Chapter 717, the new Territory Patrol military force envoy!

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There was already a thick layer of ash on the off-road vehicle.

Pay the money and leave.

Off-road vehicle move towards Green Lake City.

This is also a helpless thing. Fengtou Mountain used to be a large-scale primitive forest. If you want to go to the destination of Wei Xiaobei, White Pagoda County, you can only turn Green Lake City, Shanghuancheng Expressway, and transfer to another high-speed to White Pagoda County. .

In the past, Wei Xiaobei didn’t even see half of the vehicles on the road. As for the houses along the way, they were all empty and seem extremely depressed.

As for the proximity to the suburbs, there is no more people on the road.

Of course, this is also normal. This time, even if there is no escaped citizen, it is impossible to sway on the road.

Fortunately, it seems that the National Guard should have achieved some advantages, at least the section of the ring road has not been closed.

But a team that came down from the ring road was Wei Xiaobei stared wide-eyed.

There are more than 60 military vehicles in front, and behind the military vehicles is a long flatbed truck. Each flatbed is loaded with three tanks!

As a pseudo-fan, Wei Xiaobei has only two weapons.

One is the battleship, the battleship with a main gun diameter of more than 350 millimeters, and the second is the tank.

Unfortunately, even Wei Xiaobei did not see a tank when he was a soldier.

Now I see the arrived tank on the highway, how to keep Wei Xiaobei excited.

Didn’t say, stepping on the brakes directly, stopping the off-road vehicle, the greedy eyes fell on those tanks.

With the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, the models of these tanks can be easily seen.

Should be the famous 59 style?

To say that this 59 style has ruled China’s armored forces for more than three decades.

Its unique streamline round head turret. The clever thirty-five-degree angle of the first armor makes the 59 style a strong anti-elastic, while the 30 multi-ton weight makes its unit propulsion power up to an amazing 10.6 kWh per ton, enabling it to be 50 per hour on the highway. Kilometers of speed rushing!

Well, this speed is not low, one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour is a sports car, not a tank.

At the same time, it can climb the slope of the maximum 58 degree!

100 millimeter guns can fire 7 shells per minute. Ability to penetrate 1000 mm armor at a distance of 140 meters!

Of course, the most important thing is that 59 is extremely inexpensive!

It is said that in mass production, an 59-style purchase price is only 20 million China coins! Don’t say the cost, the factory has to be profitable, and the workers have to eat.

Ok, now, this year, I bought a set of 60 flat three small houses without this money.

Of course, this 20 million is only the Chinese currency at that time, converted into the current China currency, about two million.

But if you think about China’s most advanced 99 style. The initial purchase price was about 1800 million, and the conversion to the current US dollar was 250 million, and then mass production. The purchase price will probably decrease.

The price of the tank purchased by Sam Uncle was above 450.

In short, in Wei Xiaobei’s view, the 59 model is a model of cheap and good quality in the tank.

There is no doubt that these tanks are mobilized to Green Lake City to deal with those Monster.

Looking at the tank, Wei Xiaobei’s saliva was dripping out.

Although there was no high-speed vehicle, Wei Xiaobei’s off-road vehicle stopped here and it didn’t affect anything, but soon a Jeep military vehicle stopped and several National Guards came over and rushed.

The general idea is not to poke here. Do you want to listen to military intelligence?

Wei Xiaobei also has no desire to clash with them, and honestly drives away.

But then again, on the highway, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but go back and steal a few 59 styles.

But considering that the stuff is too big, the Storage Bracelet is full of things, even if it is stolen, it is inconvenient to hide.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei can only force this idea to be suppressed.

of course. Thus Wei Xiaobei also wants to argued a problem.

To say that Wei Family Island’s current defense strength is not too weak, but if there are some modern weapons placed on it, it is not bad.

Simply put, in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, an 59 style can probably compete with an 3-Star ordinary Monster.

Such as Torvosaurus. For example, the Carthage heavy cavalry, such as the descendants of the sea, Great Wolf……. These Monsters are very powerful against ordinary people. But for heavy marine weapons like the tank, it is still relatively disadvantageous.

In the thoughts of Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the off-road vehicle ran wildly on the highway.

At least in the lane of Wei Xiaobei, there is no car at all, and people who are willing to run have ran away. The citizens who remain in Green Lake City at this time are all left behind.

Along the way, Wei Xiaobei got off the highway and turned to the ordinary road to White Pagoda County.

In the range of the awarded White Pagoda counties, the number of vehicles increased rapidly, making Wei Xiaobei feel like he was returning to the arrived world.

To be honest, from the direction of Green Lake City, I can’t see a car for a long time, which really gives people an unspeakable sense of loneliness.

