Chapter 726, Surprise, Recruitment (seeking a monthly pass)

The first chapter is sent! Today, I was mad at a book review. Actually, this poor Daoist book was partially plagiarized. It is still a word, the one (Aifei Wenjing’s fragrance), this poor Daoist waiting for you to say the title! peat! This poor Daoist has worked hard to conceive the beginning of the plagiarism? Can you ruin the reputation of this poor Daoist by opening two mouthfuls and talking about it? I am not afraid of shadows! I did not ban you, waiting for you to say the title! This poor Daoist Whose book is copied? If you can’t say it, sorry, filthy this poor Daoist, directly ban!


It is said that the most serious young beautiful bean patients have more than 100,000 mites on their faces.

What kind of consequences would it be if Wei Xiaobei saw such a dense gathering of locusts?

A spider on the face is constantly crawling back and forth!

A person like Wei Xiaobei who has a little bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder may grab the other person and let the other person wash their faces with salt water!

Otherwise, you can’t stand this situation.

Well, in fact, Wei Xiaobei looked at most of his body and couldn’t stand it anymore.

Perhaps it is the reason that his body’s metabolism is too strong, so that the aphids on his body are also a lot more than normal people.

Take two bags of salt, enter the bathroom, adjust a large bowl of concentrated salt water with warm water, and then fall from the top of the head.


Stretching the action arm, raising the eyesight, watching the locusts die quickly under the action of concentrated salt water, Wei Xiaobei don’t mention Dosutan in his heart, just smashed a mouse at home and squandered the same kind of death.

After handling the mites on the body, Wei Xiaobei took a battle bath before turning his attention back to the Attribute Panel.

After the Hand-eye Coordination is raised to the 80 point, the Hawkeye control that appears in the subsequent appendage disappears. Instead, it is extraordinary.

For this change, Wei Xiaobei, who had experience before, was not surprised.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei was able to feel that the eagle eye control ability did not really disappear, and actually became stronger than before.

It is one of the effects that one can see the bristles of the locusts.

In fact, his normal vision has reached the awarded 10 micron level, which can slightly blur the 0.01 millimeter size at close range.

This is basically the same as the 100 optical microscope. In short, this is the limit of optical microscopy.

Simultaneously. His own dynamic vision has also been greatly improved, which has a great effect on capturing the enemy’s attack direction when fighting.

If you start the hidden eagle eye control, Wei Xiaobei can even see objects with a diameter of no more than ten centimeters at a distance of six kilometers!

For an individual Life Form, this is really a metamorphosis.

You know, even the best-eyed eagle can only see rats at a distance of 1,200 meters.

The promotion of this attribute made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the increased charm focused attribute.

After consuming 19500Evolution Points, the remaining Evolution Points are only 8500.

These Evolution Points, it is impossible to raise any branch attribute to the 80 point, so Wei Xiaobei decided to make up for some of the defective charm focused attributes.

Wei Xiaobei quickly decided on the order of promotion under the charm focused attribute. Character Attraction ranks first, followed by persuasion, leadership. Attractive Appearance, and finally Courage.

The reason for putting Courage on the last one is very simple. Wei Xiaobei suddenly had a little hunch before, and if the ability of Character Attraction is raised, there may be some surprises. And if you increase the Courage attribute too fast, it may lead to some unnecessary trouble.

Wei Xiaobei is convinced of his own hunch.

How many times before to avoid death, fatal danger. The big troubles are all based on the occasional premonition.

After all, Wei Xiaobei’s current Intuition attribute is already an 48 point. Looking at most Monsters, the Intuition attribute is already very high.

Some 4-Star Monster’s Intuition attribute is also more than ten points, the highest is twenty.

What’s more, Wei Xiaobei’s ghosts make a difference, and there is a fairly high bonus in this respect.

Character Attraction originally had 45 points.

According to the 4:1 Evolution Points consumption ratio, 60Evolution Points are required to raise to the 6000 point.

Enough to raise the Character Attraction to the 60 point.

Subsequently. Wei Xiaobei focused on this branch attribute.

Well, this branch attribute is in the process of promotion, Wei Xiaobei basically has nothing to change, the only change may be that the eyes become brighter, and the temperament of the body is somewhat improved.

It seems that this branch attribute promotion is not very useful.

But after the Character Attraction is promoted to the 60 point. Wei Xiaobei’s inexplicable breath spread out.

Well, Wei Xiaobei took a photo of the mirror. I found my temperament, the image has been greatly improved, especially the eyes, giving a very expressive sense of intimacy, even Wei Xiaobei almost could not pull the eyes out of the mirror.

Looked at the Attribute Panel, um, the ability to out of the ordinary has disappeared, replaced by a new ability.

