Chapter 716, confusion?

The third chapter is sent! Go to the meeting first………


Of course, this is not the most terrible thing.

The most terrible thing is that the base of a star spirit reappeared and developed rapidly.

Well, it’s not a bad thing for policymakers who are stuck in Green Lake City.

So it was not long before the development of the Star Spirit base, and it was against the puppies.

Good guy, thousands of puppies seem to be playing with chicken blood, and the overwhelming move towards that star base has rushed over.

At that time, the Protoss base has built more than a dozen photon turrets, and under the cover of the crystal column, those probes light up more light.

When the puppies are close, more than 30 fanatics are waiting in front of those photon turrets!

Under the far surveillance of the National Guard helicopter, the two sides immediately launched a massive battle.

Under the powerful light group attack of the photon turret, all the puppies near the base will instantly burst into a move towards all the spattered meat sauce.

But even if this light group kills a puppy at a time, it is impossible to clear thousands of puppies once.

Of course, the Protoss side was not unprepared. When the puppies passing through the photon cannon line were approached, the fans were screaming and screaming.

The whole battle does not need to be described too much. The final outcome is that the spirit of the spirit is repelling the invasion of the Zerg, and the photon turret is killed. There is only one crystal column. Finally, relying on a group of probes to fight back, the Zerg will be Kill.

Of course, as a result, the two sides fell into a stalemate, and the Zerg sent puppies from time to time to harass the Xingling base. While the Xingling base is sticking to it, it also greatly affects development.

It is not difficult to clean up the Green Lake City investigation team in addition to the gap between the two sides.

The problem is that Monster, which appears in Green Lake City all around, is more than just that.

The zombie that once had a short-lived appearance also appeared.

To be honest, the emergence of zombie, the psychological blow to the public can be much larger than the Zerg, the star family.

When the news of the zombie spread, Green Lake City’s outbound road was crowded with cars and crowds.

In fact, these thousands of zombie threats are not that big. They don’t have the Terror virus infecting the movie. As long as they are a little bold, even an ordinary adult can use a baseball bat to deal with several zombies.

Think about it, what is the most daunting thing about zombie in battle? Isn’t that virus infectivity?

As long as you are scratched a little skin, then congratulations on your move, just wait for zombie.

Without this ability, the threat of thousands of zombies may not be as good as dozens of puppies.

Of course, those citizens do not know this.

Pan Zhengen was also with the colleagues of the Security Corporation when the citizens left the frenzy. Under the command of Corporate CEO Wei Xingwu, they evacuated the awarded Crested Mountain.

For Mao to escape to Fengtoushan, Wei Xingwu did not give an answer.

But then come back. The Fengtou Mountain area is still safe, especially those new colleagues who don’t know where to drill. The high-powered and occasionally puppies are killed by them one by one.

Of course, in addition to the security of the Corporation, there are many family members. Even the people who followed.

The valley behind the Crested Mountain is now overcrowded and the chaos of the situation can be imagined.

Fortunately, people with Security Corporation are here, even if someone wants to do something bad, they will be expelled immediately.

But the five or six thousand people lived here, and the past coolness in the valley disappeared completely. The only thing left was the smell and heat of the urine.

It is now the highest temperature in the sky. There have been many people who have suffered from heatstroke.

Because of fear of causing infectious diseases, Wei has to organize personnel to strengthen the inspection. Once someone finds that someone has fainted and rescued quickly, if the rescue is not over, it will only be far away. Even in the Shuitan District, people are not allowed to pass, preventing people from polluting the pool.

Nowadays. Pan Zhengen, as a patrolman, has been patrolling back and forth several times. Who wants to know that when he visited the water pool for the third time, he found a coma here.

A man who looks very burly, does not know how such a good body will be stunned by heat stroke?

I used the cold water to soak the forehead to the other side. The other party seemed to have some waking symptoms. Pan Zhengen patted the other person’s face with his palm.

Pan Zhengen absolutely did not expect that, as the other side opened his eyes and stared at himself, Pan Zhengen felt like he was standing in front of a giant beast that had just awakened, and he was accidentally swallowed by this monster!

But the next moment, the other side brought a soft smile on the face. Just like this, Pan Zhengen felt that he was returning to the arrived world. All the feelings before it seemed to disappear like an illusion.

Wei Xiaobei This look at the past, naturally look at the award table of the awarded Pan Zhengen, see the other party is the staff of their own security Corporation, and even converge all the breath, so as not to frighten the other party.

“Wei Xingwu? Let him come to see me.”

