Chapter 730, sinner!

The first chapter was sent, today the stomach is rebellious, probably because of the raw meat, oh………….


Well, it seems that with the Hand-eye Coordination entering the extraordinary level, this ability to observe weakness seems to have reached a new level?

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei didn’t think that according to this weakness, he would kill three four-winged angels as soon as he took a take action.

You know, even if it is temporarily upgraded to 4-Star, this four-winged angel is not so good to deal with. If you change it to the previous one, Wei Xiaobei probably needs five or six shots to kill the four-winged angel.

But now, one blows!

4-Star ordinary creature The powerful resilience is no longer possible at the same time as the brain is broken down, not to mention the essence of 3-Star elite forget it.

As the three four-winged angels fell to the ground, the angels flying from the third floor still moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

Well, this point, Wei Xiaobei has long seen it, the wisdom of the two-winged angel is very low, probably similar to his own cultivation of Life Form, but then again, its combat skills are not low, that is, some old-fashioned, to Wei Xiaobei feels like a robot.

Well, I said it before, they have no corresponding mood swings.

This is good and bad.

The advantage is that the emotions are indifferent, and there will be no morale depression. At the same time, when the number of these angels reaches a certain level, they will form a battlefield, and the move towards the enemy will be charged. Anyone who faces them will feel it. Very headache.

Compared to the second layer, the number of angels in the third layer is quite large.

The number of angels flying over is more than seven or eight hundred.

In order to end the battle as soon as possible, Wei Xiaobei immediately converted White Fog Dragon Spear into White Fog Dragon Bow. The right hand grabs three arrows and puts them on the bowstring. Even the aiming is not used. Let the three hands and the Arrows come out of the string. After forming the sound cloud, they will shoot into the rushing angels.

Bang bang bang !

Three consecutive violent explosions came, and those angels flying one meter away from the ground seemed to be in the center of the explosion, and they were instantly torn into pieces. It was thrown out by the shock wave, but more was shot by countless gravel spattered by Arrows hitting the ground!

It must be said that after the strength of the Arrows reaches a certain level, colliding with any object can cause a violent explosion.

What’s more, Wei Xiaobei now has the main main attribute upgraded to 80.01! I don’t know much more than the previous strength.

Well, the strength above my arms, the exact value, Wei Xiaobei has not been tested, but it is the strength of pulling the bow. At least more than one hundred tons!

More than seven hundred angels were cleaned up in the blink of an eye because of the intensive formation, but the remaining half of the angels were more or less injured. More to be thrown out and stunned, abound.

However, because these angels have no mood swings, although there are wounded soldiers everywhere, there is no angel who has a painful embarrassment. Any angel who can move is struggling to get up and move again towards Wei Xiaobei.

However, this time. Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the mountain road leading to the fourth floor.

Well, as I said before, this Paradise Hill projection has only the following three layers as entities, and from the fourth layer, all of them are not fully visible.

Therefore, half of the mountain road has become a translucent illusion.

To say such things, just like the mirage, is a false existence, no entity.

But just after Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on it. From the above translucent mountain road, there was a group of light-emitting groups that radiated white light and slowly flew down.

The diameter of the light group is also about two meters.

Very strong breath!

This light group falls in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, and its all around emits a sharp white light, like countless thin needles. Even when this white light shines on itself, the thin layer of her own outside body is even There is a tendency to break. Skin faint can feel a sense of acupuncture!


Have a big threat to yourself!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei feels arrived while seeing the light group.

thus. Even if the two-winged angels rushed up, Wei Xiaobei just swung the ghost spear and hit them back, while the eyes never left the light group!

When the light group broke away from the translucent mountain road and entered the physical mountain road, it suddenly changed. A golden light column descended from the sky and landed on the light group.

Suddenly, radiant, even Wei Xiaobei could not see what changed in the golden light column.

After the interest rate, the golden light column dissipated.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes can’t be shrunk.

Among the dissipated golden beams, an angel with three pairs of wings on his back, closed his eyes and hovered over the mountain road.

Six-winged angel! !

Whether it is a Western myth or legend, a novel, or a game, the Seraph is undoubtedly known as the closest to God! They are also known as the guardian of God, but the highest rank among angels, the length of angels!

