xinyi was called over.

Listening to Wei Xiaobei asking about this, Zhu Xinyi was a blushing thing. There were too many things. She was too busy to forget to tell Master about this. A shameful sense of dereliction of duty suddenly spread in Zhu Xinyi’s heart.

It turned out that after coming to Wei Family Island, Master asked Zhu Xinyi to transfer Cheng Sisi’s student status from China to the Arrived University of Rosnia, and Wei Xiaopeng as a classmate. The old couple are reluctant to laugh, and they are simply streaming. Renting a house on the island of Snia, how to say it is a little closer to the daughter.

In order to take care of Master’s family, First Senior Brother followed the capital island.

Usually, Master’s family will return to Wei Family Island to play, this time is the time to start school, so Master’s family has returned to the Capital Island.

Listening to Master, First Senior Brother and so on, there was nothing unexpected. Wei Xiaobei sighed in relief, relieved Zhu Xinyi a few words, and immediately released the Recognizing Master’s Storage Bracelet to Zhu Xinyi as a gift.

For the gift that Master suddenly gave to himself, Zhu Xinyi was very surprised, but it was rare that there was no resignation. He took the Storage Bracelet and left with joy, but Wei Xiaobei was quite a little used to it.

Well, these are all trivial things, Wei Xiaobei smashed his head and threw the mind of Zhu Xinyi into the mind.

Well, yes, the things of the USA Special Forces came to the mind of Wei Xiaobei, which caught the attention of Wei Xiaobei.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei got up and left the room. After greeting with Zhu Xinyi and others, he went straight to the reef area in the east.

After coming to the reef area, Wei Xiaobei chose a giant reef and sat on it.

At this point, the sky has become very dim, but for the next thing Wei Xiaobei, the sky is still too bright, so Wei Xiaobei needs to wait.

Time passed by, and gradually, the sky became dark, but the moon slowly rose to the sky and sprinkled the bright moonlight.

Today, the weather in the sea area of ​​Wei Family Island is not bad. Wei Xiaobei watched the moon rise to the top of the sky, and then took the soul from the Storage Ring and took out the 1 exchanged with City God. Bottle half City God water!

The use of this City God is to create a sinister soldier and resurrect the sinister.

In order to strengthen the defense system of Wei Family Island and prevent family members from doing something, Wei Xiaobei finally decided to use the City God.

Ignite the three-column sandalwood and put the soul of the soul in front of the sandalwood. Wei Xiaobei sat on the cross-legged and did not move, but just slowly recited something in his mouth.

With the burning of sandalwood, the wind of all around seems to be getting colder, and the soul of the soul is slowly drifting in the wind.

At this time, in the reef area, only the slap of the waves was left. Under the light of the moonlight, the darkness reflected in the reef area reflected a little Terror.

Not long after, a pale-looking human figure flew over the move towards the soul.

Well, Wei Xiaobei took a look at the soul of the soul, and most of the ghosts that responded to the souls were missing.

Well, from the form of these ghosts, it should be the shipwrecked people in the waters of the Kingdom of the Residents, and even some of them are still in the form of costumes hundreds of years ago.

It seems that in the ocean, the survival time of these ghosts is much stronger than the land.

With the appearance of the first ghost, in just five or six minutes, the number of ghosts gathered around Wei Xiaobei has exceeded more than 400, and there are more than a thousand different pieces of the soul.

If you record this scene, it would be a good idea to change it into a thriller title.

Well, although there are many shipwrecks on the ocean, the ocean area is relatively large. The number of ghosts is so high. The speed of increase has been slow. Wei Xiaobei has not lost time any more, completely ignoring the ghosts’ threats to themselves and reaching out. Then open a bottle of water and gently pat it at the bottom of the bottle. Hundreds of drops of water will fly out of the bottle, and the ghosts will fall over.

In fact, these ghosts became excited with the appearance of the water of the earth. After that, the water of the earth fell into their bodies, causing them to be covered by the mist that filled them.

After a long while, the first yin soldier appeared, move towards Wei Xiaobei, and then stood there honestly.

Well, these sinister soldiers are all transformed from the ghosts gathered by the soul-stricken scorpion. So whoever is holding the sorcerer’s hand, these sinisters listen to who’s orders, which are carved into them by the spirits. In the soul of the body, how can not change.

Soon, the more than four hundred ghosts were transformed into sinister soldiers.

In the hands of Wei Xiaobei, half of the bottle of water was consumed.

Well, these sinisters are enough for the time being, and the bottle of water is left. Wei Xiaobei is ready to keep the sinister soldiers.

At the City God Temple, Wei Xiaobei put a lot of sinister-related things out of Xiong Biao’s mouth.

This sinister sinister is white, it is a kind of goods, used to scare ordinary people okay, if you encounter a bloody generation, these nascent sinisters want to be close is impossible.

However, after seven days, these sinister soldiers will be a bit more powerful, and they will be able to get in touch with some physical things and have a little lethal effect on the living.

In short, the longer the squadron survives, the more powerful it will be. Over time, there are several powerful military sergeants like Xiong Biao.

In this way, this extra spiritual water needs to be prepared.

If the invaders are killed or injured, the waters of the land can be resurrected and healed.

Although the Yin soldiers after the resurrection have had a period of weakness for a period of time, they are much stronger than re-converting the Yin soldiers.

After about ten minutes, the squadrons were transformed and arranged in a square array, standing in front of Wei Xiaobei. (To be continued~^~)

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