Chapter 741, Dark Church! (Is there a monthly ticket?)

The third chapter is sent, first go to the vegetable field to fertilize, move the muscles and bones, and then code the words, see the situation, if you can explode a chapter, it will explode a chapter.



Well, the enemy’s feeling for Wei Xiaobei is that the body is not tough, and the bowstring is easy to cut the other half into two!

Of course, the bowstring of the White Fog Dragon Bow is not thick, very thin, based on some common sense of physics, under the same force, the smaller the surface area, the greater the pressure generated by other objects.

Wei Xiaobei’s strength is not too small. When it is condensed on the bowstring, the pressure generated is probably the best alloy, and it can be cut.

In this way, it is not difficult to cut the other party into two pieces.

But this enemy who can’t see the figure is extremely embarrassed!

Yes, Wei Xiaobei licked the wound on his right arm and had some gnashing teeth. The guy was struck in half by the bowstring, and he even fought back. The gray knife lightly cut into Wei Xiaobei’s arm and cut it off. After several Muscles, even Wei Xiaobei’s arm bones were even smaller!

This is the first time Wei Xiaobei has suffered such damage while completely suppressing the other party.

To be honest, if you haven’t fully recovered, you will be able to take such a knife and you will feel bad. At least within five hours, you can’t recover completely.

Especially the arm bone, with the continuous washing of real mercury, Wei Xiaobei’s bone hardness is getting higher and higher, but it also brings some side effects, and the bone recovery rate is slowed down, which is one of them.

Well, after being cut in half, the guy who was able to hide his body under the Wei Xiaobei induction pulse finally showed his true side.

Still human form. The body is low, about 1.5 m, the body is cut into two pieces, the green sap is on the wound, and it is wearing a matte black dress, or a light armor. Of course, it is only after it is destroyed. s color.

Wei Xiaobei sensed the all around environment and did not continue to find danger, while Wei Xiaobei turned the electromagnetic field to the extreme.

No way, like this guy who can even escape the pulse. If you have a few more, you will be in trouble.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei gaze from the other’s clothes, body, and opened Erudite.

Name: Dark Templar Warrior Body

Race: Protoss

Introduction: This is the body of the Dark Templar. The Dark Templar is the high-end arm of the Protoss. It can hide the body in the air, even if it is intense glare, it can’t show its figure… .

Well, this so-called Dark Templar is after becoming a corpse. Many things are not seen, including but not limited to Creature Rank, attribute. Skills, special skills, etc.

And his clothes seem to be a baby, although it has become broken.

Name: Dark Hall of Invisibility Cloak (Broken)

Introduction: In order to further strengthen the stealth ability of the Dark Templar, the Dark Templar of the Protoss deliberately developed this invisibility cloak, which assists the Dark Templar to avoid most of the exploration modes, including but not limited to visible light detection. Mental induction, infrared detection, etc.


After reading the introduction of this invisibility cloak. Wei Xiaobei did not think about it, and then peeled the clothes off the body. Although the clothes had been glued with a lot of green juice, um, it should be the blood of this guy, but Wei Xiaobei still refused to give up and earned it into the Storage Ring.

Wei Xiaobei is still waiting to go back and study it, or recruit several experts in this area to study. In short, if the research is good, the value of its inner strength is conceivable.

Of course, if you can get a stealth coat without damage.

But this is temporarily impossible.

As the Dark Templar was broken by Wei Xiaobei, the Protoss base seemed to sense the death of the Arrived Dark Templar. The next moment, all the fans. The dragon knight, even the probe and a mechanical worm that slowly arched forward on the ground, um, that is, the golden beetle move towards this side killed.

Did you kill the big characters of the Protoss?

Wei Xiaobei saw this scene, could not help but get a spirit, and then found the Battlelog and looked up.

After this look, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but frown.

He suddenly found himself looking like a bit of a bad luck during this time.

If you don’t move, you will provoke some hatred of the enemy!

Battlelog: …the host killed the Dark Templar HUIYTE, the Dark Templar HUIYTE slammed back, causing minor damage to the host….Because the host killed the darkness of the young generation of the young priest HUIYTE, the host and the Protoss The dark sacred relationship, promoted to hatred… because the host killed the darkness of the young generation of the young priest, HUIYTE, host and interstellar human race relationship, promoted to be friendly……..

Well, one thing to note is that Wei Xiaobei feels that this is a special scrambled egg. He accidentally killed the younger generation of the leader, and then the dark church relationship became hatred.

