Chapter 752, a strange body (seeking a monthly ticket)

Send another chapter, today the code word is a bit slow, sorry, is working hard…………


As Wei Xiaobei stepped into the squally winds, the winds of the winds suddenly increased again. Wei Xiaobei body swayed in the gust of the wind. If it wasn’t a jack-up, the body would be pressed into the ground more than two feet. Wei Xiaobei would have to repeat it again. Was blown away.

Next, Wei Xiaobei slammed the wind forward slowly.

However, this kind of move is undoubtedly very risky. It only went forward less than ten meters. One careless, Wei Xiaobei was a little bigger when he pulled the leg, and he was blown out again by the wind.

After being blown off this time, Wei Xiaobei looked at the golden Wild Boar body, and his brow wrinkled. He had to say that the wind was really bad, and the more he went inside, the bigger the wind, even one. In an instant, the surface can be scraped off.

After thinking for a while, Wei Xiaobei laughed and patted his head, but he was a little confused.

This simple method has been forgotten.

Take a shovel from the Storage Ring. This is also Wei Zhibei’s practice. It is harder and harder than the military shovel in reality.

Standing outside the windy area, Wei Xiaobei digs up the move towards underground.

The ground here is still semi-stony wood. It is faster to dig the Earth Pig to dig, but to be on the safe side, Wei Xiaobei chose to do it himself.

With Wei Xiaobei’s strength, let alone the semi-sony wood floor, even the hard granite, as long as the hardness of the iron shovel is enough, it can be easily digging.

After twenty seconds, Wei Xiaobei was completely out of the ground.

After identifying the direction. Wei Xiaobei will move towards the first shovel in the windy area.


Just dug out a small hole, and there was a gust of wind in the hole. Wei Xiaobei was accidentally blown by the wind and stuck on the wall of the wood behind him.

Well, this is just a small trouble forget it.

Wei Xiaobei then adopted the upper and lower Z-shaped mining mode. Even if the wind is strong, the Wei Xiaobei will be blown back a few steps at most, and it will be on the wall, and Wei Xiaobei can continue to dig forward.

Five meters. Ten meters, fifteen meters, twenty meters…….

I have to say that with such a squally excavation, the stamina consumed is at least ten times under normal conditions! At the same time, this up and down Z-shaped mining mode is more than three times longer than the straight-line mining.

Just dug out the straight line distance of 30 meters, Wei Xiaobei is a little sweaty, and feels tired than running a kilometer of heavy objects.

Fortunately, the coverage of this windy area is not too big.

After dug out a straight line distance of more than 50 meters. The wind blew away, and then Wei Xiaobei dig straight up. Until the ground is dug.


Wei Xiaobei took a long breath and dug the last piece of wood on top of his head, and then a piece of golden light fell.

At the first sight of the probe, the position dug out by himself was only three meters from the body of Gulinsbury.

But cautiously, Wei Xiaobei did not jump out in the first place, but carefully observed for a while before jumping out of the hole after determining that there was no danger. Come to the front of the golden Wild Boar.

Awesome Wild Boar!

At first, I looked at the golden Wild Boar, and I felt some pressure, but at such a close distance, Wei Xiaobei really felt the strong scent of the golden Wild Boar body.

Even though Gulin Brest has been dead for a long time, his body is still filled with a strong life, and a special atmosphere.

At the same time, Life Altar became excited and tried to spit out the shredded pork. Swallow the body of this Gullin Bourti.

But this Reflex of Life Altar was suppressed by Wei Xiaobei.

Just kidding, this is just one thing, let Life Altar swallow, maybe let Life Altar evolve again, but in Wei Xiaobei’s consideration. This is undoubtedly the lowest cost-effective use.

The right hand was pressed on the body of Gulin Brest, after a slight fluctuation. The golden Wild Boar with a body type of more than ten meters disappeared without a trace.

With the disappearance of the Golden Wild Boar, Life Altar seems to be very frustrated. Well, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, this Life Altar is getting more and more human emotions.

In order to comfort this Life Altar, Wei Xiaobei finally decided to take a point from the body of the Golden Wild Boar to meet the wishes of Life Altar.

After all, Life Altar is one with itself, and this Gulinbsti gene, Wei Xiaobei, is still very interested.

However, when Wei Xiaobei took out the golden Wild Boar body, he discovered that the golden flying pig that had been stunned into the Storage Ring had disappeared.


Things in the Storage Ring will disappear?

This is like the feeling that the Chinese currency in the bank suddenly disappeared.

Is it?

Wei Xiaobei thought for a moment, but thought about a reason.

Maybe the golden flying pig turned back to the mane?

Before, Wei Xiaobei did not count the golden hair of the Wild Boar, so now it is impossible to determine whether this is the case.

However, the only explanation is that this is the only reason.

