Chapter 721, shaping the sinister? (seeking a monthly pass)

The second chapter was sent, eating too much beef at noon, the ancestors punish this poor Daoist, and now the stomach is still bulging, lying in bed can not get up.


After all, for Wei Xiaobei, Immortal Grade dishes are not very useful.

Two Storage Rings, together they are three thousand cubic meters!

This is how the reserve space is enough.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei’s eyebrows are erected.

The latter part of the effect one also shows that the difference between the Storage Ring and the Storage Bracelet is that it can store real-life items and a smart Life Form.

This is really a surprise for Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, Storage Bracelet can also store real-life items, but you can’t take out get it in Dust World.

Well, the effect of the effect from the blood-blood binding to the blood-recognizing Master, this change in effect makes Wei Xiaobei no longer have to worry about this thing being stolen.

The Storage Bracelet also has an effect three, the shape transformation, disappeared on the Storage Ring.

But then again, the shape of the Storage Ring is somewhat feminine, making Wei Xiaobei feel a little uncomfortable when wearing it.

Anyway, it is a storage space of 1,500 cubic meters, which has made Wei Xiaobei very satisfied.

Wei Xiaobei is not busy with the blood recognizing Master, but first dumps everything in the Storage Bracelet into a Storage Ring.

City God saw the Seven Division Jade Lady who was rushing to leave, and he was busy holding a large bowl and enjoying the ribs seafood soup.

However, Xiong Biao was somewhat curious to ask Wei Xiaobei.

When he learned that Wei Xiaobei had exchanged two Storage Rings, he could not help but hate it.

To say that as Territory Patrol military force envoy, this Xiong Biao also has a storage treasure, a storage bag, the space is about ten cubic meters.

The storage bag has made Xiong Biao very satisfied. He can hear that Wei Xiaobei’s Storage Ring has a space of 1,500 cubic meters. His eyes were wide and his mouth yelled: “So some food is exchanged for such a baby? Is the Seven Division Jade Lady too stupid?”

“Stupid? Old man, are you stupid? Do you know what those foods are?”

I was screaming at the bowl, and there was no image at all. City God heard that Xiong Biao was yelling there, and could not help but coldly snorted.

“What is it?”

Xiong Biao asked what Immortal Grade dishes, and asked sillyly.

The City God will put the bowl on, but it is squinting and arranging Wei Xiaobei, whispered: “Mister Wei, is there any kind of dish? This god is willing to change with the spirit water, one bottle for another!”

Xiong Biao is not really stupid. Seeing City God’s move, I have already erected my ears. I heard City God’s saying that I couldn’t help but look a little surprised.

Nadi Lingshui is not a general thing. It is made up of aura produced by the Lingmai, using special methods. It has great benefits for the Spirit Body, repairing the Spirit Body, condensing the Spirit Body and so on.

To put it bluntly, how can those squatters who hang up be resurrected? How come the new sinister?

It all depends on this stuff.

simply put. This is the strategic material of the City God temple, and no more is enough!

With this in mind, the City God Temple is able to produce a steady stream of sinister soldiers!

City God is actually willing to exchange this stuff. It really makes Xiong Biao somewhat unexpected.

And still a bottle for another!

You know, such a bottle of water is enough to produce a thousand good quality soldiers! Can resurrect 500 yin soldiers!

Of course, from the perspective of Xiong Biao, the resurrection of the Yin soldiers is more cost-effective than the production of the new Yin soldiers. The resurrected Yin soldiers retain the previous memories, combat skills, combat experience, andCreature Rank. The new Yin soldiers produced in this area will be much worse in this respect.

From the perspective of war, a veteran is better than five recruits!

Well, this thing only City God knows how to make it, even Xiong Biao is a little bit unknown.

That kind of food is so valuable? ! !

Undoubtedly, Xiong Biao understood it through the words and caution of City God.

City God wants to get this stuff? Oh, this thing is definitely a good thing!

but. Xiong Biao was blind, but did not rush to Wei Xiaobei.

At this time, City God is in the process of blending with Wei Xiaobei. If you get together, you can’t eat good fruit.

“The water of the earth? City God, the benefit of this thing. Do you know?”

Wei Xiaobei hehe smiled, but did not nod. Just looking at City God, trying to squeeze something out of this guy’s mouth.

That City God is wily old fox, it doesn’t take Wei Xiaobei at all, and it doesn’t mean that the Immortal Grade dish is good for itself. It’s just a sneaky removal of a slap from the Waist Token in the waist. The gourd was handed to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei Some doubts have taken over the gourd. Is this nothing surprising? There seems to be something in it, and it will sway when it is lightly shaken.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s look, City God is proud of said with a smile: “Do you open it?”

