Chapter 771, Radiation Experimental Area

The second chapter is sent, is mad code, do not know if you can catch up, Fusheng immortal Tianzun!


Wei Xiaobei made a series of adjustments in his genetic map and added some other algae genes. After several experiments, he got a new type of Life Form.

Rapid propagation of chlorella mother!

This fast-growing chlorella mother can proliferate in a half-hour after full photosynthesis, but the progeny of reproduction do not have the ability to reproduce, but can grow rapidly.

This is also a helpless thing, cultivating Life Form is not really a real Life Form, it is very good to be able to breed a generation, like those of Fire Drakonid, there is no ability to multiply at all.

This is one of the pitfalls of Life Altar’s nurturing of Life Form.

But this is enough for the White Fog shrimp group.

The number of fast-growing chlorella mothers released in a meat group exceeds hundreds of millions! These algae will be directly parasitic in the White Fog shrimp mother, and when the White Fog shrimp mother lays eggs, the fast-growing chlorella will be implanted into the egg.

After the eggs are hatched, the shrimps form a symbiotic relationship with the algae. The chlorella multiplied by the algae will become one of the food sources of White Fog shrimp to reduce the ecology of the White Fog shrimp. Damage to the environment.

Of course, this is just an emergency solution.

The best way to do this is to transplant the photosynthetic gene of Chlorella directly into the White Fog Shrimp Mother, allowing the offspring to produce photosynthesis.

But this is not something that can be done in such a simple way.

If you want to transplant a plant gene into an animal without causing a gene breakdown, it will take a long time to experiment.

At least, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have enough time to experiment with this at this time.

It will be enough for the time being.

As the White Fog shrimp group continued to leave, Wei Xiaobei discovered that there were some changes in the eggs in the sea monster.


Those eggs that have not been inflated for some time have formed a body type of complete sea monsters. These small sea monsters continue to move toward the elastic egg shells under the control of the desire to survive. Attempts to drill out of the egg shell that has become cold.

Well, if this sea monster is still alive, then this time, it should be time to send the egg out of the body, but because the mother is dead, the life is cut off, there is no excess nutrients to supply these eggs, let these eggs feel Arrived crisis of survival.

Finally, a small palm-sized sea monster rips the egg shell. Drilled out, in the first time, the little sea monster began to swallow the egg shell.

As the little sea monster smashed out of the head, there was a rustling sound in the sea monster. If you heard this sound in the dead of night, I would scare people.

But what happened next did not let Wei Xiaobei know what to expect.

The first sea urchin who had eaten the egg shell may not have enough food. Even if he aimed at his own brother, the delicate tentacle stretched out in a blink of an eye, and he was busy feeding the egg shell next to him. The little sea monster is entangled. The mouth above the tentacle bites down, causing a fierce scream.

The atmosphere of peace was broken at this moment.

The warriors who seemed to have the command of the total attack at this time had moved towards the brothers around them and launched the attack.

Ok. For a moment, the sea monster’s belly became a miniature battlefield.

Well, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know much about this kind of compatriots.

To give an example, that is the shark.

A considerable number of species of sharks are either viviparous or viviparous.

That is, the eggs hatch in the mother’s stomach and then produce.

But after the shark eggs hatch into a small shark in the mother’s stomach, they will start the first game of the fittest after coming to the world!

Any small shark that can survive from the mother’s body, after leaving the mother. They are able to adapt to this sea world and have a greater chance of surviving.

However, the mutual killing between these little sea monsters seems to be no less than those of the little sharks. In the twinkling of an eye, many small sea monsters are scarred, and even a few sea monsters are killed on the spot and become their own brothers. food.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei was still unable to stay in the sea.

Although this is considered to be the survival of the fittest. But these little sea monsters can be regarded as a great wealth in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei. If they kill each other and die too much, the loss will be a little big.

In the hands of Wei Xiaobei, White Fog Dragon Spear stroked the belly of the seahorse.

After several consecutive shots, the sea monster’s belly broke open. A small sea monster like a tidal wave, together with some broken bodies, rushed out.

But even after leaving the mother’s stomach, these little sea monsters are still strangled.

Wei Xiaobei had to stretch out his right hand. The little sea monsters were included in the Storage Ring along with the sea monster body.

Although these little sea monsters only have the Creativity Rank of the 1-Star elite, their growth potential is not small.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei called Zhu Xinyi and arranged one thing.

Surround the eastern reef area of ​​Wei Family Island with a large net.

