Chapter 754, ant mother

The first chapter is sent! I went to the graveyard today, and my mood is not so good, so the code word speed will not be too fast, I am sorry.


But soon, the turnaround is coming.

On this day, Wei Xiaobei lay in his own hut, communicated the weak pigs through telepathy, and watched all around, with a boring look on his face.

Suddenly, a trace of extremely slight vibration came from below.

Well, this a trace vibration can not be found at all if it is not Wei Xiaobei’s induction attribute is relatively high.

But after feeling the shock of this a trace, Wei Xiaobei’s face was a bit awesome.

The initial point of this a trace vibration should be on the bottom of the Yggdrasil dry!

And let Yggdrasil be able to generate vibration, and the vibration spread so far, showing how fierce the initial impact!

At least, Wei Xiaobei can’t do this!

With the shock of this a trace, Valkyrie, who originally pulled a strong English warrior into the log house, finally got a move!

Half of the fruit rushed out of the wooden house, wearing a battle armor, and screaming in the mouth.

Suddenly, in the building around the lake, a team of heroic soldiers rushed out and gathered on the shore of the lake. Even the swan on the upper reaches of the lake fell on the lakeside and turned into beautiful girls.

White Horse has already rushed to Arrived Valkyrie, Valkyrie crossed the white horse and slammed again. The white horse was a long squat, then accelerated, and the time was taken out of the branches, move towards Yggdrasil and rushed down!

The swan women also followed, and as for the English spirits, they moved toward the trunk.

In short, this probably is something to force Monster to kill next to Yggdrasil.

Otherwise, Valkyrie won’t be so confused.

Wei Xiaobei looked at the lake after forcing the mind to see and see it. The brow was slightly wrinkled.

Although Valkyrie left, but the swan on the lake did not leave, and three heads swam back and forth on the lake, and the lake’s heroic warriors also left more than two hundred.

These strengths are undoubtedly left behind to prevent invasion by foreign enemies.

Well, to put it bluntly, it is used to defend Wei Xiaobei, a kind of stealing chicken and dog.

Three swan girls, two hundred heroes? I don’t know if there is any arrangement in the small island house?

The swan fairy, although known as the demigod, is due to the Nordic Gods. Especially the fall of Odin, the strength of these swan fairies has declined, and its Creature Rank is only 3-Star Terror.

Well, two hundred heroic warriors are the objects crushed by Wei Xiaobei.

On the surface, it is impossible for these left-behind guys to block Wei Xiaobei.

The only problem is that in the log house, or before the left-behind have been killed, Valkyrie may return.

After a while, Wei Xiaobei did not act rashly. Instead, I lay back on the small bed made by Yggdrasil’s leaves, and there was a row of genetic sequence diagrams in my mind.

Shuā shuā shuā, after some modifications and integration. Wei Xiaobei extended his left hand and spit out the shredded pork to form a slap-sized meat mass.

After a few minutes, the meatballs burst and a mixture of prawn and ants appeared from the inside. How to see how weird.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes fell on this combination of Life Form, but did not pay attention to whether its appearance was ugly, but started Erudite to check it out.

After viewing. Wei Xiaobei shook his head and spewed the pork again, and the strange Life Form was directly melted and recovered.

Once and for all, the cultivation of the life, the Life Form drilled from the meatballs, can be described as grotesque and varied.

Wei Xiaobei At this time, it is natural not to have nothing to do, but to cultivate a Life Form suitable for battle on Yggdrasil.

simply put. Just let that Valkyrie be too busy to care for himself!

Wei Xiaobei’s most initial idea is to nurture some of the faster Life Forms, and if Valkyrie comes back, seduce them.

But after that, Wei Xiaobei overthrew this idea, but used the White Fog shrimp as a template. Add a group of social Life Form genes such as ants, bees, etc. and modify them. Even some of the golden Wild Boar genes have been added.

Of course, the addition of this gene does not mean that the Life Form produced by the stereotype can have the characteristics of those Life Forms, which requires constant experimentation and modification.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei is already very skilled in this area, coupled with Unfathomable’s Life Form genetics skills, the speed and efficiency of the experiment is enough to compare with hundreds of professional scientists.

Finally, a Life Form that made Wei Xiaobei more satisfied was born.

Name: Ant mother

Race: Cultivate Life Form

Gender: Female

Creature Rank :2-Star Normal

Introduction: The Life Form is cultivated by White Fog shrimp mother, ant, mouse, termite, Yggdrasil larvae, and has the ability to multiply Terror….

Attribute :

Strength :5

Agility : 12

Vitality : 15

Intelligence :8

Induction: 5

Charm: 5

Skills: fast eating, crawling, flying, swimming

Special skills: Terror reproduction

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : none

…… ..

