Chapter 724, point conversion, Yinbing (monthly ticket)

The second chapter is sent, this poor Daoist first to make dumplings, long time no dumplings, and today to comfort yourself, Hahaha ……


The Common Person’s Creature Rank is 2-Star, and the Winged Angel’s Creature Rank is only 1-Star.

But this winged angel has a big advantage, that is to be able to fly.

So the battle ended very quickly.

After the Angel was flying a few times with the Common Person, he fanned the wings and probably wanted to use the flying advantage to make a surprise attack on the Common Person.

But Wei Xiaobei took the action directly, and he didn’t want the angel to fly higher, causing too much turmoil.

A Mitsubishi needle flew out, and between the eyes, it shot into the chest that day.

The blood came out, the angel body slammed, then fell down, and the Common Person seized the opportunity to insert the steel pipe into the other’s head, chest!

Such an injury is fatal, even if it is an angel.

As for the other angel who was under the siege of the five sinister soldiers, he could not stand it any longer and was killed before.

“Well? People?”

The battle ended quickly. When the two policemen Reflex came over, there were only two angels left on the snack street.

Common Person, the sinister soldiers disappeared.

“Little Li, let’s go see.”

After hesitating for a while, the old policeman bit his teeth and walked in front.

However, they have not waited for them to come close, and the bodies of the two angels will melt on their own, and they will dissipate in the air as soon as possible.

Not to mention, how to deal with such weird cases after the police station.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei has returned to renting a house.

Sitting in the living room, Wei Xiaobei gaze in the air and immediately said something: “Do you know me?”

With the words of Wei Xiaobei. Five sinister soldiers emerged in the living room air.

It turned out that the five sinisters followed Wei Xiaobei back to the arrived rental house. If it were not for the five sinisters, there was no maliciousness. On the road, Wei Xiaobei solved them.

Although these sinisters have the ability to stealth in reality, both the induction pulse and the electromagnetic field can accurately find the sinister after stealth!

“I have seen Mister Wei, I am the Territory Patrol military force envoy.”

The tallest of the five sinister soldiers hurried to Wei Xiaobei.

Oh, it’s Xiong Biao’s men, no wonder I know myself.

of course. Wei Xiaobei will not believe the other party.

Direct Erudite sweep, look at the other party’s attribute table.

Indeed, the camp is Heavenly Court and is part of the White Pagoda City God Temple Territory Patrol military force envoy.

This is very important. Although the relationship between Wei Xiaobei and Heavenly Court camps is good, there are some things that are hard to say. Wei Xiaobei will not regard the Heavenly Court camp as a friendly because of these relationships.

After determining the authenticity of the other party’s discourse, Wei Xiaobei was curious about the process of these sinisters coming to reality from Dust World, and even asked about it.

The answer of the five sinister soldiers made Wei Xiaobei slightly disappointed.

In their words. They were patrolling close to the gates of the city. Who would like to know that when they walked, they encountered two angel attacks. One of the angels suddenly disappeared when the two sides were smashing.

Not long after, the rest of the angels and the sinisters were all arried realistic barbecue shops.

It is natural to say nothing after entering the reality.

That is to say, they entered the reality from Dust World, and there was no sign at all. It was natural to come to the reality, and even there was no abnormal state, fainting, etc. in them.

but. What makes Wei Xiaobei amazed is that these sinisters can actually connect to City God in reality!

Of course, this connection is very unstable, and as time goes by, this connection is constantly being weakened, and it will be completely interrupted at most a few hours.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei has a great interest.

Wei Xiaobei always thought that there was no connection between Dust World and reality.

But now it seems that this connection exists.

only. The connection between these sinisters and City God is entirely due to the instrument used to shape the sinister soldiers.

Through that instrument, the connection between the two parties becomes possible.

So, Wei Xiaobei nodded.

Because these sinisters came to the reality, it was probably impossible to go back to Dust World, so the City God lord let these sinisters belong to Wei Xiaobei. Obeyed Wei Xiaobei.

In this regard, Wei Xiaobei has no opinion. Then the squadrons went to all around with their Common Person.

Compared to Common Person, these sneak peeks that are invisible at any time are certainly more convenient than Common Person in terms of hiding.

Waiting for the sinister to leave, Wei Xiaobei took the instrument that City God gave him from the Storage Ring.

He is going to try this instrument and see how it works.

The instrument is a small palm-sized flag. Well, attribute, Wei Xiaobei has seen it since I got it.

Its name is called the soul of the soul.

Listening to his name, I basically know what this stuff is doing.

