Chapter 728, Looting, Big Looting (seeking a monthly pass)

The third chapter is sent, look at the time, actually eleven, and this is too fast, right? I felt that 8 was only at night. Is the time flow rate of this poor Daoist different from others?


That’s right, this Paradise Hill is full of strong Bright atmosphere, and this Bright atmosphere is extremely pure, extremely repelling the external strength, so Wei Xiaobei’s right hand is stuck in, then the Bright breath is slowly purifying Wei Xiaobei The strength of .

Well, actually, Wei Xiaobei feels better with corrosion.

Corroding your own strength.

To be honest, even Wei Xiaobei’s strength is somewhat irresistible to the corrosion of this Bright strength. If a guy with a lower strength is allowed to go in, I am afraid that the strength will be directly weakened by 30% and further weakened over time.

This is the home of Paradise Hill!

Any enemy entering will be continuously weakened.

Wei Xiaobei pondered a bit. Then, in the meridians, the internal gas and the real mercury slowly moved, and a thin layer of hernia emerged and sticked to the skin.

Sure enough, with this layer of suffocation, Bright’s purifying effect on Wei Xiaobei was weakened a lot.

Wei Xiaobei began to sneak into the scope of Paradise Hill.

After entering Paradise Hill, the ubiquitous light made Wei Xiaobei have the illusion of being swayed by the sun, and it took a while to adapt to this environment.

Well, actually after entering the scope of Paradise Hill, Wei Xiaobei discovered that this real Paradise Hill projection is somewhat different from what I saw outside.

Surrounded by a floating island in Paradise Hill all around, it is somewhat similar to White Pagoda Mountain.

The entire Paradise Hill is bare, only the shimmering mud, but the seven floating islands above are birds and flowers, trees and forests. It added a bit of anger to Paradise Hill, which seemed a little empty.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed a piece of dirt on the ground and started Erudite to see it.

Name: Heaven’s Land (Ordinary)

Introduction: This product is produced by Paradise Hill. Its inner strength contains abundant positive energy, which excludes the existence of other elements, so that no crop can grow on it, but it can be made into a special fertilizer, and the effect is unknown.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh, this Paradise Hill is a treasure.

Even the soil visible everywhere is the land of heaven, which can be used to make a special fertilizer.

If it is not considered to dig a big pit to be more conspicuous. Wei Xiaobei has the impulse to fill two Storage Rings and one Storage Bracelet.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei also dug a few heavens into the Storage Ring.

Anyway, how many points to get in first, even if you don’t get the benefits for a while, it’s not a white trip.

Well, then again, from here to the foothills of Paradise Hill is a smooth road, even the half of the trees used to cover up.

Wei Xiaobei can only sway and move towards the foot of the mountain.

Well, perhaps Wei Xiaobei’s seduce plan is so successful that most of the angels around Paradise Hill are going to reinforce.

Smooth arrived at the foot of the mountain. Wei Xiaobei grabbed a piece of gravel and looked at it with Erudite.

However, the results of the inspection allowed Wei Xiaobei to re-enter the urge to dig. Of course, more is to take the entire package of Paradise Hill.

Name: Paradise Hill Stone (Finest Quality)

Introduction: This product is produced by Paradise Hill. Its inner strength contains a large amount of positive energy, which is extremely repelling the existence of other elements and is a good refiner material.

Absolutely good things!

Compared with the land of heaven, this Paradise Hill stone take action is Finest Quality, and the adjectives are different. The massive positive energy is extremely repelling the energy of other elements.

Just these two points. Wei Xiaobei probably figured out what this thing can be used to refine something.

What is positive energy?

To put it bluntly, it is light energy, um, probably not quite the same as the light energy in reality. In short, if this thing is done, it is absolutely a big killer.

But with Wei Xiaobei’s refining Skill’s Realm, it takes a lot of time to study.

Not much hesitation, Wei Xiaobei directly took a few boulder towering at the foot of the mountain to the Storage Ring.

Same as the land of heaven. Wei Xiaobei didn’t charge too much, too conspicuous.

At the foot of the mountain is the first floor of Paradise Hill.

Well, the structure of Paradise Hill is rather peculiar. The whole mountain is divided into seven layers, each of which is suspended independently. But there is an incredible mountain road suspended in the air that connects the upper and lower floors.

Each floor is flat and the buildings are towering. Move towards all around emits more intense light, making each layer look bright.

It is said that the first floor is empty, all buildings have no angels, and in the center of the first floor is a rectangular pool of about 100 square meters, all around stands a statue of little angel.

Wei Xiaobei The main goal of coming in this time is this stuff!

Angel reincarnation pool! Also known as the Angel Birth Pool!

After discovering that there was no angel on the first floor, Wei Xiaobei went straight to the edge of the angel reincarnation.