In various religions, the six-winged angels also have different names and forms.

There are blazing angels, the seraph, or the six-winged serpent known as the burning snake.

However, the six-winged angel appearing in front of Wei Xiaobei is no doubt closer to the traditional six-winged angel.

“Holy, holy…..”

The loud voice suddenly rang over the Paradise Hill, like a roaring train, or a fighter flying low.

As the sound rang, countless white spot particles flew from all directions, and the move towards the six-winged angels gathered.

And the scent of the six-winged angels began to slowly increase with the accumulation of these white spot particles!

not good!

In a flash, the threat that hides deep inside is changed to the ultimate danger!

This transition is too fast!

Wei Xiaobei felt that there should have been some faint suppression of his Intuition ability, so that this dangerous prediction was completely suppressed, and now, as the opponent’s breath rises, this suppression fails, making the Early Warning awkward.

In any case, Wei Xiaobei knows at this time that if the breath of the other party is completely raised, then I am afraid that even if I escape, there may not be a chance.


Wei Xiaobei lightly shouted, huge spear forward, move towards the six-winged angel who has entered the third floor.


The six-winged angel whispered and screamed in Wei Xiaobei’s ear, but it sounded like a giant bell, shaking Wei Xiaobei’s rapid advancement.

But Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate at all, the whole body struggled a little, and Internal Qi locked! In the hands of huge spear, you have to throw it!

But the next moment, the six-winged angel opened his eyes and his eyes fell on Wei Xiaobei.


Another whisper sounded. At this moment, Wei Xiaobei felt that the gaze was as real as it was, and it was like a mountain pressing on himself!

With his own up to 80 point of the strength, under the pressure of this gaze, the legs and hands can’t move! The only thing that can move is the head.

“Abandoning the angels of God will surely fall, and black is their only affiliation…”

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that after the six wings used their eyes to suppress themselves, they didn’t even start to do it themselves, and they continued to whisper in their mouths.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei came with a scream of screaming.


Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but turn around and look at it. This screaming sound turned out to be the biplaned angel who was recruited by his own rebellious ability!

At this time, the winged angel slowly emerged from the black mist, and the back wing was gradually dyed black under the black fog.

At the same time, the omnipresent light meets the black mist, and the black mist is constantly being dispelled under the light, and this dispelling seems to have caused great pain to the angels, so that the emotions of its waves are drastically changed.

“Dirty sinners will eventually be purified under the light….”

At this time, the voice of the six-winged angel began to become high, as if the aria of the aria continued to spit out from his mouth.

With the high voice, the winged angel’s wing blackening speed suddenly increased, and in the twinkling of an eye, the original pure white wings became incomparably dark.

But the pain did not leave the biplanet, and the face of the winged angel also developed from the ugly direction of the beautiful move towards the ugly direction. The teeth in the mouth continued to grow, and soon the lips were extended, forming a sharp fang. At the same time, its skin also changes from white to move towards purple.

The most astounding thing is that the angel’s nostrils, mouths and even ears, even drilled a worm like a combination of cockroaches and locusts, making people feel sick and vomiting.

There is no doubt that this is the punishment of the six-winged angels against the betrayer. Wei Xiaobei can even feel the pain of the angel’s soul level.

Eventually, all around the light pressed down, silent, and the betrayal of the angels could not even spit out the painful screams, and disappeared into the light, leaving only a burning ash that slowly fell to the ground.

This is the means by which Paradise Hill controls the next angel?

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but narrow his eyes. The next one is probably going to be his own.

Although Wei Xiaobei’s hands and legs are suppressed and unable to move, this does not mean that all parts of the Wei Xiaobei body have been suppressed.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei’s meridians have turned into true silver in this period of time, and nearly one-fifth has become the silver-white color of true mercury. With the touch of Wei Xiaobei, those points that have been rendered into silver-white have begun. Accelerate the production of a trace of true mercury, speeding up the rendering.

In particular, the beads in the Dantian are constantly consuming the true mercury mixed in the Dantian, the internal gas, and the continuous emission of more pure real mercury.

And these real mercury are brought together and driven by the Wei Xiaobei mind, running along the meridians, the speed is more than ten times faster than when they are running! (To be continued~^~)

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