However, compared to the powerful ones in those novels, this soul-feeling has two functions. One is to summon the soul fragments of all around or the soul of the Life Form just dead. The second is to hold this spirit. You can see the stealth Spirit Body.

“Heavenly spirit, earth spirit….”

With the sorrowful swaying, Wei Xiaobei slowly recited the charm of the soul that City God passed to himself.

With the sound of the Enchanting Curse, Wei Xiaobei was able to clearly feel that something in his mind was gradually being consumed.

Well, this is a kind of spiritual consumption. To put it bluntly, just like those games that release spells, Divine Power will gradually consume while holding the spell.

However, this spirit is not the magic weapon of the endless power, so the spirit of consumption is very small.

After about three days of cursing, Wei Xiaobei will be exhausted and fall asleep.

In the first few minutes of the curse, there was no movement in Wei Xiaobei’s field of vision.

This makes Wei Xiaobei faintly skeptical. Do you doubt that this instrument has no effect after leaving Dust World?

But just in the moment when Wei Xiaobei gave birth to suspicion, there was movement.

An inexplicable yin wind blew in from the open window, so that the temperature in the living room seemed to drop a lot in a moment, giving people the illusion of a goose bump.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is presenting a real version of the Ghost Story, or a scorpion.

A woman in a long white dress, pale, was crawling in from the window a little.

This is still a good point. The most frightening thing is that a few hands sticking out from the floor, move towards the air, and seem to want to catch something, but they can’t catch it.

Ok, Wei Xiaobei knows that this is the soul of the soul.

It seems that some of the ghosts that have been called up are not very obedient and want to intimidate themselves.

However, for such a scene, Wei Xiaobei does not panic at all, he knows that these ghosts have no real ability to hurt their own.

Even if you release your soul, you will not see them.

Of course, the inductive pulse and the electromagnetic field can still capture a little trace of them.

Especially in the electromagnetic field, the existence of these ghosts is a bunch of chaotic electromagnetic waves.

With the constant chanting of the Enchanting Curse, more and more ghosts gathered in the living room, from lying on the window, standing in the living room, and from the floor, ceiling, walls, there are men, There are women, old, young, and even a few baby-like ghosts happily at the foot of Wei Xiaobei.

In addition to the complete ghosts of these bodies, there are some broken hands, broken feet, skulls, half body, etc., which are flying in the air. These are the so-called soul fragments.

Compared to these complete souls that can be condensed into ghosts, these soul fragments exist for a short time, even flying in the living room, they are blown into a group of White Fog, dissipated.

Wei Xiaobei counted and felt almost the same, and took the bottle of water from the Storage Ring.

With the appearance of this bottle of water, all the ghosts who were busy with their own things stopped for a moment, and then they looked at Wei Xiaobei here.

Undoubtedly, being looked at by so many ghosts, even Wei Xiaobei is slightly uncomfortable.

Well, even Wei Xiaobei has to admit that this spiritual water has endless appeal to ghosts. Otherwise, how can it be found that the presence of this spiritual water can be found through the gourd?

However, compared to the water of the earth, this soul seems to have a bigger effect on the Intimidate of the ghost. At least after Wei Xiaobei pulled out the plug, the refreshing smell moved towards all around, and the ghosts suddenly seemed to be eager to try, but not Dare to go half a step.

Wei Xiaobei Gently knocked on the bottom of the gourd, and even a drop of crystal clear water droplets flew out of the gourd mouth and landed on a robust man ghost.

As the drop of the water drops on the robot man, the white face of the robber man’s ghost is like a fire, all red, and then the outside of the body layer of fog rises, not long after Then cover it inside.

Wei Xiaobei knows that after the water was put into the land, the conversion time was about five minutes, so there was no waiting. Instead, the second drop of water was thrown into the female ghost at the window.

Next, a drop of water flew out and put some ghosts under the control of Wei Xiaobei.

These ghosts are male, female, old, young, baby, and even have a broken arm and a broken leg. There are a total of six ghosts, and there is also a drop of the spirit water that is thrown only one skull of the soul fragments. Above.

The first transformation of the Yin soldiers, Wei Xiaobei In order to test the effect of this Lingshui, it is natural to choose all kinds of ghosts.

In this way, Wei Xiaobei can clearly see the difference between the converted soldiers.


A slight sound like a glass crush came, the first ghost had been transformed, and the fog of the outside of the body seemed to be in contact with the vacuum cleaner, and it was drawn into the body in a blink of an eye, thus showing a sinister soldier.

Wei Xiaobei’s gaze fell on the sinister. (To be continued~^~)

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