Chapter 727, the beginning of the battle (question for the monthly ticket)

The second chapter is sent, is it true that the anger value is full of slots? Haha, this poor Daoist feels good.


About the amount of material consumed by each high-temperature bird is about 60.

It has to be said that the improved high-temperature bird has a much reduced consumption of material during cultivation.

However, its combat effectiveness has not declined as a result, but because of the smaller size of the head, the flying speed has increased dramatically, which has greatly increased its combat effectiveness.

Their main mode of combat is the subduction of droves, using long pointed mouths, using the high speed generated during the dive, puncture the enemy, and hitting the enemy while high-temperature liquid in the body. Inject, to achieve the effect of double damage.

Of course, the drawback of this type of attack is that after each attack, the high-temperature bird needs to re-rush to the upper air, and the high-temperature liquid in the body needs time to re-secrecerate.

This is also a helpless thing. As the body type shrinks, its strength also shrinks. If you don’t apply the high-temperature liquid injection attack method, the killing effect will be in the face of some high Vitality enemies. Was weakened a lot.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei wants to transform some sinister soldiers if it is not easy to attract the attention of those angels by using the spirits of the ghosts.

Xiong Biao’s thousands of sinister soldiers and thousands of high-temperature birds will make a slap in the face, so as to seduce the angels in the Paradise Hill projection, and Wei Xiaobei will sneak in at this time and try to destroy.

Of course, what happened inside the Paradise Hill projection, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t see anything, just about the buildings that some angels lived in and the so-called angel conversion pool, and more things were not found.

So the key point of this plan is the random strain, in short. As long as the damage to the Paradise Hill projection, or a large number of killing angels, OK.

Once I can’t get it all, I will wait for the second time. Anyway, this Paradise Hill projection doesn’t seem to have the ability to move. I have a few times, and this Paradise Hill projection may not hold up.

After Xiong Biao had roughly agreed on the plan and handed over the command of thousands of high-temperature birds to Xiong Biao, Wei Xiaobei took the lead in moving towards Paradise Hill.

The limbs lie on the ground, and the entire body almost plunges into the thick white ash of the ground. Climb forward quickly, but every once in a while it will stop to probe the situation and avoid being noticed by those angels.

However, when climbing to a distance of less than a kilometer from Paradise Hill, Wei Xiaobei had to dig a pit and hide himself.

Arrived at this distance, above the sky, from time to time there will be some angels composed of patrols flying over.

Wei Xiaobei Even if it is action, Agility, in such a situation, it is likely to be found on the ground.

With Wei Xiaobei hiding the body. Xiong Biao in the distance began to move out.

Thousands of sinister soldiers lined up in the open space, and then the breathtaking move towards Paradise Hill opened, and the sound of the roar of the sky was heard in unison.

Ok. If you are like this, if the angels are not blind, blind, they will be able to find out.

And the facts confirm this.

These sinisters have not yet gone far, and the most patrolling groups of angels, totaling fifty or sixty, move toward the sinister, while other angels return to Paradise Hill. This must be to go to the police.

Of course, the angels who are close to the sinisters did not rush to fight, but they were stalked in the vicinity, monitoring these sudden squadrons. They did not notice that there were many more in the distance above the sky. Hovering bird.

Soon, Paradise Hill rushed out of a group of angels who gathered together in the air. After forming a square of Giant, he was led by a four-winged angel and moved toward the side of the sinister.

The number of angels is about 1,600 or so, to deal with this thousand squad, in the eyes of the four-winged angels. It should be more than enough.

The angels are in a state of arrogance, and they are crushed beyond the strength of the sinister.

When the number is more than half of the enemy. Angel corps that can fly to achieve high-speed maneuver can indeed crush the enemy in this way, and once the enemy is defeated, the enemy wants to escape alive under the angel’s pursuit. There is no special means, it is a dead end.

“Heterodox, clean up!”

The battle between the angels and the sinisters did not know how many games were played. Therefore, after the formation of the squadrons, the four-winged angels had no more words at all, and directly issued combat orders.

It’s awkward, the sound of a lot of angel wings flapping fast is like the surge of Giant’s roar, and move towards all around.

At this time, the squadrons had already bowed under the command of Xiong Biao. Before these angels rushed into the incident, they let go of the arrow. After the angels rushed a few meters into the incident, the first wave of arrows just covered them.

Well, the effect of the rain of the arrow rain has not been very prominent since ancient times.

To put it simply, a thousand Arrows have a lower hit rate when they cover the enemy.

