Chapter 723, stop! Hold your head down! (seeking a monthly pass)

The first chapter is sent, this poor Daoist is asking for a monthly ticket here. I don’t know if there is a monthly ticket? ! !


The Storage Ring was not slow to draw blood. After about twenty minutes, the Seven Division Jade Lady Ring fell from the wound and was caught in the hand by Wei Xiaobei, who was on the right hand ring.

Well, if you let Tu Qingqing know that he is wearing a ring made by another woman on the ring finger, I really don’t know what will happen.

Wei Xiaobei teased himself a little in the heart, but the faint feeling caused by a lot of blood loss made him slightly uncomfortable.

This is also a helpless thing. Although Wei Xiaobei’s body is different from ordinary people, the preciousness of his blood is undoubtedly higher than that of ordinary people. Therefore, after one-third of blood loss, this faint feeling is very normal.

If you change to an ordinary person, I am afraid that it is not just these faint feelings, but it is possible to go straight to the coma and shock.

Wei Xiaobei then slightly explored the body and felt that he could afford it, and he was reluctant to wait for the blood to recover before recognizing Master.

Taking out the Mitsubishi needle, the original needle eye was violently tied, and then the needle was taken up by another Seven Division Jade Lady Ring.

Twenty minutes later, Wei Xiaobei turned pale and put the second Storage Ring on his right index finger.

Finally got it, feeling the extreme weakness in the body, Wei Xiaobei shook his head, trying to get the more intense faint feeling out of his mind.

Anyway, these costs are worth it.

With these two Storage Rings, you can store more ingredients, materials, and even try to bring Dust World Life Form to life.

Ok, Wei Xiaobei is not trying to do anything in reality. Instead, I want to set up a farm in the botanical garden of Wei Family Island to breed Dust World Life Form with high quality meat to provide higher quality ingredients.

You know, if the Youth Spring Water base is filled with thousands of drops of spring water, it will be able to activate the special effects of youth, whether it is for crops or Life Form, it can enhance the tendency of the change.

Just as Wei Xiaobei wondered how to make better use of the two Storage Rings, a Common Person who bought a bowl of chaos in the county street and ate for almost half an hour found the abnormality.

After a fierce scream, the owner of the barbecue restaurant ran out of his store. Along with him, there was a barbecue chef carrying iron fork, and even a waiter with a broken arm and bloody.

“Killing! Killing!”

The fierce screams made the snack street suddenly a bit confusing.

At first, those diners, the boss thought it was hooligan to beat people, but when they set their sights on the barbecue shop, they suddenly found that an angel who should appear on TV was coming out of the store.

The state of this angel is not good, and the wings behind it seem to have been burnt so much that the wings can’t be fanned.

Of course, if only this is the case. These more or less COSPLAY diners on TV, the boss is not too scared, but that day holding the right hand holding a long sword with a faint white light. Because the table at the door blocked its way, it was cut into two pieces by a sword.

It’s a real guy!

Whether it is a real angel, or a person who plays it, holding a weapon, it does not seem to be a good character!

Suddenly, the table and chairs of the barbecue shop all around suddenly vacated a large piece, those diners flew away from here, and of course there are good-hearted diners. The boss helped the broken arm’s waiter to temporarily bandage and stopped the car to the hospital.

Of course, in China, anywhere, there will be no shortage of people watching the crowd.

Standing far away, there are many people around, even if the other side chasing it, as long as you run faster than others.

Therefore, this snack street is centered on a barbecue restaurant. The distance between the two sides is 30 meters, which is full of people. Many good people take out the cell phone and keep moving toward the angel to press the shutter.

As for the Common Person, it is not easy to expose yourself. But as the crowd retreats, hide in the crowd to observe the situation. At the same time, the news was also transmitted to Wei Xiaobei.

“Let’s let one let, let one let, what happened?”

This snack street has had a lot of things due to the mixed dragons and snakes. The White Pagoda County Police Station has specially set up a security pavilion at the corner of the snack street.

The movement here naturally attracted the attention of the two police officers stationed in the police station.

But this is a lot of people watching the crowd, almost all the police can not squeeze.

But the next moment, the person standing at the front screamed, and then turned and slammed into the crowd. After being provoked, the people behind couldn’t watch the excitement. They turned and fled, but they almost gave the two policemen take away.