Deadly Attraction: This ability is upgraded from the Character Attraction to the 60 point, and is acquired under the pre-capacity out of the ordinary. This ability is active. After launching, you can easily get the feeling of other Life Forms and reduce the hostility, even if it is Same-sex Life Forms also have a good chance of generating a good impression. For a Life Form with a lower Willpower attribute, it may have the effect of recruiting a rebel. This ability is related to the charm focused attribute and its ability to extend.

Recruitment: After the ability is upgraded from the leader to the 60 point, there is a chance to gain. The ability is active. After launching, the Life Form with a radius of 100 meters inside the square will have a chance to betray your own camp. Host side.

There is no doubt that the surprise has appeared.

The ability of this deadly attraction is similar to the out of the ordinary, but the effect is higher than the out of the ordinary, and even after it is started, it may even have the ability to recruit and rebel.

The ability to recruit and rebel is a capability that can only occur after the leader is promoted to the 60 point!

In other words, Wei Xiaobei almost equals two abilities at the same time.

Of course, there is a chance that the ability to recruit rebellion will occur. And there is a chance that there will be a corresponding effect after it appears, and it is not known.

But if this ability appears in confrontation with the enemy and produces a corresponding effect, then the effect is not small.

The last 2500Evolution Points, Wei Xiaobei, were not used and placed there as a consumption reserve for Micromotion.

After all, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know when to start Micromotion to explore some things.

Five hours later, Wei Xiaobei got rid of the weak state, and the blood lost in the body because of the Recognizing Master recovered back under the powerful resilience.

Of course, this also consumes a lot of Wei Xiaobei food.

Just recovered from the weak state. Wei Xiaobei entered Dust World by drinking.

This time, Wei Xiaobei appeared in Dust World’s rented house and did not delay time. He went straight to City God Temple to find arrived Xiong Biao.

Xiong Biao is very happy about the emergence of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei also sees that the atmosphere of the awarded Xiong Biao is not the same as before.

4-Star Normal!

Without the exploration of Erudite, Wei Xiaobei saw it.

Wei Xiaobei has a lot of envy and hatred. It’s too easy to raise the existence of this Dust World.

How many Immortal Grade dishes breakthrough arrived 4-Star? ! !

Think about how difficult it was from 3-Star Terror breakthrough to 4-Star. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh.

Obviously, after Xiong Biao Creature Rank is upgraded to 4-Star. Its Earth Escape ability has been greatly enhanced.

This time I went to Paradise Hill to project, and Xiong Biao took the direct sinister soldiers under her hand.

I have to say that this Earth Escape capability is really good.

Don’t say anything else. In less than thirty seconds before and after, thousands of sinister soldiers were taken to hundreds of kilometers away, and only this Earth Escape was able to be arrived.

Fortunately, these sinister soldiers are Spirit Body, not very weighty. Otherwise, don’t say thousands of sinister soldiers, I am afraid that it is very good to be able to bring ten people.

But even so. After Xiong Biao took the crowd out of the ground, his face was pale.

There is no doubt that such an Earth Escape is very expensive for it.

That Xiong Biao took a full rest for half an hour before slowly recovering.

Wei Xiaobei has already lurked in the past, and looked at the Paradise Hill projections before and after.

In this investigation, Wei Xiaobei did not use Erudite at all, but used the induction pulse. Compared with the previous one, the information obtained was more.

After coming back. Wei Xiaobei See Xiong Biao has not fully recovered, then closed eyes in the mind to adjust the high-temperature bird, then extended his left hand, a piece of shredded pork, and in the blink of an eye formed on the ground forty A meat chop.

After a few minutes. A high-temperature bird covered with a layer of mucus on the head is drilled from the meat and quickly eaten the pieces of meat. Then the feathers are constantly shaken, and the feathers are dried by borrowing high-temperature from the body.

These high-temperature birds are a bit different than the previous high-temperature birds.

They are not big, about the size of the skull, but the bird’s mouth is slender and sharp, like a spike on the head, and its body is streamlined.

Another point is that the high-temperature birds cultivated in these meatballs are not only one, the least three, and the most are five!

This is also the new method that Wei Xiaobei just thought of to quickly develop Life Form.

Isn’t this Life Form a multi-child statement, and Wei Xiaobei deliberately adjusts the embryo’s splitting when adjusting the genes of high-temperature birds, making it easy for those embryos to split when they split? Many births come.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei can produce more than 100 high-temperature birds at the same time each time.

Well, of course, this method is not perfect. No matter how many high-temperature birds are raised, the material consumed is still consumed according to the number of high-temperature birds, not the number of meat balls.

In addition, it is easier for this high-temperature bird to adjust multiple births, and the rest of the Life Form is more difficult.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei spent about half an hour, cultivating thousands of high-temperature birds to consume all the materials stored in Life Altar. (To be continued~^~)

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