For example, now, with 1,600 angels roaring, a thousand Arrows are shot, covering two hundred angels for it, and the Arrows that really hit the target is probably less than five hundred. Deliberately adjusted the Shooting angle.

And the angels who really fell from the sky are only about sixty.

After all, the Arrows’s lethality of the sinisters is the same. It is a very good result to be able to hit an angel about nine arrows.

The first wave of arrows flew out, followed by another wave. After three consecutive waves, no matter how many angels were shot, these sinisters were replaced with long guns, densely integrated, numerous long guns, and slanted to the air.

Fortunately, the first wave of angels who escaped from Arrows happened to be hitting this like a forest gun.

Compared with Arrows, the power of this gun array will be much higher. The first shot will kill hundreds of angels. Several long guns move towards a thorn in the angel. This angel can only struggle in the long shot. Drinking and hating under death.

Of course, as the follow-up angels continued to slam, the guns were also affected by the award and began to suffer casualties.

But just as the angels were prepared to divide these sinisters by their own number, the high-temperature birds in the distance had quietly flew over the sky, and the moving towards the angels swooped down.

At this time, the angel after the first wave of impact is flapping the wings upwards, and it happens to look at the birds that have swooped down.

Angels are more sensitive to hostility, and they immediately discover the attacking intentions of these birds.

But this time it is too late to inform other angels.

High-temperature Once the bird begins to dive, its speed is quickly increased, and its wings are constantly fanning, and they will not stop for a moment.

Even if it was suspended at an altitude of more than three hundred meters, the four-winged angels who were under the command of the town only had a warning and then were drowned by the birds.

Some of the climbing angels are ready to dodge, but if the previous arrow rain is a rocket launcher, then these high-temperature birds are guided missiles.

No matter how the angels hide, they will adjust their direction and aim at the angel.

Well, the high-temperature liquid perfusion attack is really not suitable for attacking these angels.

When these high-temperature birds hit the angel’s chest at a very high speed, there was no time to infuse the high-temperature liquid, and the next moment, it went straight through the chest.

This time the high-temperature bird dive, exposed a lot of problems.

The biggest problem is that when the flock of birds swarmed close to the ground, at least one-third of the high-temperature birds failed to slow down, eventually hitting the ground directly and smashing themselves into a pile. Bolognese.

But in any case, just a wave of high-temperature birds dive, reducing the number of angels to less than six hundred!

More than six hundred angels were killed in this wave of dive attack!

Of course, the loss of the high-temperature bird is not small. There are about three hundred heads on the ground. In the process of diving, due to the angle-departing relationship, after being hit into the angel body, it is also stabbed by the angel’s body. Hundreds of heads, and finally, fifty or sixty heads were hacked by angels.

After a wave, the total loss of high-temperature birds is close to five hundred, that is, nearly half of them are hanged.

Although it is a victory, it is rare to see half of the self-defeating victory. It must be said that Wei Xiaobei’s plan has a slight problem.

But it is only a slight problem.

After the number of angelic corps has dropped sharply to more than 500, although the angel’s temperament is extremely indifferent, and there is no such thing as a morale collapse, but in the case of the commander’s four-winged angels killed, the face of strength is not weakened. The squadron of the squadron, with more than five hundred high-temperature birds, is completely at a disadvantage.

Life and death are a problem.

But if there is no assistance, these angels are also a dead word.

Therefore, the Paradise Hill projection in the distance once again made an angel, and move towards this side, and the team changed from a four-winged angel to two, which shows that these angels attach importance to the enemy.

As soon as the angels of these reinforcements passed, Wei Xiaobei, who had been squatting for a while, did not hesitate. He jumped out of the pit and slammed against the ground. Move towards Paradise Hill.

Due to the sinister, the attraction of the high-temperature bird to the angels, the number of patrols at Paradise Hill all around has suddenly decreased, so that Wei Xiaobei can easily break through the patrol blockade and eventually come to the edge of the awarded Paradise Hill.

Well, the edge of Paradise Hill is very obvious. The outside is white ash that is about 30 centimeters thick, and the inside is a mud Territory with a slight white light.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t get into it, but tried to push his right hand in.

It feels like a hand reaches into the hot spring, it is very warm, just like the feeling of a person in the mother’s womb.

But after a while, a trace of tingling was uploaded from the skin, as if the right hand accidentally reached into the dilute hydrochloric acid and soaked for a while.

Purified strength! (To be continued~^~)

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