The reason is very simple. At this time, an angel came out from the barbecue shop. It was not finished. Then, on that day, five soldiers wearing the ancient military uniform Leather Armor emerged, holding a long gun and moving towards Two angels killed the past.

Suddenly, there was a big battle in front of the barbecue shop.

The long gun stabbed, and the two angels waved the long sword. When the gun came to the sword, the benches next to it were even smashed. They were cut into several paragraphs and they were not raised. They were also provoked by long shots. All around Flying debris.

Seeing such a situation, those who look at the excitement are naturally not fools. At this time, they will not run any more. After a while, the battle group will move over and sweep into it. That is, if you want to run, you may not be able to run.

As the crowd desperately fled, the two police officers finally squeezed out of the crowd, holding the electric baton, but saw the scene of the gun coming to the sword, could not help but stunned.

What the hell is this all about?

Is it a movie?

Just kidding, the waiter who was sent away, the arm was really cut off!


In any case, these guys are blatantly fighting here, naturally not what the police can tolerate.

But whether it is an angel or a sinister, there is no intention to stop at all, and not to say whether they will care about ordinary people, that is, it is difficult to solve the problem at this time, and if it is careless, it will be defeated, and no one will dare to change. There is a little bit softer.

The old policeman bit his teeth and pulled the pistol out of the holster. Move towards the sky is a shot!

“Stop!! Hold your head down!”

Undoubtedly, this explosion has finally caught the attention of both sides.

There is no reason for it, the sinister does not say, but the two angels can feel the threat of the pistol to them.

“The threat of heresy! Clean up!”

Two angels glanced at each other, one angel continued to support the siege against the five sinisters, and the other angel fanned the wings, legs off the ground, then move towards the two policemen killed.

To be honest, in this peaceful era, let alone the police, even the military has no chance to shoot in actual combat.

So when the day was killed, the two policemen were considering a problem and shooting. What position?

Yes, Shooting thighs and other secondary parts!


Not to mention, this time it was the younger police who took the lead.

Well, Spear Technique is not bad, hitting the thigh that made it that day!

The old policeman was attacked by this radical and did not think about it, another thigh.

The angel may not have encountered such a weapon attack at all, so after the thigh was attacked, it seemed to squint, his eyes looked like a robot, and moved towards all around, and finally fell on the two policemen.

“The heresy attack! The attack method is not fixed! Clean up!”

The angel winged, move towards the police and rushed again.

To be honest, this angel is rushing, and the two policemen are a bit stunned.

They used to shoot when they chased criminals, but the vast majority of criminals would scare their heads when they started shooting. Even if there were a few daring criminals, they would speed up their escape.

After this shot, the move is also the guy who rushed to the police. To be honest, they saw it for the first time.

What a horrible evil!

Of course, in this shocking and inexplicable time, the two police officers did not realize that the other party is not a human being, and there are two wings that are constantly fanning on the back!

“Be careful!”

When the angels rushed, the two policemen did not return to God, and they felt that they had been lifted by a big hand, and then they were away from themselves.

Well, someone saved himself.

A man who looks ordinary but is very good.

But the old-time policeman inexplicably felt that the other side made himself back a savage.

Well, this person gives himself a very fake feeling.

Well, anyway, the other party saved himself, and the three have already arrived at the corner of the street.

The man put down the two policemen, but carried a steel tube move towards the angel rushed up.

The angel didn’t care if his enemy changed someone, and the raised long sword would move towards the man.

“Be careful!”

The young policeman rushed to see, but the next moment, his mouth opened and he did not close.

The wicked angel was actually taken first by the man, and a steel pipe flew the other side out.

Of course, the steel pipe was also cut off by the long sword.

At that time, the old policeman was completely caught in the guess of the identity of the man. When the angel jumped from the ground and moved to the man again, the old policeman tried to understand the feeling of the previous one.

That’s right, it’s like seeing a plastic model when you go shopping.

Of course, for this conclusion, the old policeman then fell into disrepair.

I have seen more people, there are pure children, there are sophisticated middle-aged people, and there is also the youngster of Blood Qi Fanggang, but this person is different from others.

How can this person feel this kind of flesh and blood?

I don’t understand.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has been rushed to the nearby, standing on top of a small building, watching this sudden battle.

Although the sharp eyes of the old policeman were a little surprised, Wei Xiaobei’s more attention was placed on Common Person and Angel. (To be continued~^~)

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