Chapter 743, invisible force field

The second chapter is sent! During the Ching Ming period, the rain was raging. This poor Daoist suddenly found that the Ching Ming Festival was to be arrived, and the bears and children had to take a holiday. Hey, this poor Daoist is also impossible to sleep.


I have to say that when Wei Xiaobei saw the aircraft carrier’s attribute, he could not help but be impressed by the powerful power of the star family.

There is no doubt that an aircraft carrier like this can fly not only in the atmosphere, but also in combat in space.

Comparing the strength of human warfare, perhaps the nuclear bomb can be used. As for other weapons, there are actually some places that cannot be used.

Take Sam’s uncle’s aircraft carrier fleet. If you encounter an aircraft carrier of the Stars, I am afraid it will be abused.

People can easily rise from the ground several meters into the space of the universe, that is to say how to fight how to fight, but you can not hit others, this is the strength gap in war technology.

Of course, the gap in the atmosphere may not be that big.

In any case, the aircraft carrier is slowly flying out of the warship transmission plant.

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei jumped on his legs and jumped.

Huge spear is in front, while falling, the m m move towards the aircraft carrier’s outer shell.


A soft bang, just as the huge spear stabbed the outer shell of the aircraft carrier, a transparent force field emerged on it, and it was easy to fly the sharp gun head out.

It must be said that the aircraft field’s force field shield is much stronger than the fanatic’s fine Divine Power shield.

Falling on its outer shell, the action is free to move, Wei Xiaobei is like a suction cup under his feet, standing firmly on the aircraft carrier.

Relative to the aircraft carrier Giant. Wei Xiaobei is undoubtedly a small ant on it.

The width is more than 50 meters, and only the part that has already flown out of the factory is 70 meters long.

According to the proportion in the game, the length of this aircraft carrier may not be less than 150 meters.

Of course, this length is naturally much worse than the actual aircraft carrier, but think about it, such a warship can fly freely in the universe, not the battleships that can only float on the sea.

With the gun head down, Wei Xiaobei smashed three shots and was all flew out by the invisible force field shield.

no doubt. It would be difficult to rely on the sharpness of White Fog Dragon Spear to deal with this aircraft carrier.

After thinking about it, a trace wire arc rises above the huge spear, and a grid of arcs is quickly formed on the tip of the gun.

“Give me a drive!”

Wei Xiaobei lightly shouted, huge spear slammed down!

Sure enough, although the gun head was still bounced out, but it went deep into the invisible force field centimeters, and Wei Xiaobei also felt the slight shock from the foot.

carry on!

Since it is so effective, Wei Xiaobei will not give up, and the gun head will continue to stab. Every time it will be ejected.

However, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that the striking of the gun was being weakened. Undoubtedly, the huge spear with current can weaken the invisible force field attached to the aircraft carrier’s outer casing.

However, we have not waited for Wei Xiaobei to break the invisible field. The aircraft carrier’s body flew out of the transmission factory and began to take off quickly. Its speed of ascent was fast, and even Wei Xiaobei could feel a gust of wind blowing from top to bottom.

“My God, what is that!”

Undoubtedly, the huge body of the aircraft carrier quickly caught the attention of the National Guard.

“Is that Monster’s battleship?”

The chief of the armored unit felt a little bad. In any case, the tank was just a war weapon on the ground. Even the most advanced tanks face the most backward fighters, and they are only abused.

This is not an exaggeration.

The flying object originally had a great advantage for the ground target.

Moreover, the body type of the battleship is so Giant!

In fact, the length of this aircraft carrier is more than 180 meters!

It is like a giant cigar in the sky.

“Can you get it down?”

Mr. Colonel’s face was a little white, and he asked the staff around him unconsciously.

The young staff hesitated and immediately replied: “You can try with a long scorpion, but it may exceed the range.”

The so-called long raft is a Dan Bing shoulder-mounted air defense missile with a limit distance of 6000 meters. From here to Longwangjing Town, there is a distance of more than 4 kilometers, and the huge ship is rapidly taking off, it is difficult to say whether it can be hit.

Of course, even if it is useless, try it!

The colonel ordered it, and soon more than a dozen soldiers ran out of the bunker with anti-aircraft missiles. Start aiming at the target.

After the interest rate, a stream of fire spurted out. The missile quickly moved with the smoke and the giant ship flew over.

After the emergence of the huge ship, waiting for the fanatics near the factory, the core disciplines of the dragon knight appeared to be in trouble.

Zhao Guang’s Reflex is the fastest, and immediately ordered to destroy the factory and the crystal column as much as possible.

Xu Feiyang saw the smoke from the distance and couldn’t help but slammed into the call channel of the colonel and slammed the other party.