Next, Wei Xiaobei found that the body of the golden Wild Boar was extremely tough. Simply put, even Wei Xiaobei could not cut the skin of the golden Wild Boar with a special peeling knife.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei had to use White Fog Dragon Spear, and finally poked a small mouth in his neck.

The pork squirted quickly and plunged into the small mouth, which was then taken back by Wei Xiaobei.

This is also a helpless thing. If you let this shredded fish, it is estimated that it will take a long time for this golden Wild Boar to become a skeleton.

But Wei Xiaobei was a bit stunned by the small mouth that was poked by White Fog Dragon Spear. After the pork was pulled back, the small mouth would disappear and disappear.

This corpse, which has been dead for so many years, has the ability to heal itself!

Wei Xiaobei feels that I don’t know what to say.

But there is no doubt that the body of this golden Wild Boar is a treasure!

If you have time, you need to study it in detail.

If it is not something that has not been done yet. Wei Xiaobei has the urge to return to Wei Family Island.

Re-integrating the golden Wild Boar corpse into the Storage Ring, Wei Xiaobei took a look at the status of Life Altar and has entered the evolutionary process.

This could not help Wei Xiaobei to marvel again.

The flesh and blood extracted by the shreds, at most, the point of the head, can actually let Life Altar evolve again, have to say that the value of this golden Wild Boar has improved a lot in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

Next, Wei Xiaobei lets the Common Person find the route to leave along the channel, and he finds it all around.

Since this golden Wild Boar is down here. Maybe this is a treasure location for the Nordic Gods?

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei has thought more.

After some searching, Wei Xiaobei regrets to discover that this is a giant tree hole, not to mention the empty sky, some are some of Monster’s skeleton, and the Common Person did not send back the information for a long time. Going out is the Yggdrasil bark range.

Wei Xiaobei puts all of Monster’s skeletons into the Storage Ring in the spirit of not losing the idea.

These skeletons are also useful and can be used to refine fertilizers. The needs of the fertilizers on the Wei Family’s botanical gardens are not small.

With some regrets, Wei Xiaobei left the tree hole and began to crack along the bark. Move towards.

This tree hole is more than two kilometers above the ground, and Wei Xiaobei can see some gray clouds at his feet.

Hundreds of Common Persons marched along the upward tree slit channel, and Wei Xiaobei followed the sneak peek.

Thanks to Yggdrasil’s ability to shield inductive pulses, those Common Persons are open in front, and once in danger, Wei Xiaobei can handle it with ease.

The danger on this Yggdrasil is not too small.

Up to a kilometer up, several Common Persons who opened the road in front disappeared.

It was a worm that was more than 30 meters long and attacked Common Person.

The poor Common Person didn’t have time for Reflex, and was swallowed by the worms that had been saved from the cracks in the tree.

The remaining Common Person is spread out. Use the iron gun in your hand to launch a counterattack against the worm.

But this worm does not care about the counterattack of Common Person, one by one, swallowing.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived, the worm had swallowed more than 20 Common Persons.

From the point of view of appearance, this worm is like the larva of the white butterfly, which is commonly known as the pig worm.

The body is barrel-shaped, fleshy, and has ten pairs of gastropods on the abdomen. The skin is yellow, with some black spots appearing, and the outer abdomen is covered with sharp fine thorns.

Don’t look at the fleshy look, you need to crawl and crawl. But its speed of predation is amazingly fast.

The body arched and then ejected. Can pull out the distance of hundreds of meters.

That is to say, within a hundred meters, those Common Persons are not likely to escape their killing.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t think too much, then the focus was on the worm!


Name: Yggdrasil larvae

Race: Butterfly

Gender: Female

Age: 15 years old

Creature Rank :3-Star Elite

Introduction: This worm is the larva of Yggdrasil butterfly. Yggdrasil is the most beautiful butterfly in the world, but it is the most poisonous butterfly in the world. Yggdrasil larvae are not toxic, but it is one of the favorite foods of swan women, but Yggdrasil’s butterfly butterfly has a weak reproductive ability, mature every 100 years…

Attribute : (slightly)

Skills: crawling, culling

Special Ability: Rapid recovery, spike spray

Evolution Points : X (Unable to accumulate Evolution Points)

Items on hand : none


With the start of Erudite, the body of the Yggdrasil butterfly larvae was thrown out, and it fell, and then the tense turned to the direction of Wei Xiaobei!

Undoubtedly, this little guy feels angry at risk.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has always had a bad feeling about insects such as pig worms. When I was a child, Wei Xiaobei didn’t like to go to the small playground of the school. The reason was that the small playground all around was covered with sycamore trees, and those sycamore trees. When the tree is arrived in the summer, it will drop a few pigs from time to time, making Wei Xiaobei disgusting. (To be continued~^~)

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