Chapter 742, aircraft carrier! (seeking a monthly pass)

The first chapter is sent! Today I feel a bit dizzy, the code word speed is very slow…………


Photon turrets can be attacked in about eight seconds to ten seconds, which means that every eight to ten seconds, Earth Pig will be killed thirty to forty!

The range of the photon turret is about three kilometers!

The normal running speed of the Earth Pig without accelerating is about 60 kilometers per hour, which means that the time required to rush into the Protoss base needs 3 minutes! Enough photon turret to attack 19 times or more!

At the same time, as the distance gets closer, more photon turrets will be put into the attack!

In fact, if it wasn’t for Wei Xiaobei’s Arrows to continually destroy those photon turrets, it would be impossible for the hordes of Earth Pig to be killed by the photon turret before it rushed into the Protoss base.

Anyway, when the first head of Earth Pig hits the photon turret, there are still eight hundred pigs left!

Nearly half of the Earth Pig was killed in the process.

This is also a helpless thing.

It is as if the ancient cavalry launched an assault on the infantry with the bow, and before the rush into the enemy, the distance on this road is close, relying on human life to fill!

Of course, at this time, with eight hundred Earth Pigs rushing into the Protoss base, even those photon turrets are still emitting light, but it is the last resistance.

The photon turret is sturdy, and when the Earth Pig is rushed to an altitude of 300 kilometers per hour, it takes only ten miles to dig the Earth Pig in a row, and it can completely destroy a photon turret.

Although, in this case, Earth Pig will hang up most of it, but it is worth it.

Arrived at this time. Wei Xiaobei even sent a signal, an old-fashioned signal thunder, and after he pulled out the fuze, he was thrown into the sky by Wei Xiaobei.

Well, the length is also one foot. The signal thunder weighing about three pounds is thrown into the sky by more than one hundred tons of strength. What kind of situation would this be?

Probably a dazzling beam of light.

The signal thunder will continuously emit dazzling sparks and smoke, forming a distinct trajectory in the passing air.

See this signal. Zhao Guang took the lead and rushed out. The closely closely behind is more than forty core disciples. These core disciples have been selected in the third batch. The previous two batches have been transferred to Wei Family Island.

Of course, compared to the previous core discipline, these core disciplines are better than ordinary humans for some get it.

Instead, that Xu Feiyang gave the arrival of the rear.

This is not Xu Feiyang is not active, you know, now Xu Feiyang also knows the benefits of killing those Monster, nothing else. My own eight-handed card was originally in the middle of Inner Energy. I didn’t expect to break through in the recent period, and my strength and so on have also increased.

There are such benefits. How could Xu Feiyang stay behind?

But the problem is that Xu Feiyang was pulled by Colonel Zhang Lixuan.

The reason for pulling is to ask if your troops can launch the general attack.

Well, this Colonel Li Xuan is not stupid. He can see clearly in the telescope. Monster has already collapsed. At this time, it is impossible for the investigative team to fully recover the credit.

How to say that his troops also paid a lot of sweat and blood.

I heard Zhang Lixuan say this, Xu Feiyang didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and repeatedly promised to report upwards. I will not forget the merits of the National Guard, but in the end it is still dangerous to say that the National Guard is better not to go forward.

After some hints that the credit will be given up, Xu Feiyang finally broke free from Zhang Lixuan’s hand. After a while, he rushed to the Xingling base.

Well, the Xingling base at this time has become a good place for the core disciples to practice their fists.

Ok. The photon turret is too dangerous. After Wei Guangbei arrived in Zhao Guang, the two together tried to destroy the remaining photon turrets. When the core disciples rushed over, they could fight the fans who had just rushed out of the factory. It is. Of course, the first ones that need to be eliminated are those probes.

The probe doesn’t look much. But they are able to transmit a photon turret, the factory lights up, that is, as long as these probes are still there, then the strength of the Protoss base will continue to rise!

Wei Xiaobei took the battleship transmission factory as the first target.

No way, although there are flying wings, but the battle in the air is completely different from the ground, it is absolutely impossible for the Protoss to transmit any kind of warships.

But then again, from a distance, the warship transfer factory was not too big, but when Wei Xiaobei approached, it was discovered that the factory was too big.

One large and one small two round shuttle-like structures are connected together, and the bottom is a pointed-shaped support. The overall orange color looks magnificent and has a sci-fi color. It is covered with some windows and those blue. Light is transmitted through these windows, and the whole is like a Giant’s science fiction stadium.

At this time, the blue light shining through the buildings of this Giant has been a lot faster than before.

Wei Xiaobei can predict that I am afraid that the factory will deliver the first flying object.

