Chapter 718, Paradise Hill Projection

The second chapter is sent! At the same time, respectfully said that the friend turned to the first glass of the world to become the first elder of the book! ! !



Wei Xiaobei’s gaze was just swept away and did not start Erudite.

After all, it is easy to cause the other party’s resentment.

The problem is that Wei Xiaobei feels a different kind of atmosphere on the other side.

A breath from reality.

The Territory Patrol military force envoy is more inclined to kill himself than the former Territory Patrol military force envoy.

Wei Xiaobei has not yet passed, and the Territory Patrol military force envoy has smashed those angels with dozens of sinister soldiers and left the rest.

When the Territory Patrol military force envoy drove the horse and returned with the sinister, Wei Xiaobei was opposite to one, but he stumbled.


Wei Xiaobei hadn’t spoken yet, and the Territory Patrol military force envoy drove over and then hugged Wei Xiaobei: “Little Weizi!”

“Little bear, don’t you be so intimate?”

Wei Xiaobei The Territory Patrol military force envoy, who was speechless and rushed to himself, pulled it down.

This person’s surname, Xiong, is a good friend of Wei Xiaobei High School.

The problem can be solved.

Wei Xiaobei remembered that he graduated from high school and didn’t go to college. When he was a soldier, Xiong Biao was ready to re-read for one year. He continued to have a low fever and lived in the hospital.

After that, Wei Xiaobei learned that when she went home to visit her family in the second year, Xiong Biao actually died of leukemia……..

In other words, in reality, three years ago, Xiong Biao was a dead man.

Now, Xiong Biao, who appears in front of herself, has a sense of familiarity with Wei Xiaobei, but Wei Xiaobei does not dare to conclude that the other party is really Xiong Biao.

Erudite starts!

Arrived this time. Wei Xiaobei didn’t hesitate any more. Since he is a good friend, he is not afraid of being offended, but if someone is disguised, hehe…!

Name: Xiong Biao

Race: Human (Spirit Body)

Sex: Male

Age: 22 years old

Creature Rank :3-Star Terror

Camp: Heavenly Court

Position: White Pagoda City God Temple Territory Patrol military force envoy

Introduction: This person is the eldest son of Xiong Jianguo. Due to the death of leukemia, he was transferred to the Dust World City God temple. He was originally a sinister and was a sinister. Brave and good warfare, the strength is upgraded and promoted to the captain of the squadron……..

Attribute : (slightly)

Skills: Reach the Higher Level, Tempered, melee combat.

Special Ability : Army, Yin Qi, Bai Hao Rune, Earth Escape

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand :Yin Qi,Yin Qi armor,Yin Qi huge spear


So, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but sigh. Look at this introduction of Xiong Biao, it should be for some reason, arrived Dust World after death.

“What? Xiaoweizi. How do you look at me with such a sly eyes?”

At that time, Xiong Biao was completely devoid of the shackles of the former squadron. A pair of petite women in the face of the wolf looked like Wei Xiaobei smiled.

In a twinkling of an eye, the two restored the atmosphere of the arrival of the book.

“Are you okay now?”

After laughing for a while, Wei Xiaobei looked at Xiong Biao with a slightly worried look.

Although Xiong Biao is well mixed in the City God temple, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, the danger is not small.

Even the City God is feeling a big crisis, not to mention Xiong Biao.

Wei Xiaobei Even if he is a fool, he can understand the truth inside.

Reality has a close relationship with Dust World. The existence of the City God temple undoubtedly has a great relationship with the incense in reality, and those angels are not for no reason for no reason.

Wei Xiaobei has some concerns about the future of Xiong Biao as long as it is carefully studied.

However, in the face of Wei Xiaobei’s concerns, Xiong Biao is a burst of heartily: “You don’t know how cool I am now. When I was reading, I only knew about reading. Now I know what is strength….”

Undoubtedly, Xiong Biao likes life very much.

I want to come too, if I let Wei Xiaobei now return to my previous life. He is also absolutely unwilling, even if the current life is full of dangers.

But then again, Xiong Biao now has more character than reading, and listening to Wei Xiaobei’s intentions, he will follow the few Yin soldiers of Wei Xiaobei. At the same time, let yourself kneel down to the city to guard the city gate.

After that, Xiong Biao volunteered to lead Wei Xiaobei.

Ok. To be honest, this Xiong Biao is more convenient than Wei Xiaobei.

An Earth Escape, Wei Xiaobei was pulled into the ground by Xiong Biao, and then there were countless dirt, and the darkness rushed to the surface, which really surprised Wei Xiaobei.

Fortunately, he grabbed Xiong Biao’s hand tightly, otherwise he would fall into the ground and not come out.