Wei Xiaobei is going to use this belt to breed those sea monsters.

Under the arrangement of Zhu Xinyi, um, mainly the role of a large amount of banknotes, more than a dozen fishing boats coming from the country, busy for a few days, surrounded the eastern reef area with a large net.

Well, it’s a bit overwhelming with water, but at least a Marine Life Form with a volume greater than a certain range is a bit difficult to get out of the reef area.

This large net was originally used by fishermen to breed marine fish.

Of course, if you want to rely on these big nets to prevent the small sea monsters from leaving, the reliability is only below 20%, and as the size of the small sea monsters continues to increase, I am afraid that those big nets are not likely to withstand the tears of the sea monsters.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei has arranged some backhands on these large nets after the layout of the big net.

To put it simply, the genetics of the mutant ivy are modified, and while weakening the aggression, some marine plant genes have been added to make it grow in the sea.

Of course, due to the nature of its climbing, Wei Xiaobei put these cultivating ivy on the big net. In just a few days, these ivy reinforced the big net.

At the same time, as time goes by, these creepers will make the net become stronger, and some fish that dare to approach will become their food.

After the sea monster farm was roughly arranged, Wei Xiaobei put the little sea monsters out of the Storage Ring.

I have to say that the previous killing in the mother’s stomach caused serious consequences.

The number of tens of thousands of small sea monsters surviving is less than three thousand.

Of course, there may be a lot of wounded sea monsters entering the Storage Ring, and then released, some can not adapt, and thus die.

Three thousand, probably enough, if there are tens of thousands of small sea monsters, the waters in the eastern reef area are not enough for these small sea monsters to grow.

After putting the sea monsters into the sea, these little sea monsters are probably scared, but they may also get a lot of space, and they will not continue to kill each other, even if they are scattered, move towards seabed, reef gaps, etc. Hiding in.

In order to ensure the food of these little sea monsters, Wei Xiaobei asked a fishing boat to specialize in food in this area, and at the same time mobilized a White Fog shrimp mother to station in the sea, millions of White Fog shrimp brought back in the big net Patrol, once a small sea monster escapes, then waiting for it will be death.

Well, after all, Wei Xiaobei is not likely to stay here anytime.

However, if you want to have enough food, these little sea monsters should be more honest in a period of time.

After arranging the little sea monsters, Wei Xiaobei went to the capital of the island of Resna, and visited Master, Master, First Senior Brother and Cheng Sisi.

After returning, Wei Xiaobei went straight to the northern part of Wei Family Island.

Well, this is the Forest District of Wei Family Island.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, it is only a sapling area.

A large number of saplings suitable for the tropical island environment have just come alive, and of course many saplings are in a state of imminent death. After all, compared to the fertile bird excrement soil of other tropical islands, the mountain forests from Earth’s Luck are here. It seems a lot poor.

Well, this situation is much better after Wei Xiaobei added Yggdrasil juice to the watering pipe.

But I hope that these forests will take shape for quite some time.

After Wei Xiaobei came over, he first cultivated a Large group to dig Earth Pig and excavated a large pit in the center of the woods.

To say that the soil layer here is only a thin layer, but under the efforts of the Earth Pig, the rock roots below can not block their sharp teeth.

After digging out the pit, Wei Xiaobei immediately put the hundreds of black blood in the Storage Ring and even the blood in the pit.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is going to use this as a special radiation research site.

Of course, Loki’s finger radiation is too strong. With the area of ​​Wei Family Island, if Loki’s finger is placed here, I am afraid that the whole island will be in the range of radiation. In that case, it will lead to any disaster.

To know the special radiation released by Loki’s fingers, it can make any kind of living body evolve rapidly!

But the direction of evolution is hard to say. Of course, most of them are mostly Monster in the eyes of normal people.

But this black blood is not the same, it also has a special radiation effect, but it is not too strong, but it is much better for research.

As for those blood people, Wei Xiaobei is used to protect this blood lake.

After all, even if it is a sinister, Sea Shepherd patrols around the island, and there may be some loopholes.

However, after the black blood and bloody people were released, Wei Xiaobei found that the amount of black blood seemed to be too small, the amount of radiation was too thin, and the blood people were dying.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei reluctantly put some of the concentrated black blood that he had refined into the pit, and then incorporated some sea water.

With the concentration of black blood and the injection of sea water, the blood people in the pit gradually recovered their vitality, but the look at Wei Xiaobei was with fear. (To be continued~^~)

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