Well, because I don’t know what it is, Wei Xiaobei can only call it flying.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei did not have enough time to destroy the factory. He had to carry the huge spear, climbed to the top of the factory, and stood waiting for the entrance of the Giant.

Waiting for the unknown flying thing to appear, even Wei Xiaobei took advantage of this time and cultivated a flying wing.

This is also a helpless thing. If you don’t equip yourself, it may mean that the flying object is hanging yourself.

Let the wing be fixed on himself, and Wei Xiaobei stared at the entrance and exit, and refused to remove it.

To say that Wei Xiaobei had planned to get into the factory before, to make a big trouble, and to open up the belly, it is not impossible to achieve the strength of Wei Xiaobei.

But Wei Xiaobei just had this idea in his life, and there was a great fear in his heart!

There is no doubt that this is the Early Warning of the Wei Xiaobei action.

Early Warning like this has rarely appeared before, and every time it appears, Wei Xiaobei is about to make an extremely dangerous choice.

Of course, if such a choice is successful, then it may be of great benefit.

Wei Xiaobei stopped without thinking.

Take your own strength. In the absence of a possible benefit, there is absolutely no need for risk.

Well, the difference between seeking and killing in the rich and the dangerous is probably here.

At this time, the Xingling base was completely in a chaos. Due to the destruction of the photon fort, the base lost more than 90% of counterattack.

Even under the command of Zhao Guang, those core disciplines surrounded the factories, and once there were new fans, the dragon knight appeared. In the blink of an eye, it will be chopped up by the big knife of the core discipline. After that, it will not be cut into pieces, and the death is certain.

Wei Xiaobei At this point, the induction pulse, the electromagnetic field will cover the Xingling base, and these movements naturally can’t beat him.

I have to say that Zhao Guang looks at appearance, that is a young girl, but in fact, his father must have his son, with a superb name such as Zhao Yun as father. Zhao Guang’s brain is not as simple as that.

As a result, the factories in the Protoss base can make the core discipline an endless source of profit.

Well, even after Xu Feiyang arrived. They all rushed into the crowd.

Of course, this is dangerous.

After all, the fanatics will not say, melee units, in the face of the siege, it is difficult to counterattack, but the dragon knight is not the same, may be shot before the death, it is fun.

Although Zhao Guang is watching. But in a few factories, it is hard to say that there will be no accidents.

The core discipline can die, but if it is so worthless, it will be a big loss.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei secretly gave orders to the remaining Earth Pig. At the crucial time, these Earth Pigs can also serve as a meat shield.

Of course, at this time, the number of Earth Pigs left is not much. More than three hundred, and many have injuries.

Well, these Earth Pigs are not hanged in this battle, and Wei Xiaobei will deal with them afterwards. After all, these are Earth Pig. It is also impossible for Wei Xiaobei to bring the plane.


Just as Wei Xiaobei had a lot of thoughts in his mind, there was a slight shock between the factories at his feet.

This vibration then gradually increases. Let Wei Xiaobei feel like he is standing on a Giant generator.

At this time, the brightness of the blue light transmitted by the warship transmission factory has reached the ultimate, and it is almost impossible to make people look straight.

Suddenly, a hot stream of air is ejected from the exit.

According to the feeling of Wei Xiaobei, the temperature of this airflow is at least a thousand degrees.

Fortunately, for the current Wei Xiaobei, the temperature is lower than 3500, which is basically drizzling.

With the advent of this airflow, a giant yellow round egg head with a width of more than forty meters slowly moved out from the exit.

This is just a part of some kind of flying device.

Wei Xiaobei quickly made a determination, while looking at the focus, launched Erudite!

Name: Aircraft carrier

Race: Star Family (self-proclaimed Protoss)

Gender: None

Age: 0.01 years old

Creature Rank :4 Star Elite

Introduction: The aircraft carrier belongs to the absolute main force in the armed strength of the Star Protoss Empire. Usually, the Star Fleet Commander will set up his military command center on an aircraft carrier. Any aircraft carrier has the ability to build its own intelligent interceptor, while the powerful force field shields make them extremely powerful defenses, but in order to adapt to the atmosphere, the foam built-in structure makes the aircraft carrier lose the force shield. After becoming extremely vulnerable. The aircraft carrier does not have any weapon systems, but the large number of interceptors it carries makes it easy to become the hegemon of the universe battlefield. Every time you start an aircraft carrier, you need to inject a hundred souls of the Protoss…

Attribute : (force field shielding)

Skills: flying, making interceptors, interceptor command,

Special Ability: Force Shield

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : None.

………(To be continued~^~)

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