Chapter 753, Valkyrie

Finally caught up, this poor Daoist chapter can be described as code is vomiting blood, fingers are quickly fighting each other, the keys are lost two, miserable.


Is this something one of the favorite foods of the swan woman?

Vomiting, Wei Xiaobei thought that the beautiful and pure swan woman would actually take this thing as food, and the stomach was a bit uncomfortable.


If you can, Wei Xiaobei would like to step on the other side, but now he can only use the White Fog Dragon Spear to open the other side.

A step, Wei Xiaobei leaped from the worm, White Fog Dragon Spear swiped from his skin with a shot, the green blood spattered, and a long wound appeared on the back of the worm.

With this blow, the worm seemed to be furious, and the fleshy body shook, and the tiny thorns that covered the whole body flew out as they shook.

Wei Xiaobei has a defense in advance, White Fog Dragon Spear swings open, shuā shuā shuā, will shoot the fine thorns of his own.

On the contrary, those Common Persons are not wary, or they can’t be prevented at all, and there are dozens of silent and silent.

Well, the most shocking time, after the worm shot the fine thorn, the body shook a few times, and a black spot appeared on the pitted skin. When the time was counted, those black spots grew rapidly. How long has it been, the fine thorns that it shoots have grown back.

I have to say, how much and how much to die from this hand, the ordinary enemy.

However, Wei Xiaobei is not an ordinary enemy. In the blink of an eye, he once again squatted back. In his hand, the ghost spear turned into a gun, and he heard a series of sounds.

The worm mourned for a while, and there were more than a dozen holes in the body.

But let Wei Xiaobei be a little surprised. This worm has a very quick recovery ability. The scar that had been swaged by huge spear has now recovered more than half.

However, in the face of Wei Xiaobei, the worm’s injury recovered faster and was useless.

The eyes swept over the worm, and Wei Xiaobei looked for the achilles heel of the worm.


Huge spear turned into a cold light, coming out of the hand, like a smashing arrow shot by the siege giant. In the blink of an eye, it penetrated from the head of the worm, and the next moment flew out from its tail and eventually disappeared. When it reappeared, it was returned to the hand of arrived Wei Xiaobei.

Arrived at this time, the giant force attached to the huge spear came out in the worm’s Eruption, and the worm was torn into pieces in an instant, just like a heavy artillery shell exploding, and all the around was covered with worms. .

Wei Xiaobei shook the huge spear, okay. This White Fog Dragon Spear didn’t stick to the worm’s body fluid, otherwise Wei Xiaobei was a little disgusting.

Kill the worm. Harvesting 500Evolution Points is a small supplement.

Drive the Common Person to continue on the road.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei took the worm’s genes. As for the minced meat, it looks good, but Wei Xiaobei, from a small psychological shadow, eventually used the worm’s minced meat to absorb it with Life Altar. Material reserve.

Used to cook?

Forget it, Wei Xiaobei really didn’t have this idea.

In the next journey. Accidents occur frequently.

There are worms, beetles like the beetle, and some cannibal plants, but the Common Person who lost the road has lost a lot. When Wei Xiaobei climbs a Giant Yggdrasil branch, the Common Person is left. Less than ten people.

But then again, those Monsters are not weak, the lowest 3-Star is common. The highest 3-Star Terror is to provide Wei Xiaobei with 8000 Multi Evolution Points and Life Altar material reserves, in addition to some cannabis seeds.


The Common Person, under the command of Wei Xiaobei, searched along the Yggdrasil tree branches.

But not long after. A spear was inserted in front of the Common Person with the wind, and then a person jumped out from behind a leaf. Blocked the progress of Common Persons.


It is a heroic warrior!

Wei Xiaobei, who got the message, looked at the other party through the eyes of Common Person.

Yes, it is the English spirit warrior, the armor on the body and even the breath, Wei Xiaobei is too familiar.

In front of the gathering place of the spirits warriors?

Wei Xiaobei recalled a little in her mind and found that the gathering place of the last heroic warriors was not this branch!

In other words, in front of the branches, there may be new places where the spirits gather.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but get a little excited.

the reason is simple!

Wei Xiaobei The Youth Spring Water base has not been fully completed, and it would be great if you could get the new Youth Spring Water base from the spirit warrior tribe.

Just when Wei Xiaobei thought about the beauty, the Eruption conflict between Common Person and the heroic warrior.

The heroic warrior is 2-Star Terror Creature, and the Common Person is 2-Star. Therefore, in the presence of the spirit warrior, if it is duel, the Common Person is the object of being crushed.

But the current Common Person has the skills of the Eight Extremities Fist. The eight Common Persons are swarming up, but they are killing the heroic soldiers.

