Chapter 729, Unexpected Recruitment

This chapter is Eruption! Doesn’t it mean that there is anything to update the power list to come out? I originally planned to save a little bit to save the battle list, and earn more votes. After seeing the updated data of Xian Xia’s power list, my heart was half-cooled, peat, and I updated ten thousand and twenty thousand a day. , this poor Daoist, even if the code is broken, it is impossible to keep up with this speed. Forget it, let’s save the letter first, let everyone see a good time, and then let’s talk about it after the sci-fi power list comes out.


A team of angels rushed down the mountain road, but these angels were killed by Wei Xiaobei in just one face. Not to mention Wei Xiaobei, the heresy that sneaked into Paradise Hill, and there was no chance to stop Wei Xiaobei from taking a half step.

Thus, after three consecutive angels rushed to death, no more angels appeared above the mountain road.

When Wei Xiaobei climbed up the mountain road and rushed to the second floor, a large circle of long swords, more than fifty formed into a circle, moved towards Wei Xiaobei, who had not yet stabilized on the second floor.

It turned out that these angels ambushed directly at the entrance to the second floor, ready to hit Wei Xiaobei, an unpredictable defense!

“Be bold!”

In the face of the ambush siege of the angels, Wei Xiaobei laughed, and did not dodge at all, letting those long swords stab themselves.

The archangel may not be pleased with this emotion, but at least know that his long sword stabbed the enemy!

But what makes these biplane angels puzzled is that the long sword that was in the past was stabbing the opponent’s body, and it seemed to hit a hard rock. Instead of being stabbed in a sword, it was suddenly erupted by a sudden Eruption. The strength will bounce back the long sword.

At least ten angels were injured under such a rebound.

“Deadly attracted!”

Although these angels can’t stop their progress, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want to spend too much time on the battle. After all, the time drags on. Then the chance of an accident is greater.

In such an environment of faint restraint, Wei Xiaobei does not want to meet some strong opponents.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know if this fatal attraction is useful for these angels.

But the next moment, Wei Xiaobei saw that many biplane angels lowered the long sword and did not continue to point to himself.

Undoubtedly, these biplane angels should be fatally attracted by the awards, making them a lot more good for themselves.

Even an angel who had pulled a sword moved towards his own companion launched an attack.

It should be that the ability to recruit and rebel is triggered!

However, in the end, it seems that the effect of the rebellion against the angels is somewhat weak. Of the fifty or sixty angels, only one angel turned to himself.

Of course, even so, the rebellion of this angel made other angels feel inexplicably strange. After successively stabbing several angels, the angels around the rebellious angels raised their swords in an attempt to kill the traitor.

Well, with the number of these angels, it is extremely easy to kill a traitor.

But Wei Xiaobei is not easy to see an angel fall to himself, where will give these angels a chance. Huge spear swayed, and all the angels around them flew out, then huge spear pierced. Turn the remaining angels into a lifeless body.

Of course, the bodies of these angels also quickly emit white light spots and disappear into the air.

Wei Xiaobei can easily see that the white light spots transformed by the angel corpses follow a trajectory, and the moving towards the birthplace of the angel in the center of the second layer flies past and disappears into the pool.


Seeing this scene, Wei Xiaobei gave up the pursuit of the remaining angels, but indicated that the rebellious angel was behind him. Then move towards the angel birth pool.

I have said it before, this is one of the key objectives of Wei Xiaobei’s trip!

Is there anything more to strike the angels than to tear down the angel’s birth pool?

See Wei Xiaobei move towards the birth of the angels, and the angels who escaped and turned around and chased them up.

For these angels, protecting this angel’s birth pool is their most important task at this time.

But this kind of catch-up is always useless. The angels that catch up are not even blocked, and they are stabbed to death by Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s strength is now far beyond these angels. So that these angels did not have a little bit of parry in front of Wei Xiaobei.

If these angels are not at all, there is no fear of emotions. I am afraid that they have long been scared by Wei Xiaobei’s killing.

In front of the birthplace of the angels on the second floor, Wei Xiaobei also refused to see if Life Altar digested the previous birth water, and then extended his left hand into the water, and then spit out the shredded pork. Start drawing.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei also observed the pool wall of this second layer of angel birth pool.

The first layer is a transparent diamond. The pool wall of this second layer of angel birth pool turned out to be red.

Wei Xiaobei immediately searched in his mind and turned over the memories of the related gems.

This fiery jewel is quite a lot, but there are not many expensive ones. Ruby and agate are famous for their flaming red!

This is another windfall!

Well, the pool wall of this second layer of angel birth pool is made of ruby.

I have to say that these angels have fallen into eight generations of blood mold, so it will be so hard, there are two angels born in the pool by Wei Xiaobei to the hard-cut cutting.