Wei Xiaobei reached out and pulled out the gourd plug. Then he snorted. The gourd plug was unplugged, and the gourd mouth showed a faint refreshing air, which made Wei Xiaobei feel helpless. It’s refreshing.

To say, arrived Wei Xiaobei is now a degree of strength, and there are not many things that can make him refreshed.

Undoubtedly, the liquid in this gourd is baby!

Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei started Erudite!

Name: City God Earth Water (Treasure Grade)

Introduction: This is the City God scented with the City God incense burner, with a little incense condensed into a liquid, which has a magical effect on the Spirit Body, a bottle of City God water.

Effect one: shaping the Yin soldiers, with the corresponding implements, each drop of water can shape a sinister and its armor, weapons.

Effect 2: Resurrection of the Yin soldiers, with the corresponding implements, each drop of Lingshui water can resurrect a Yin soldier.

Effect 3: Treating the Yin soldiers, each drop of Lingshui can treat 50 Yin soldiers, regardless of whether the injury is serious or not.

Effect 4: This object has volatility. Any breath that inhales this object has an active soul and weakly enhances the unknown effect of the soul.

…… ..

When Wei Xiaobei looked at the so-called City God water supply attribute table, he did not hesitate. When he took out an Immortal Grade dish from the Storage Ring, he handed it to City God, as for the bottle of City God. Earthly water, I am sorry, since you have changed the old man, I may not agree.


Wei Xiaobei feels that she has made a good deal.

To say that the strength of the sinister looks not very good, this is for Wei Xiaobei.

Before Xiong Biao introduced Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei knew a lot about these squads.

For ordinary people, what is that sinister? To put it bluntly, it is a ghost!

If this thing comes back to reality, to shape a thousand sinister soldiers, put it on the Wei Family Island, Wei Family Island does not say that it is impregnable, at least not to worry about the prying from reality.

According to Xiong Biao, the Yin soldiers have the ability to stealth in reality!

Even if more spies are on the island, they won’t know that they are wandering around with a group of squadrons.

Of course, if they want to do something bad, these sinisters can take action at any time.

Although the sinister will show the figure when taking action, it is not important. The sinister who has a higher immunity to physical damage is used to deal with those muskets, but it is more appropriate.

Besides, in Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, it is quite fun to raise a bunch of squadrons.

Anyway, an Immortal Grade dish was replaced with a thousand sinisters.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei still has a problem to understand.

Put the bottle of City God into the Storage Ring, Wei Xiaobei asked some questions, City God, “How do you use this stuff? Isn’t it a tool? You won’t hang me?”

“Pit you? How come? That is what the making materials are precious and the cost is a bit high.”

City God’s face became extremely painful at this time, just like the material of the instrument was the bones drawn from him, and his face looked like Wei Xiaobei.


I said, this old brat is not so kind, was I waiting for myself here?

“Very expensive? That’s it, my dishes are not much. It’s better to go to the Seven Division Jade Lady.”

Wei Xiaobei Where will I go to the City God Master, and I will make two exits and make a move.

See Wei Xiaobei, the City God is a little panicked.

To say that a bottle of City God water for an Immortal Grade dish is indeed a bit of a loss, he was originally prepared to make up for it on the implement, but Wei Xiaobei, this brat is just like the butter on the rut, slippery If you slipped, you will not suffer at all.

Pulling Wei Xiaobei’s arm, City God smiled and pulled Wei Xiaobei on the side, and the two began to negotiate.

After a quarrel that is almost about to start, the two sides make one step.

Wei Xiaobei took out five copies of Immortal Grade dishes for City God, while City God used a piece of implement in addition to half a bottle of unfinished spirit water in exchange for these five Immortal Grade dishes.

After the transaction was completed, City God had an excuse to deal with the government, and then hurriedly left. Just turned around, his face showed a smug smile. Undoubtedly, in the eyes of City God, he made a real profit.

What kind of implement, that is, the material is a little special, in fact, the refining method is very simple, and it takes no effort at all.

Wei Xiaobei is also a dark heart. In his opinion, six Immortal Grade dishes can be exchanged for a bottle of semi-spirited water in addition to a matching implement, how to make a big profit.

Although the yield of Immortal Grade dishes is not high now, as long as I am willing to work hard, I always make it.

In short, both sides think they have earned.

However, this is also normal, just like China’s silk, ceramics, tea and so on were bought by foreign businessmen more than ten times the price of domestic merchants. Those Chinese businessmen are all big and cool, and those foreign businessmen At the risk of all kinds of goods, the goods are shipped back to the country, earning more than 100 times the profits, the heart is even better.

Both sides earned arried money, nothing more than this thing has more price for himself, and can make himself get more benefits for it.

When the City God went away, Xiong Biao, who had long been unable to withstand it, rushed up, and both hands moved toward the Storage Ring and grabbed the past: “Robbery!” (To be continued~^~)

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