Xu Feiyang But when Wei Xiaobei jumped over the huge ship, the missile came over and it was hard to say that Wei Xiaobei would not be hurt.

But at this time the missile has been launched, even if Xu Feiyang can do nothing, can only look at it.

Wei Xiaobei is naturally looking at the more than a dozen anti-aircraft missiles that have arrived in the distance. He is not worried about himself.

He knows that these missiles look amazing, and it is effective to deal with helicopters, but it is a joke to deal with the aircraft carrier that was wrapped up in the invisible field this week.

Perhaps a surface-to-air missile with a range of more than a few hundred kilometers is of some use.

Seeing that the missile was about to hit the aircraft carrier, Wei Xiaobei also stopped the attack, and the legs were firmly nailed to the aircraft carrier shell, preventing him from accidentally being shocked and making a joke.

Although the ability to walk freely allows Wei Xiaobei to be flat on any solid or liquid, if the vibration is too large and he does not control the body, there is a possibility of falling.


A loud noise came, and the aircraft carrier’s body was slightly shocked.

A missile hit the side, but the flame of the explosion, the debris was easily pushed away by the invisible field.

Bang bang bang …….

A continuous explosion of sounds followed, even the flames of the explosion, smoke, wrapped up more than half of the aircraft carrier.

Such a scene, but it attracted the national guards who watched and cheered.

In their opinion, the Monster warship has been destroyed.

Well, from the point of view of ordinary people, everything that flies in the sky cannot be too strong.

If you think about it, you will know.

If the bird collides with the fighter in the air, it is not good, the fighter will crash, not to mention the air defense missile. Although this is only a shoulder-shoulder, Dan Bing air defense missile, but the power of the explosion is not too small. .

But the aircraft carrier soon threw the smoke behind the arrived, and the hull that appeared was so clean that there was no damage at all.

I have to say that those National Guards think more.

Under the protection of this invisible field, it is conceivable that the anti-aircraft missiles are difficult to destroy the aircraft carrier.

It can be said that the threat to the invisible force field after the missile explosion is far from the match spouse of Wei Xiaobei.

The reason for this is very simple.

After the missile exploded, the scope of the missile was very large, and it was smaller when it was scattered to each unit area. The white Fog Dragon Spear attacked the invisible force field only a small point of the gun tip, but gathered. Wei Xiaobei The power of the whole body!

Moreover, the current released by Wei Xiaobei on the huge spear has a weakening effect on the invisible force field.

But after such an attack, the aircraft carrier undoubtedly perceived the danger of arrested.

Well, although this wave of attacks does not pose any threat to the aircraft carrier, Wei Xiaobei knows that at least some of the energy of the other party is consumed. This invisible field cannot be supported by the so-called perpetual motion machine. The more violent, the more energy is consumed, which is inevitable.

Moreover, the aircraft carrier can not determine whether the enemy has a more powerful attack weapon, so that the aircraft carrier’s lift angle has risen from the previous twenty degree angle, suddenly changed to 90 degree angle!

After the hull tilted, it rushed vertically upwards.


The tilt of the 90 degree angle is nothing for Wei Xiaobei.

But in this way, the gust of wind blowing on the head suddenly increased by dozens of times!

Wei Xiaobei If it is not for a moment, the huge spear will be plunged into the invisible force field, and the angle will be tilted, the current will be increased, and the huge spear gun will be stuck in the invisible field. Wei Xiaobei will be mad at the moment. Blow it down.

There is no doubt about this. After all, Wei Xiaobei is standing on the invisible field. Well, even if it is standing on the ground, there is a huge force pushing, the friction under the foot is not enough, and Wei Xiaobei will also be pushed. .

Fortunately, the aircraft carrier flew in less than a minute and returned to its level.

But for a minute, Wei Xiaobei suddenly found himself on the edge of the arrived clouds. Above the top of the head, there was a bright sunshine pouring down. Below it was a thick cloud. At this height, it was calm.

However, the temperature here is somewhat low. Wei Xiaobei can feel the low temperature of the air and even condense a thin layer of ice on the outer casing of the aircraft carrier.

Undoubtedly this should be the so-called stratosphere, above the height of 10,000 meters!

Unexpectedly, the aircraft carrier’s height-lifting speed was asarized to such an extent.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was here for the first time in this situation. Although he had been in a lot of planes before, this time the situation was especially special.

Without any hindrance, the clouds are at their feet, and Wei Xiaobei seems to be able to touch the sun above the sky as soon as he reaches out.

Here, the air is extremely pure, although it is a bit cold, but it gives Wei Xiaobei an inexplicable feeling.

Just as Wei Xiaobei looked at all around at high altitude, a strange spurt of high-pressure airflow came. (To be continued~^~)

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