Of course, this is not unhelpful, at least with the relationship of the interstellar human race.

After a little depression, Wei Xiaobei turned the White Fog Dragon Bow into a White Fog Dragon Spear, then left with a gun, riding an Earth Pig back, and slamming the Earth Pig with two orders to move the Move Pig The fanatics who rushed launched the charge.

This is also a helpless thing. In the case of a right arm injury, Wei Xiaobei wants to shoot an arrow. It is impossible for the time being. It is only after the arm is restored. It takes about five hours to recover the arm. That is, Wei Xiaobei is able to fight with a left gun. It is very good.

Without the means of long-range attack, Wei Xiaobei is a little stupid here, isn’t it for the dragon knight to hang himself?

Wei Xiaobei riding the Earth Pig and rushing to the front, a shot, and then a fanatic is running through the chest, and then a glimpse, the fanatics are like the shells into the most intensive places, and Not to mention a few fanatics, but at least the fanatics who gathered together broke up.

After three consecutive fanatics, the fanatics were confused, and Wei Xiaobei jumped from the Earth Pig, and the guns bloomed, leaving a head on the head of the fanatic, leaving a head on the head. a gunshot.

This is also a helpless thing. Wei Xiaobei had smashed the Earth Pig before rushing into the fanatic formation. Although he ran into a fanatic, he was killed by other fans.

Wei Xiaobei’s huge spear is no longer powerful, and it is impossible to keep the Earth Pig under the armpit while keeping the fanatics.

Of course, this is the origin of Earth Pig, Wei Xiaobei can easily produce thousands of heads, and it is not a matter of killing a few heads.

Compared to the first collision with the fanatics, this time, the number of casualties in Earth Pig suddenly increased.

The dragon knights behind the fans are able to kill twenty or thirty Earth Pigs, and the fans are also showing their enthusiasm. Even if they are hit, they will also use their wrists. The upper wrist knife left a wound on the Earth Pig.

Just counting the time, the number of deaths of Earth Pig has surpassed 500!

Among them are those killed by fanatics, killed by dragon knights, and even many of them killed themselves.

The loss of the Protoss side is much lower than that of the Earth Pig. The fanatics are killed more than 90, and the Dragon Knight is killed in six!

But if you look at the remaining number of these guys, you will know how much the loss of the Protoss family.

After the Earth Pig group rushed through, the fanatics were able to stand up to more than twenty heads, while the dragon knight had only eight heads left.

In other words, the strength of the spirit of the attack of the spirit is almost destroyed by the whole army.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay attention to the surviving fanatics. After just killing the dragon knights, he led the Earth Pig army to move again to the Star Spirit base to launch the charge.

The number of Earth Pigs with more than 1,600 heads gathered together. The sound of running was like a harbinger of an earthquake. Even the National Guard near Longwangjing Town found this strangeness.

“What happened?”

The colonel immediately dialed the phone number of the drone team. Due to the great danger of the helicopter approaching the Xingling base, the colonel deliberately transferred a drone team to monitor the movement of the Xingling base.

“Head, come over and see, those Wild Boar are crazy.”

When the colonel arrived at the bunker of the drone squad, he couldn’t help but swallow a bubble when he saw the video image transmitted by the drone.

I have to say that the scene where more than a thousand Earth Pigs are running at the same time is extremely spectacular, but even so, it may be difficult to break through the defense line established by the Star Spirit Base.

However, Wei Xiaobei showed a hand-running and kung fu, while running fast, and constantly shooting Arrows.

In the base of the Protoss, the photon turret was exploding in the attacks of Arrows.

Of course, those photon turrets also target the Wei Xiaobei, a powerful light group, from all angles move towards Wei Xiaobei, no matter if it collides with any object, it will make a dazzling explosion.

Well, these light groups looked like a huge explosion, but in fact, at most, the aftermath of the explosion hit Wei Xiaobei. In short, Wei Xiaobei’s skin was not damaged in the aftermath of the explosion.

However, the Earth Pig, which is closer to Wei Xiaobei, is more miserable.

Each illuminating group can at least allow an Earth Pig to sit on a dirt plane and ascend to heaven. The luck is that the three or four heads will fly together.

Moreover, after repeated attacks on Wei Xiaobei, the photon turret decisively shifted the target and began to move towards those who smashed the Earth Pig crazy spit out.

At this time, the total number of photon turrets in the Protoss base has exceeded forty-eight, and from the perspective of Wei Xiaobei, each time it will be attacked by more than twenty photon turrets! (To be continued~^~)

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