I don’t know how long it took, until Xiong Biao body jumped up, Wei Xiaobei saw the faint gray light again, the front is a piece of Grey-White, and the back is yellow earth. There is an extremely clear dividing line.

There is no doubt that this is the end of Dust World in White Pagoda County. If you continue on, it is the white land.

A white mountain with a white light shining like a sun is standing on the white land hundreds of meters past the dividing line.

The mountain is about two hundred meters high. Every 30 meters is like a pyramid. It overlaps one by one. There are seven floors, but the three layers above give people an illusory, unreal feeling.

Some angels flapping white wings are hovering around the mountain, but the angel at the top is on the fourth floor.

“This Paradise Hill was discovered after I found it for a long time. Unfortunately, my strength is not enough. Otherwise, this Paradise Hill will have been unplugged. In that case, hey, I have to be promoted.”

Xiong Biao said with excitement and regret, in the end, he licked his mouth, just like Paradise Hill is a very delicious food.

Paradise Hill?

To be honest, this thing, Wei Xiaobei is no stranger, in a variety of Western fantasy, fantasy, more or less will bring this thing to a stroke.

Summarizing the descriptions of various novels, Paradise Hill is the gathering point of Bright. Angels and various gods of justice live here.

Well, probably that means.

Simply put, this place is the base of angels!

The question is, how could Paradise Hill be such a mountain with less than three hundred meters?

Although it looks like it should be, but the scale is too small, right?

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei did not delay the time and directly gaze at Paradise Hill.

Erudite starts!

Name: Paradise Hill (projection)

Introduction: This is the Paradise Hill body projected by the angel traction. It has one of Paradise Hill’s powers, and it is the offensive base of angels outside Dust World in White Pagoda County. Any non-Bright camp enemy’s Life Form will be punished by Bright when it is near Paradise Hill, and the worst will burn itself….

Effect 1: Bright redemption, close to the projection, will be affected by Bright strength, resulting in a series of unknown effects.

Effect 2: Heart to Bright, enter the Paradise Hill projection, enter the angel reincarnation pool, erase all memories, and transform the soul into various angels.

Effect three: Every day is affected by the ontology. Self-adjusting the angels’ reincarnation pool and producing a variety of angels of varying numbers.

Effect 4: With the influence of Bright strength for more than seven days, you can get a certain effect against Bright strength.

……… ..

Wei Xiaobei saw the introduction of this Paradise Hill projection. I couldn’t help but shake my head. It’s hard to say.

The rest is okay, that is, the effect two, erase all memories, and transform into angels?

No wonder those angels don’t seem to have any emotional changes, and the problem is here.

Memory has been erased, isn’t it equivalent to suicide?

Do you have to have more brains to be willing to make such a choice?

But then again, the projection of this Paradise Hill. Wei Xiaobei still gave birth to some interest.

The first one is City God’s request, the second is to prepare to help Xiong Biao, how to say that he is a good brother, Xiong Biao, if it is promoted in the Heavenly Court camp, I am afraid of my own help. small.

Of course, the biggest benefit should still be in this Paradise Hill projection itself.

Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that if you project this Paradise Hill to capture it. I am afraid there will be great benefits!

Well, Wei Xiaobei didn’t worry, and the angels on the top of the Paradise Hill projection circled Wei Xiaobei.

In particular, the four-winged angel with the highest position, the body constantly overflows with the Bright atmosphere. Even condensation has become a pure Flame.

Not less than the 4-Star elite!

The strength of these angels is much stronger than the angel projections that were encountered before!

At this point, Wei Xiaobei is able to make a clear determination.

An enemy like this. If you rush to attack, it is very likely that you will put yourself in.

From this point of view, Xiong Biao is more cautious.

“Let’s go back.”

In fact, at this time, due to Wei Xiaobei’s Erudite, the Paradise Hill projection has changed.

The original Bright Mountain Paradise became more and more bright.

At that time, the winged wing of the four-winged angel hovering at the highest point was gently fanned. It seemed that he was listening to something. After counting the numbers, the angry eyes looked at the hiding place of Wei Xiaobei.

The right hand caught it in the air, and then countless tiny spots of light gathered from all directions, and a radiant long sword was formed in an instant.

“There! There are Bright enemies there!”

As the lightsaber pointed, the otherwise quiet Paradise Hill flew up, thousands of biplaned angels vacated from Paradise Hill, with slight light on their wings, and these biplaned angels formed There is a river that runs fast, move towards Wei Xiaobei.

“Peat! How did those guys discover us?”

For the commotion of the angels, Xiong Biao couldn’t find his head. According to the report, he also ran to investigate many times, but he has never been discovered. How come with Wei Xiaobei this guy today, just like a horse?

Thinking of this, Xiong Biao’s eyes are on the arried Wei Xiaobei. (To be continued~^~)

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