In the case that the angels could not stop, Wei Xiaobei once again did Looting on the second floor.

Well, actually, after consulting the betrayal angel, Wei Xiaobei discovered that in fact, in addition to the angel birth pool, his Looting method is not very clever, and does not say the second layer, there are still good things on the first floor. No search!

For example, Bright gems buried under the foundation of the bottom of the angel’s birth pool!

This so-called Bright jewel is the real gem!

These Bright gems are the gems that condense when Paradise Hill is extremely rich in energy!

Well, this Bright gems can only be produced in the Paradise Hill body, not the Paradise Hill projection!

It will move towards all around and indulge in white brilliance, even in the darkest places, it will be able to illuminate all around.

The most terrible thing is that Bright gems are extremely unstable! If it is slightly impacted, it will instantly release the positive energy contained in its inner strength!

Well, Wei Xiaobei wasn’t very keen on returning to the first layer to dig gems. After all, time is too tight. If you can, Wei Xiaobei wants to break through two layers, leaving those angels with an unforgettable memory.

But once I heard that Bright gems have such characteristics, Wei Xiaobei’s mind has emerged with more than a dozen ways to make full use of this feature. Well, if you are careful, refine it into a special one-time implement. It is not impossible.

Ten bright gems hidden under the angel’s birth pool. It took about five minutes for Wei Xiaobei to be included in the Storage Ring.

Thanks to the inductive pulse, Wei Xiaobei can easily locate the position of the Bright gemstone, thereby corroding the foundation with the corrosive poison attached to the White Fog Dragon Spear and removing the Bright gemstone.

This approach avoids the explosion of Bright gems caused by severe impact on the foundation.

After this, Wei Xiaobei returned to the first floor and took the Bright gems under the angel’s birth pool again.

Of course, during this period, some angels can’t avoid the behavior of courting death.

When Wei Xiaobei attempted to rush to the third floor, he encountered the most violent attack after entering Paradise Hill.

It was three four-winged angels who launched a surprise attack on Wei Xiaobei when he first boarded the third floor.

Compared with the two-winged angels, the fighting power of the four-winged angels has undoubtedly raised a step.

Within this Paradise Hill projection range. The strength of the angels is more or less arrived.

The winged angel upgraded the awarded 1-Star elite from the 2-Star elite and raised two small steps, and the projection of the four-winged angel was enhanced from the 3-Star elite.

Ok. Also raised two small steps.

Paradise Hill’s Bright strength purification effect, in addition strength to the three angels of the same level!

If you switch to other 4-Star ordinary Monster here, suffering from the siege of three four-winged angels, I am afraid it will only contain hate Jiuquan.

But Wei Xiaobei is not the ordinary 4-Star Monster, the three long swords are extremely fast, and they instantly stab the arrived Wei Xiaobei!

Well, in the position before the arrived Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei has now escaped the siege of three long swords.

He is not a fool, the long swords of those biplaned angels are nothing to poke on the body. But the four-winged angel’s long sword has some threats to himself.

Wei Xiaobei’s body structure is tougher, higher in density, and not diamond-built. Well, let alone, even diamonds are not indestructible.

Dodge, huge spear gently pick, three missed long sword was picked out. Then the guns were counted and the guns were closed.

At this time, the three four-winged angels have stopped at the same place, their eyes are sluggish, and there is a penetrating hole in their foreheads, which is slowly flowing out of blood and brain.

After the interest rate. The three four-winged angels fell one by one, hitting the ground and making a crisp sound.

Wei Xiaobei was a little sluggish at this time. This is the first time he took the action after the Hand-eye Coordination was promoted to the 60 point!

In his own vision, the three four-winged angels shrouded a layer of light like a sharp needle.

Well, this kind of light, the ordinary Life Form is impossible to see.

Only the current Wei Xiaobei can see it.

This radiance is actually a reflection of Life Form strength.

For example, the light on Zhao Yun is soft white light, but its inner faintness implies a sharp edge.

The light of Xiong Biao is as dark as a fog, which is more in line with his identity.

Well, as for ordinary humans, most of them are faint white light.

Of course, the stronger the light, the higher its strength.

What he didn’t think of was that when he was at Full Attention, the light of the three four-winged angels revealed some gaps, the most obvious of which was his forehead.


At that time, Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate at all. Huge spear even went through the foreheads of the three four-winged angels and killed them.

Sure enough, it is a weakness!

Well, this is a slightly unexpected surprise.

You know, the eagle eye control before Wei Xiaobei is able to see the enemy’s weakness, but not every time you can see the enemy’s weakness, and the weakness under the eagle eye control, it is extremely concealed, even Wei Xiaobei Sometimes it may not be able to find it, and it will disappear if you don’t pay attention. (To be continued~^~)

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