But this is also the short-lived advantage of forget it.

As more heroes emerged, the Common Persons were killed one by one.

For the Common Person who suddenly appeared on Yggdrasil, these spirited fighters were wary and then dispersed to try to find the Common Person’s lair.

Undoubtedly, these heroic warriors recognized the Common Person as a foreign enemy.

Of course, even more heroes can’t find the Common Person’s lair.

Wei Xiaobei, while looking at the gaps of the heroic soldiers searching around, quietly moved toward the front of the branches.

This branch is a thicker one in the Yggdrasil branch.

Its light is more than ten kilometers in diameter.

Well, looking at the surface of the branches, I can’t recognize it as a branch. It is covered with a thick layer of mud. It looks like no difference to the hilly area. There are some hills and trees, vines and shrubs.

As for the length of the branches, Wei Xiaobei can’t see the end at a glance, at least more than a hundred kilometers!

Wei Xiaobei walked more than 60 kilometers before seeing a lake.

In the lake all around, there are some wooden buildings, and some heroic soldiers are lining up in the square.

However, after Wei Xiaobei’s eyes swept over the lake, the corners of his eyes could not help but twitch.

In the center of the lake, there is a small island with a log cabin on the island. A white horse with golden wings is eating fresh grass at the edge of the island.

Wei Xiaobei recognized it at a glance, this white horse was the original Valkyrie mount!

There is no doubt that the swans that swim back and forth on the lake are swan girls.

This is what Wei Xiaobei didn’t think of.

Was the heroic warrior here conquered by Valkyrie?

Of course, even if it is conquered, Wei Xiaobei will not feel strange.

Among the Nordic myths, the English spirits were originally transformed from the soul that Valkyrie recruited from the battlefield.

Only after the battle of Ragnarök, with the fall of the Nordic Gods, the spirits were separated from the Nordic gods and became the social life form on this Yggdrasil.

Anyway, after Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, the heart was on the string and was a lot of vigilance.

The only problem now is that I didn’t see Valkyrie.

The strength of this Valkyrie, Wei Xiaobei was seen after the last time I entered Yggdrasil Dust World.

Pushing back with Wei Xiaobei’s current strength, Valkyrie’s Creature Rank probably should be above 4-Star Terror.


Wei Xiaobei made up his mind and never swayed before he saw the Valkyrie!

Although I came over and wanted to steal the pieces of Youth Spring Water, Valkyrie was inevitable. Once I was targeted by the other party, I am afraid that it would be difficult to escape.

Time passes by.

Wei Xiaobei built a hut with Yggdrasil leaves on a large tree, while cultivating some weak pigs to monitor the movement of the lake from all sides.

This is a necessary preparation. If Wei Xiaobei keeps his eyes open, his eyes will easily attract the attention of Valkyrie, and the pigs will be different through the weak.

The strength of the weak pig is extremely low. Even if it is discovered by Valkyrie, it will only be considered as a peep of some weak Life Forms, and will not be too concerned.

After about three days, there was movement in the lake.

A group of green light was transmitted from the lake and rose into the sky, forming a beam of light.


Wei Xiaobei looked at the green light column and felt so familiar, then I thought about it.

By the way, I have seen such a scene when I merged the pieces of the base together.

Could it be that?

When the green light column dissipated, the lake immediately rushed, and the heroic soldiers gathered in the joyful cheers beside the lake. Even the white horse with the golden wings came together.

Separated by the lake, a beautiful and alluring woman in a golden armor carried a long gun on her right hand and a disc on her left hand, with a faint green light on the disc.

That’s right!

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel a little excited, the disc is the Youth Spring Water base!

Unexpectedly, Valkyrie even collected a lot of pieces and restored a base!

However, this discovery also made Wei Xiaobei’s face slightly gloomy.

This base is in Valkyrie’s hand and it is not so easy to steal.

Valkyrie then carried the base into the small wooden house, and after it came out again, the base was gone.

Undoubtedly, Valkyrie put the spring base in the wooden house!

You must wait for Valkyrie to leave before you have a chance!

But in the next few days, Valkyrie didn’t leave at all, either practicing the heroes on the lakeside, or going back to the hut, not knowing what to do in the hut, and then taking a bath in the lake.

Well, from this point, we can also see the boldness of the Nordic gods, the red fruit with the body, and the half-point clothes are not worn.

If you are happy, you will go to the shore and pull a strong heroic warrior into the wooden house. As for what to do, you don’t have to say anything, everyone understands.

This is simply too much! !

Wei Xiaobei saw some gnashing teeth.

Ok, actually, Valkyrie’s action made him a little angry for it. (To be continued~^~)

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