Chapter 719, the benefits of food to the mantle (seeking a monthly pass)

The third chapter is sent, Christine joyfully said that the friend of the third apostle became the book owner, is the fourth or seventh? How to calculate? This poor Daoist is confused……..


Wei Xiaobei is a bit embarrassed, and he can’t say that his Erudite has alerted the other side.

“This, it seems that it is not a good time to argue about this?”

Wei Xiaobei smiled cheeky.

“Go back and settle with you!”

Xiong Biao didn’t dare to stop at this time. He grabbed Wei Xiaobei’s arm with his right hand. The two moved toward the ground and the soil was separated. When the two figures disappeared, the separated soil would be like a memory alloy, slowly creeping and recovering. Original.

After the interest rate, the first team of two-winged angels appeared in the place where the two men were squatting. After fanning the wings, they had to move around and move farther away in an attempt to catch the voyeur.

For these angels, it is impossible for them to think of Earth Escape as a fast underground passage.

Well, actually, when the two people appeared again near the city gate, they just jumped out of the ground, and Wei Xiaobei grabbed Xiong Biao: “How did this thing get? Teach me!”

Even if you are a fool, you can understand the benefits of this Earth Escape.

When you meet a strong enemy, you can’t do it. When you drill down to the ground, what can you do?

If the enemy is running away, this Earth Escape will be chased, not too cool.

“Earth Escape? Want to learn?”

Xiong Biao was smug at this time, and the eyelids turned up, asking in a rather sloppy tone.

“Peat! Say no!!”

Wei Xiaobei got used to this Xiongg Biao when he was studying. He also knows the temper of this guy. If you really let go of his body and ask him, it might be time to hang your appetite.

thus. Without hesitation, Wei Xiaobei stretched his hands and shook the neck of Xiong Biao. If you don’t say anything, you will simply forget your brat.

The two of them made a fuss, but they frightened the squadrons who were at the gate of the city.

One is the City God Temple Territory Patrol military force envoy, his own boss, one of the VIPs of City God, the two actually beat up. With a bit of flexibility in the brain, I rushed to send people to tell City God, and at the same time, with a few sinisters to persuade.

But what makes these stunned people stunned is that they haven’t waited for them to come close, and the two men have reconciled to each other and hooked their shoulders into the city gate.

Well, these sinister soldiers can’t understand the relationship between the buddies.

Playing is a pro, love is not love, not uncomfortable.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei still got to know what happened to Earth Escape.

to be honest. Earth Escape may be able to learn, but Xiong Biao’s Earth Escape is the ability of its God Position.

To put it bluntly, as long as it is within the scope of Dust World in White Pagoda County. Xiong Biao is free to travel with Earth Escape.

But if his position of the Territory Patrol military force envoy is removed, then the Earth Escape will disappear on its own.

Well, this is the magic of the mantle, and outsiders can’t learn.

After understanding this, Wei Xiaobei has some regrets, but it is not too big. If he is to be the Territory Patrol military force envoy, he is not willing.

The biggest drawback of this mantle is that he is bound to one place. If there is no Heavenly Court purpose, stepping out of the jurisdiction is a so-called crime.

No wonder that Ge Datian was so happy after being promoted from Land Duke to Inspector of Day.

The reason is this.

Compared to Land Duke, which can only be used in the vicinity of Land Temple, this Inspector of Day can travel around the mountains and enjoy the small days.

I haven’t returned to the City God Temple. The City God is an Earth Escape. It appears in front of two people. First, I look at the status of Wei Xiaobei. Sudighed in relief.

One is his own love, a background is not small, if you really fight, this City God is really a headache.

Lie to the military!

The sinister who guarded the door did not know at this time, and he had already been charged with a crime by City God.

See City God. Wei Xiaobei knew that Seven Division Jade Lady had contacted. And said that it will come soon.

Hearing this news, Wei Xiaobei suddenly sighed in relief.

I am not doing anything else, what is it for here?

Not for your own Storage Bracelet! !

Within the scope of Wei Xiaobei’s communication, only Seven Division Jade Lady can transform Storage Bracelet.

With the news of Seven Division Jade Lady, Wei Xiaobei also took a look at City God, even if he was desperate, he would help solve the problem of Paradise Hill.

Well, from the perspective of output. This City God is a big bargain.

Notifying the Seven Division Jade Lady of the simple things, and trying to clean up the Paradise Hill outside the White Pagoda county is not an easy task.

Someone has to ask, isn’t Ge Datian also in the Heavenly Court camp? How Wei Xiaobei does not ask him to contact Seven Division Jade Lady.

Having said that, Wei Xiaobei can’t beat the hammer in his heart.

Ge Datian didn’t know what happened during this time. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t get in touch at all. If you didn’t see the Attribute Panel, Ge Datian’s life is still dead, Wei Xiaobei really thought that the old guy hangs.

Even its Avatar exhausted the strength and disappeared completely.

