The 722 chapter, the surprise of Common Person

The third chapter is sent! The eucalyptus planted in the pickle jar was hanged, miserable, and it was discovered today that there is no chance for this poor Daoist to remedy. Fusheng is infinitely venerable. May it be a good fetus in the next life.


“Striking to grab you a fart! Give, this is for you.”

Wei Xiaobei’s movements are much faster than Xiong Biao’s, and the right hand is a burst of chestnuts on the head of Xiong Biao, knocking it out of a red mark.

In this City God temple, Xiong Biao did not deliberately maintain the emptiness of the Spirit Body, Wei Xiaobei deliberately touched him easily.

After taking the Immortal Grade dish from Wei Xiaobei, Xiong Biao was touched: “Xiaoweizi, you are very kind to me, or else, I am marrying you.” Moved, but don’t count on the loss of friends. The relationship will be positive, and when it comes to the back, the taste of the words has changed.


Wei Xiaobei at this time, the situation is smug, where and this Xiongg Biao said this disgusting thing, directly slap on the head of his head, let the red seal deepen a lot.

Xiong Biao took six Immortal Grade dishes and left.

Immortal Grade dishes were exhausted, and Wei Xiaobei’s attention at this time was placed on the Seven Division Jade Lady Ring.

This stuff requires a blood-recognizing Master before it can be sure that it won’t fall.

Although this kind of thing has never appeared on Wei Xiaobei, but many things are hard to say, it is better to prevent it.

However, this Storage Ring recognizing Master needs one-third of its own blood volume. Two rings are two-thirds. Even Wei Xiaobei is an extremely heavy burden, and it will also let you fall into a certain time. In the weak state.

Therefore Wei Xiaobei needs a better place to cultivate.

City God Temple?

Wei Xiaobei will not spend his weakness here, albeit from a certain perspective. City God is an alliance with himself, Xiong Biao is still a classmate in addition to the damn friends, but there are some things that are hard to say, especially the City God.

It’s also a vain, and for the sake of caution, Wei Xiaobei decided to go back to reality.

Compared to Dust World, it is much safer to say in reality.

After a quick bid farewell to Xiong Biao, Wei Xiaobei quickly returned to the arrived reality.

Reappeared in the renting house, Wei Xiaobei first gave Zhu Xinyi. Zhang Zhilong and others called and in the current situation, the Wei Family Island is calm, and on the Green Lake City side, the provincial council is said to have authorized the provincial National Guard commander to use all means to stop the disaster. .

The National Guard armored forces that were urgently transferred to Green Lake City had initially taken control of the city and drove the monsters near the suburbs.

Of course, for a while, I want to kill all the puppies that are out of my mind. It is impossible. The National Guard’s strength is not enough.

However, the situation of Green Lake City has been controlled by a certain degree. It is said that some citizens have returned to the city. Even some stores started to operate normally.

From this point of view, the situation is still tending to improve.

Hang up up the phone, Wei Xiaobei looked at the material reserve of Life Altar. After the continuous use and reserve, Life Altar’s material reserve is now 68000/200000.

It is enough for the time being.

This material reserve is not enough to cultivate Fire Drakonid, but it is more than enough to cultivate some Common Person.

Close your eyes and slightly adjust the genetic map of Common Person in your mind, then extend your left hand.

As a group of shredded pork squirts out, a half-human high meat mass was quickly erected on the floor.

With the current incubator of Life Altar, you can breed forty Life Forms at a time.

Although the area of ​​the rented house is not small, forty meatballs stand on the floor. Fill the living room and bedroom.

If someone enters the house at this time, I am afraid that I will think that I will enter the alien world. It is inevitable that I will be scared to death.

After the adjustment, the Common Person cultivation rate slowed down. After about fifteen minutes, the meat mites broke down one by one, and a Common Person with a red fruit body was drilled from it.

These Common Persons will be the bodyguards of Wei Xiaobei’s weak stage in order to avoid unnecessary troubles. These Common Persons use a man template.

I have to say that the 40-year-old Muscle swells like the red fruit man of Schwarzenegger standing in the house, and the visual impact is still not small.

Wei Xiaobei took some clothes out of the closet and threw them into several Common Persons to put them on. However, there are not many clothes in this house, and it is impossible for all Common Persons to wear clothes. Therefore, Wei Xiaobei gave some money to let the Common Person wearing the clothes go out and buy clothes.

The nearest clothing store in this residential area is now open.

Shortly after opening the door, it was three indifferences, with a chilling robot man coming in, not paying attention to styles. As long as they can wear them, they bought dozens of sets directly from the inside out.

The most important thing is that they don’t say the price at all, and they will laugh out loud when they are happy.

After Life Altar re-emerged and then re-modulated the gene map through Wei Xiaobei, the Creature Rank of these Common Persons has jumped to the 2 star.