But even so, when Wei Xiaobei rushed to the county town of White Pagoda, the occasional voice was mixed with anxiety.

Obviously, in the era of this network explosion, what happened in Green Lake City is hard to be completely concealed. Besides, all around the National Guard was transferred to Green Lake City, and even a fool would understand something.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t go home, her parents and sisters had already gone to the Wei Family Island, and it would take some more words to go back to meet an acquaintance.

Fortunately, the rental period of the house rented with Zhu Xinyi has not yet arrived.

The car was parked directly in the yard, and the door was opened on the upper floor. Even if a dusty smell came out, no matter whether it was a table or a bed, there was a layer of white ash.

I haven’t been here for a few months.

With a bitter smile, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have the heart to clean, and took a few bottles of white wine from his pocket and poured it.


Slowly open your eyes, as usual, full of white ash.

The white ash in Dust World is much thicker than in reality. The white ash on the table almost always has the thickness of a finger. At first glance, it will be thought to be covered with a layer of white felt.

There was no change in the house, only the footprints left on the floor white after entering Dust World twice.

Before coming to the broken window, Wei Xiaobei looked at the outside slightly, then gently slid out of the window and fell from the street outside the move towards the second floor.

For the current Wei Xiaobei, let’s not say that the height of five or six meters, even if it is dozens of meters, Wei Xiaobei jumped down, I am afraid it will not be much hurt.

Going straight along the street, not long after, a team of squad appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s line of sight.

For these sinisters, Wei Xiaobei is already familiar with the Waist Token of the Seven Division Jade Lady. The sinister soldiers who were originally on alert are immediately escorting, and one person is sent as usual, with the Wei Xiaobei move towards City God temple. .

For the arrival of Wei Xiaobei, the butcher City God was a little surprised, but also able to see its joy hidden under the smile.

The most important reason why Wei Xiaobei came here is to contact City Division and Seven Division Jade Lady.

No way, this is also a helplessness for Wei Xiaobei.

Initially, Wei Xiaobei also wanted to contact Seven Division Jade Lady through White Pagoda Mountain. Think about the attitude of the last white Pagoda Mountain, and Wei Xiaobei was mostly cold.

It is not just a real patent that people go for tea.

In Wei Xiaobei’s view, the white Pagoda Mountain’s tea can cool down quickly in this Dust World.

Of course, if this City God has no way, Wei Xiaobei can only go to the White Pagoda Mountain with a scalp.

After hearing Wei Xiaobei’s request, City God turned his head and pondered for a while, then he smiled back and said: “It’s hard to say this, it’s hard, it’s easy and easy.”

As soon as I listen to this City God, Wei Xiaobei knows what the other party means. Isn’t it just good?

“There are still some difficulties, please also call City God.”

Wei Xiaobei naturally won’t talk to the other side. Besides, the contact time between the two sides is quite a lot. Should City God be not too difficult? ! !

“Good! Mister Wei is refreshing! Recently, those angels have become more and more arrogant.”

City God then began to complain about Wei Xiaobei, to the effect that those angels ran to harass themselves when they were okay, making themselves sleep well, and eating was not good.

Of course, the core requirements are one, kill those angels!

As long as you can contact the Seven Division Jade Lady, don’t say kill those angels. Even if this City God proposes something more difficult, Wei Xiaobei has to bite his teeth.

No way, this is the value of monopoly!

After the two sides reached an agreement, the City God was busy with the Seven Division Jade Lady, and Wei Xiaobei walked outside the city under the lead of several sinister soldiers.

These sinister soldiers probably heard Wei Xiaobei’s prestige, and the command of City God, it is very respectful to Wei Xiaobei.

The only downside is that there are fewer words, and Wei Xiaobei said one sentence before answering one sentence.

“Those angels have a few pairs of wings?”

Wei Xiaobei naturally does not fight unprepared, the situation of those angels is naturally better.

“Reviewing Mister Wei, those angels have a pair of wings and two pairs of wings.”

The head of the squadron heard Wei Xiaobei ask questions and hurriedly turned back.

Wei Xiaobei nodded, so to speak, the highest is the four-winged angel, he does not have to worry too much.

Of course, there may be more powerful angels, but there is no copy it.

Shortly after leaving the city, the sound of fighting came from far away.

Wei Xiaobei looked up and saw a general wearing a armor riding a horse composed of Yin Qi, leading a team of squadrons, fighting with hundreds of angels.

“That is the new Territory Patrol military force envoy at our City God temple.”

The Yin soldiers saw Wei Xiaobei’s gaze on the general and hurriedly introduced. (To be continued~^~)

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