This angel’s reincarnation pool is about half a meter deep, and it is milky white. It is also covered with thick thick fog and emits softer white light.

At this point, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel the message from Life Altar: “Absorb! I want to absorb this pool!”

Erudite! The eyes are individually focused on the pool water.

Name:Treasure Grade

Introduction: This object is transformed from the water of life and the positive energy through special blending, which can play the role of cultivating the angel body.

This so-called birth water, Wei Xiaobei was the first time I saw that the angel birth pool that was previously demolished by Wei Xiaobei had dried up.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei habitually looked at his pool wall, and his face could not help but appear strange.

The transparent pool wall is glass?

One foot wide glass wall?

Shouldn’t it?

Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate to start Erudite.

Then the introduction that emerged from the line of sight made Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised. The composition of the pool wall turned out to be a diamond!

Well, the thickness is more than one foot, the front, back, left and right bottoms, a total of more than 200 square meters of diamond pool wall.

To be honest, in Wei Xiaobei’s impression, the diamond is the standard round diamond type, um, the shape that is often used on the diamond ring.

Wei Xiaobei was the first time I saw a diamond like a glass wall!

I have to say that compared to the angel reincarnation projection that I encountered before, Wei Xiaobei is somewhat unable to determine between the two, who is worth more.

No matter what, close!

Wei Xiaobei didn’t have much time to think about it, and then he put his left hand into the pool.

Suddenly, countless shredded pork was sprayed into the palm of his left hand. In the blink of an eye, it spread to the pool and water, and desperately absorbed the pool of the angel’s birth pool.

For this birth water, Life Altar can be said to be the one who refuses to come. In less than ten seconds before and after, the pool is cleaned up.

But after so much pool water was absorbed by it, the left arm did not expand at all, and the pool water seemed to enter the bottomless pit.

But with so many pools of water, Life Altar seems to be indigested, which makes Wei Xiaobei’s arm shine a white light, but it is very conspicuous.

Well, Wei Xiaobei, who has passed the temperature rise, strength can’t control, height and so on, is completely ignored for this little trouble.

Take out the White Fog Dragon Spear and Wei Xiaobei is busy.

Although diamonds are the hardest natural substance in reality, they are still not enough to look at in front of the White Fog Dragon Spear with a sharp-edged gun.

With a slam, the tip of the gun was swept from the wall of the pool, and a straight crack appeared on the wall.

After eight cracks in the front and rear, Wei Xiaobei divided the wall into five pieces, and smashed it from the tight foundation and loaded it into the Storage Ring.

After packaging the Angel Birth Pool, Wei Xiaobei opened a big sweep.

Erudite explored everywhere, and all the treasures of low value were packaged into the Storage Ring by Wei Xiaobei.

Even the day, the little angel statue next to the birth pool was hardened by Wei Xiaobei from the base.

The reason is that this little angel statue has the effect of promoting the growth of Life Form, which can be used to assist the effect of the Youth Spring Water base.

As for some of the gems that are decorated on the building, they also suffered the Weiting of Wei Xiaobei.

As for the buildings that were not damaged by Wei Xiaobei, the reason is simple. The buildings are made of Paradise Hill stone, which is everywhere.

Of course, the biggest reason is that when Wei Xiaobei dismantled the angel’s birth pool, it seemed to alarm the upper layer of the angel.

Wei Xiaobei has listened to the sound of the winged fan coming from above.

We abandoned Wei Xiaobei, who continued the Looting intention, to arrive at the two-story mountain road. At this time, a team of about twenty bi-winged angels was descending along the mountain road.

Perhaps above these Paradise Hill, these angels are limited by the award, they can only fly in the air half a meter away from the mountain road.

This will undoubtedly make them lose their chance to escape.

Of course, when the angels encounter foreign enemies, they seem to seldom escape.

This team of angels just saw Wei Xiaobei running along the mountain road, Wei Xiaobei has already violently attacked, huge spear front, like a silver dragon, in the blink of an eye will be the number of angels who can’t catch up, turn them into It became a gourd stringed on the huge spear.

Until Wei Xiaobei shook the huge spear, the angels strung on the huge spear were smashed like rag dolls, and the rest of the angels came to Reflex.

However, they did not reach out to pick up their companions at all. Instead, they pulled out the long sword and moved toward Wei Xiaobei, letting the bodies of those companions fall out of the mountain range and move towards the foot of the mountain.

To be honest, the rest of the two-winged angels did not even produce the feeling of Wei Xiaobei’s teeth. They were stabbed again by huge spear, and turned into a gourd again in a blink of an eye.

Although Wei Xiaobei, the angel who went down to investigate the situation was killed in a blink of an eye, but no doubt he was exposed.

The second layer of Paradise Hill has uploaded more wing fans. (To be continued~^~)

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