This so-called ant mother Creature Rank is very low, also 2-Star is ordinary, and light from the point of view, does not meet the 2-Star common Creature Rank.

The attribute is very low, only the Agility Vitality exceeds 10.

But Wei Xiaobei is really satisfied with the ant shrimp mother. It is not bad to say that the 8 point Intelligence is very good.

The body type of the ant mother is not large, no slap, long cylindrical body, like a combination of ant and prawn, back with a row of twelve pairs of wings.

Wei Xiaobei put the ant on the palm of her hand with a smile on her face: “Go, let them panic.”

The ant mother’s Intelligence is not low. Although she can’t see much wisdom, she can understand the meaning of Wei Xiaobei’s words.

The wings began to fan, and the ant mother slowly flew out and moved towards the cabin.

The ant mother is slow to fly, probably only the speed at which humans run.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei tried not knowing how many times, and this time I adjusted the special skills of Terror to breed, so it doesn’t matter if the attribute is lower.

The material consumption of breeding ant mothers is not large, and an ant mother consumes five hundred masses, so Wei Xiaobei has cultivated ten heads in one breath.

And these ants did not build a nest on this branch, and flew a few other branches, each chose a big tree to fall.

The ant mother’s mouthparts are particularly sharp for eating wood. It doesn’t take long to get into the trunk. Then the wings fall by themselves. After swallowing a lot of wood scrap, the abdomen quickly expands and begins to lay eggs quickly in the trunk.

Not long after, a lot of finger size, like ants, reptiles after the prawn combination will make the tree riddled with holes.

One day, two days, three days…

Valkyrie will return every three days.

On this day, shortly after the departure of Valkyrie, the remaining spirited soldiers suddenly discovered that the buildings around the lake all began to collapse silently.

When they checked, they found that the buildings were hollowed out, and the thin layer of skin on the outside was completely composed of a large hole.

The most irritating thing for them is that from these collapsed buildings, dense insects are drilled, and move towards them to launch an attack!


When did the little bugs dare to move towards the great heroic warriors?

These worms are also half a slap in size, but they cause great trouble to the spirits. Many heroic soldiers will be bitten if they are careless. Even some insects with short arms can make the spirit warriors Residual.

After a riot of horses, the heroic warriors repelled the worms, but a little bit of an inventory, the faces of these heroic warriors were green.

The two hundred-year-old heroic warriors actually had more than 30 deaths, and more than one hundred were injured more or less.

Not yet waiting for the British spirits to take a break, the worms are coming back again, and even the larger body type appears. The largest worm is standing on the ground, and the height is approaching the waist of the heroic warrior.

It was another melee. The bugs even attacked the edge of the lake. If it weren’t for the three swan women’s urgent take action, it would not be a problem for the heroes to be destroyed.

Perhaps it was an urgent conversation with the rived swan woman, and Valkyrie rushed back alone.

Just after Valkyrie returned, the bugs launched the offense again.

Although Valkyrie throws a rifle, a big move kills 90% of the bugs, but after Valkyrie checks along the path of the worms, his face is green to the extent of mung beans.

The roots of the branches in which they lived were nearly half-small, and all the branches were hollowed out by the worms from front to back. Even when Valkyrie probed, there were more than ten meters of giant worms. !

The appearance of these bugs involved a lot of Valkyrie’s energy.

The reason is simple. The war under Yggdrasil needs Valkyrie to dominate, and these branches are hollowed out. Valkyrie also needs to extract energy. The most terrible thing is that Valkyrie can’t cause too much damage to Yggdrasil, otherwise it will speed up the aging of Yggdrasil. .

Therefore, it is impossible to take the action directly to kill these branches together with those bugs.

Dry the branches together with the bugs, then Yggdrasil will hang a little less.

Well, the current situation, Wei Xiaobei did not think before.

The shrimp ant worm that the ant mother breeds originally refers to the size of the head, but after the foraging to the Yggdrasil sap, the amazing change has occurred, the strength has become stronger, and the body type has become larger, some of which were originally The more excellent individual is the change of heaven-shaking.

To put it simply, the shrimp ant worm, which was originally only 1-Star’s ordinary strength, has become able to confront the heroic warriors, and all aspects have been greatly enhanced!

At the same time, the sheer number is enough to make Valkyrie a headache.

Well, to be honest, this makes Wei Xiaobei look a bit stunned.

Think about it, how hard it was to drill the Yggdrasil sap, and these shrimp ants quickly plunged into the tree and ate the Yggdrasil sap. (To be continued~^~)

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