After these Common Persons were dressed, Wei Xiaobei looked at it with Erudite and couldn’t help but surprise.

Compared to the previous Common Person, these Common Persons have inherited some of their skills!

Name: Common Person

Race: Life Altar Cultivates Life Form

Gender: None

Creature Rank :2-Star Normal

Introduction: This cultivating Life Form has gradually mastered some of the skills of the main Life Form due to the many evolutions of Life Altar…..

Attribute : (slightly)

Skills: Reach the Higher Level, Eight Extremities Fist (Tempered), Driving (Intermediate), Language {China Language (slightly), English (slightly), French (slightly).

Special Ability : None

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : none


Ok, this is really a surprise.

The so-called main Life Form in this Common Person introduction is actually Wei Xiaobei himself.

The reason is simple. The genes of these Common Persons are originally taken from Wei Xiaobei’s own cells!

To put it bluntly, these Common Persons are equivalent to Wei Xiaobei’s clones in some ways!

Ok. The skills and types of these Common Persons are the same as realm.

Reach the Higher Level, equivalent to three years of normal human practice, the accuracy of this archery is far worse than Wei Xiaobei.

Eight Extremities Fist, Tempered, is equivalent to Eight Extreities Fist, which has been practiced by ordinary humans for seven years. Well, it is basically a rough Extendremence Fist. In addition, the strength of these Common Person is not too small, probably also considered the upper layer of Clear Vigor.

Driving, Intermediate, probably just left the driving school level, it is fortunate that there is no car accident.

Of course, for Wei Xiaobei, this is a small surprise.

In a human society, driving is very convenient.

This driving skill is not necessarily the most important, but Common Person has this ability, which is very convenient for Wei Xiaobei.

A group of black clothed sunglasses robust man bodyguards are around. That forced Ge Weibeibei had been lying in bed and fantasized many times.

Can’t drive, also called a bodyguard?

To say that Wei Xiaobei is now the power, the whole group of bodyguards is no problem.

But those core disciplines are used as bodyguards to install B. Is it a waste, and ordinary people? Forget it, why bother to let the family live in vain?

And the last language skill is the biggest surprise.

This Common Person has inherited three languages!

Chinese, English, French!

Ok, to be honest, Wei Xiaobei hasn’t entered Dust World yet. If you see such a talent, there is absolutely only a squatting end.

A native language, two foreign languages, although only a little bit, but daily communication is absolutely enough.

Having such skills will make Common Person easier to confuse with ordinary people, knowing that the previous Common Person is in the daytime. It is easy to be found abnormal.

There are many reasons for this, but the main thing is that there is no language ability.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei dispatched these Common Persons.

These Common Persons will stay in the key points of the county in various capacities, even in a state of weakness, the county or even all around. Wei Xiaobei can quickly know that these Common Persons can also make the corresponding Reflex in the first time.

If you have time. Wei Xiaobei is also preparing to refine a portable bow for these Common Persons.

After these Common Persons left, Wei Xiaobei began to bleed himself.

As the body is further muted, well, it should be said that evolution should be accurate, that is, the so-called extraordinary and refined, Wei Xiaobei’s current body can easily be seen as different from ordinary people.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has long been prepared with special tools, a sharp Mitsubishi needle.

This Mitsubishi needle is one of the hidden weapons that Wei Xiaobei used to refine with Dragon Fire Cauldron.

It doesn’t have much special effects, and it’s a sharp break to defend.

Of course, even if this Mitsubishi needle is sharp, Wei Xiaobei has to work hard to get it into the skin.

The reason for this is very simple. As the Mitsubishi needle penetrates, the skin pierces a small eye under the giant force and the sharp edge, but the Muscle and even the connective tissue under it are self-resolving the strength of the Mitsubishi needle. Even faintly has a rebounding power.

Seeing a trace bloodline, Wei Xiaobei hurriedly put a Seven Division Jade Lady Ring on the wound.

As the Storage Ring was stained with blood, it stuck itself to the wound and began to greedily devour blood.

Well, the feeling that the blood in the body is constantly being extracted, Wei Xiaobei has experienced several times, so the mind is less flustered and let it absorb blood.

Looking at the blood that was continuously drawn by the Storage Ring, Wei Xiaobei had to sigh that the real mercury was transforming his body.

Even the blood was brought with a trace silver white.

The blood was taken away by the Storage Ring, but this trace of silver is white but it seems to have its own life, and it is hard to drill back into the wound, and it will not give the ring a chance.

Fortunately, with his current body, you don’t have to go to the hospital to see a doctor. Otherwise, if you don’t say blood, the doctor’s blade can break his skin. It’s just like this blood is abnormal. Frightened. (To be continued~^~)

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