If this is not the case, why should Wei Xiaobei do this difficult deal with City God?

Anyway, this thing has become.

While waiting for the Seven Division Jade Lady to appear, Wei Xiaobei did not idle, but served as the chef of the City God temple, borrowing food from the City God temple and even seasoning, etc., cooking food.

This is good for both parties.

Wei Xiaobei saves time looking for high-quality spices, although the seasoning at City God is not the best, but at least several times stronger than the actual seasoning.

At the same time, as long as Immortal Grade is cooked, Wei Xiaobei is unwelcomely stuffed into the Storage Bracelet and will never be shared with City God.

City God can enjoy the food that is not available in the City God temple. Although it is just Treasure Grade food, it has made City God very satisfied.

You know, Wei Xiaobei’s ingredients from the Storage Bracelet are all fine.

The City God can also recognize that these ingredients are produced by the Water Demon, and in this White Pagoda County it is absolutely impossible to see these ingredients.

You know, there are a lot of Demonic Qi’s Treasure Grade foods like this. For the cellars like City God, the benefits are not small.

This can be seen from Xiong Biao who is mixing and drinking from time to time.

It has just been broken into 3-Star Terror before, and many of them are the help provided by God Position. If God Position is removed, its strength will fall to 3-Star.

But it followed Wei Xiaobei to eat a week of Treasure Grade food, its strength rushed to the wheeled 3-Star Terror bottleneck, if there is an opportunity, the breakthrough to 4-Star ordinary, there should be no problem.

With Wei Xiaobei’s gaze, the current Xiong Biao can maintain the 3-Star Terror range even if God Position is removed.

As for the destruction of the Paradise Hill projection, you will need to wait for the Seven Division Jade Lady to arrive.

The City God ate and smiled every day, but there was no rush to remind him.

On this day, the sky is good. Well, this City God temple is a little different from the outside Dust World. Because of the cellar, the City God temple naturally forms a skylight that can replace the sun and make the crop grow better. This is why the quality of crops in the City God temple is higher.

In the words of City God, the City God temple was originally built on a thread. If it is not too small, the City God temple is a small Paradise.

Paradise ?

Wei Xiaobei has some understanding of this, of course, this is mainly from the Ge Datian mouth.

Among the Dust Worlds, like the myths and legends of reality, there is a cave paradise.

Paradise, as its name suggests, has a well-rounded Territory. In such a place, there is plenty of aura, and all Life Forms, whether human or animal, crops, can grow better.

This Paradise has a big Paradise, a small Paradise.

The total number of big Paradise is limited. It is said that there are 72. As for the small Paradise, it is difficult to count. It is easy to give birth to a place with strong spirits.

There is a small Paradise in White Pagoda County!

White Pagoda Mountain !

To be honest, when City God said White Pagoda Mountain, Wei Xiaobei always felt that the other person’s eyes were a bit green.

Well, if you sit in the position of City God, it is estimated that the White Pagoda Mountain is also mouth watering.

Wei Xiaobei also knows the benefits of this Paradise.

If you think about it, you know, White Pagoda Mountain is just the periphery. The spice that Wei Xiaobei once collected is a quality that has been carefully cultivated in the City God temple. If it can enter the sky above the sky. White Pagoda Mountain, I don’t know the spices grown on it, what kind of quality the ingredients will be.

The little Paradise is so tempting, not to mention the big Paradise, Wei Xiaobei guesses that there are Immortal Grade seasonings inside.

Well, Wei Xiaobei’s idea is to say to the old farmer that the emperor is farming with a golden hoe, and eating a golden nest is a reason.

As for the hole, the sky is even better.

It is said that every hole is an independent space, the area is very large, and the aura is almost condensed into water.

Ok, Wei Xiaobei didn’t see what the so-called aura was at this time. He could only guess what was about the same as Youth Spring Water.

Tianguang was just sitting on the edge of the field. Wei Xiaobei used a fine sieve to screen some delicate yellow mud, took a few lotus leaves, and killed three black-bone chickens from the City God temple.

After cleaning up the internal organs, apply the prepared shrimp paste, crab sauce, inside and outside, and then put the good shellfish into the chicken belly. After wrapping it with lotus leaves, apply yellow mud to form a mud ball. It is buried under the mud stove. Above the mud stove is a common iron pan with a pork ribs seafood soup. It is slowly burnt with a small grass fire from the City God temple.

Wei Xiaobei I didn’t use the dragon scale pot when cooking here. The thing was too conspicuous. Besides, I ate three people and the ordinary iron pot was enough.

The heat of the grass continues to penetrate into the three mud balls in the ground.

Wei Xiaobei Disregarded the butcher’s City God, Xiong Biao’s two eyes, the mouth-watering eyes, stirred up the ribs seafood soup with Soup Spoon, and shook his head: “The soup is still slightly irritated, but the underground fresh scallion should be called the chicken. It’s cooked.” (To be continued~^~)

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