Wei Xiaobei’s words made Pan Zhengen feel awkward. After the interest rate, Reflex came over. Is Wei Xingwu not his own boss?

I don’t know how, Pan Zhengen did not have a little bit of resistance to each other’s consciousness, complied, and hurriedly turned to Wei Xingwu.

Wei Xingwu is a bit overwhelming at this time, and he has thousands of people in his hands.

If you change to the previous words, Wei Xingwu may be very happy, but now, he has a headache, so many people’s food, safety, etc. need to arrange their own treatment.

However, there are not many experts available at the moment. Most of the core disciplines have been transferred to the arrived Wei Family Island, and Zhang Zhilong and the remaining core disciplines have gone to the investigation team to help. As for the ordinary students, Most of them fled Green Lake City with their family.

Wei Xingwu Now the people available on hand are more than forty ordinary students, coaches and more than 30 security guards who have barely gathered together. This is also a helpless thing. It happened so suddenly, when Wei Xingwu remembered to gather people. Many security guards, the students have long since ran away.

It is very fatal to keep the order in the valley.

If it wasn’t for Zhang Zhilong, I would send a few core disciplines every few days to come back to the town, and it would have been a mess.

Wei Xingwu is now in a cave, this cave is his current office.

Wei Xingwu, who was overwhelmed, saw Pan Zhengen say that someone was looking for himself and could not help but waved his hand: “I am busy, I will talk about it later.”

But before Pan Zhengen opened his mouth again, Wei Xiaobei had already followed, said with a smile: “Wei long, long time no see.”

Wei Xingwu heard the sound a little familiar, looked up and couldn’t help but overjoyed, where I remembered that I had my own hand next to me, and I quickly got up and moved towards Wei Xiaobei. “Boss, your old man finally came over.”

Wei Xingwu didn’t know that Wei Xiaobei went to Dust World and thought Wei Xiaobei was on Wei Family Island.

“Stop, let me talk about the situation first.”

Wei Xiaobei When I saw so many people in the valley, I knew that Green Lake City had a problem, but he was not a prophet, nor a god. It was impossible to know everything by the way, so the best source of information is definitely this Wei. Xingwu is gone.

Wei Xingwu wanted to rush, but Wei Xiaobei pointed a finger on his forehead, no matter how hard Wei Xingwu couldn’t get close to half a step.

Fortunately, this Wei Xingwu also knows how important things are. Before it was too excited to get it, now calm down and wave, let Pan Zhengen go out.

Pan Zhengen naturally did not dare to defy the BOSS order, but after leaving the cave, he was somewhat curious about the man.

Of course, Pan Zhengen did not know that from the beginning of this man, he and even the people in the entire valley, the fate has changed.

Wei Xingwu also did a short time for the Corporate CEO. For what happened in Green Lake City, it took only a few minutes for Wei Xiaobei to know.

For such a situation, Wei Xiaobei has a lot of thoughts. Before that, he expected such a situation to happen.

Green Lake City’s current situation is better in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

As you can see from Wei Xingwu’s description, in fact, the reality of Dust World Monster is still under a limit, the only difference is that the number has increased.

As long as there are not too many changes, the Monster invasion of this size is now likely to be cleaned up by the National Guard.

After all, Zhang Zhilong and Zhao Guang also took a group of core disciplines as the top of the backbone.

After Wei Xiaobei informed Wei Xingwu of his determination, he left Fengtoushan.

Well, Wei Xiaobei’s words really make Wei Xingwu have some headaches.

Going back now?

Will it be too dangerous?

But if you don’t go back, there will be a big mess in the people of such a valley. The problem is that there is not much food.

Wei Xingwu, who was sullen and hesitant, hesitated for a while, and decided to inform the people about it. He was willing to go back to Green Lake City with his own. How to say that the security training base is still very solid. After all, Zhang Zhilong and others are not tasked. When you live in it, security is guaranteed.

As for those who are unwilling to go back, they can only ask for more happiness.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t have time to help Wei Xingwu wipe his butt. He had a lot of things. After leaving the valley, Wei Xiaobei rushed to the move towards the parking lot. His next trip was still a little easier to drive.

The parking lot near Fengtou Mountain actually belongs to a multi-functional tourist reception area, all around has hotels, restaurants and so on.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived near the parking lot, he found that there were quite a lot of people here. There was money to stay in the hotel early. There was no money. Even late, even the pergola next to the parking lot was full.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and entered the parking lot.

Perhaps the disaster did not affect the reason for this, the security of the parking lot is still sticking to the post. (To be continued~^~)

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