Chapter 715, disaster?

How to do it! Completely diarrhea, before the intermittent pull, now is crazy! Fortunately, after this mad pull, it seems to be a lot more comfortable, there is a kind of illusion of detoxification and clearing the intestines, Fusheng immortal Tianzun, Sai Weng Ma Ma knows the blessing?


How to deal with this Phoenix egg, Zhao Yun gave the opportunity to Wei Xiaobei, Wei Xiaobei looked back, Zhao Yun has left here.

Undoubtedly, in Wei Xiaobei’s mind, the most trouble-free solution is to take the Phoenix gene, and by the way, pack the Phoenix eggs. The egg yolk can be used to make dishes. The egg shell is undoubtedly the best material for the refining.

And the dishes produced can also be distributed to the Qingqiu country, which is also a good means of wooing allies.

But the most trouble-free solution is undoubtedly the lowest cost-effective solution.

Wei Xiaobei knows that even if he is taking the Phoenix gene, he is not likely to cultivate the Divine Beast like Phoenix.

It’s as if I have taken the Ao Yan gene, but I can’t cultivate the Fire Dragon.

Wei Xiaobei At this time, the mind was flipping like a stormy wave, thinking about various plans, but it was difficult to make a decision.

After all, this thing is such a thing. Once the decision is wrong, it will go to the sewer, which is more likely to affect the relationship between Zhao Yun Army and Qingqiu.

To be honest, this situation really makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat Alexander.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei chose the ability to start Micromotion!

This ability may allow you to find the right direction!

The eyes are closed slightly and Micromotion starts!

For a moment, the confusing distractions in Wei Xiaobei’s mind were dispelled by all, and replaced by a scene that had never appeared before…

The scenes that may appear after various determinations continue to appear in Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

For a long time, Wei Xiaobei’s closed eyes opened again, after consuming 1000Evolution Points. Wei Xiaobei got the answer he wanted.

A drop of crystal clear and radiant Youth Spring Water appeared in Wei Xiaobei’s palm, then a finger flicked, and the drop of Youth Spring Water flew away and fell on the red-hot Phoenix egg, in a blink of an eye The room infiltrated and disappeared.

I have to say that the effect of this Youth Spring Water is magical.

After Youth Spring Water penetrated into the Phoenix egg, the life of the Phoenix egg rose a trace.

Well, only then a trace.

From the previous 0.01 to 0.1. In other words, the rise is close to ten times the breath of life.

But for the magical existence of the Phoenix egg, this life is almost the same as an ant turned into ten ants, the effect is not obvious.

According to Wei Xiaobei’s calculations, if you want to restore this Phoenix egg to its original state, or if you want it to have the ability to break the shell, the consumption of Youth Spring Water will be a relatively large number.

You know, there are three drops in Youth Spring Water in the Wei Xiaobei Storage Bracelet.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei put some of the blood in the Storage Bracelet on the Phoenix eggs.

It is a good idea to use Monster’s blood to enhance its life.

But the result is that Wei Xiaobei is not too cool.

Only the blood of the fire is Monster. It is able to penetrate into the Phoenix eggs, while the rest of Monster’s blood, even Lu Shu, these 4-Star Monsters. There is no use for it. When it falls on the Phoenix eggs, it is directly evaporated by high-temperature without leaving a trace.

Wei Xiaobei tried to reach out and stick to the Phoenix egg. He wanted to feel the consciousness in the Phoenix egg, but there was no response at all. Perhaps his life was too weak and his consciousness fell into a deep sleep.

In this way, after the blood of the ignition system Monster in the Storage Bracelet is exhausted. Wei Xiaobei is not useful for staying here.

But fortunately, the current Phoenix eggs have been much more stable than before.

The degree of life is up to the extent of the awarded 0.2, at least not as before, a little careless, life is completely extinguished.

This time, the road to go back is much faster than it is down.

After Wei Xiaobei left the cave, returned to the Chinese army account and exchanged with Zhao Yun. It is decided to return to reality first.

As for Tu Qingqing, I am afraid it will be difficult to come back in a short time.

Wei Xiaobei has a lot of things to do next, and it is impossible to stay in the valley and wait.

With a trace regret, Wei Xiaobei gradually became transparent in his tent and eventually disappeared.

“brother !brother! Are you okay?”

Wei Xiaobei just woke up. I heard a series of calls, and the feeling of contact that slaps gently on my face.

Ok. Even when she was a child, Wei Xiaobei did not enjoy the treatment of other people’s faces.

Although it is not a slap in the face, this feeling can be very strange.

Instant eyes open!

For Pan Zhengen, the luck of his own time can be described by a idiom after the change, and the loss of the horse is not a blessing?

Pan Zhengen, who just graduated from a third-rate university, was lucky enough to join a security company in a job fair of Qianjun Wanma and became a glorious security guard!

Don’t look down on security. It is said that this security company has a deep background and its business direction even has multinational business.

But the good fortune didn’t last long, just when Pan Zhengen had just received his first salary, the disaster came.

A large number of fast-moving Monsters appear in the eastern suburbs of Green Lake City, where they are endlessly bloody!

As long as it is a life form with meat, it is food in front of these little Monster.

Initially this news was officially suppressed, but soon a well-informed reporter took the video of Terror and sent it back to the TV station.

This time, almost all viewers in front of the TV are looking at the Monster of those Terror.

Pan Zhengen naturally saw it. As a college student who loves to play games, um, even if he is ignorant, he will look at the arrived at the sight of Monster’s familiarity.

It is a worm! puppy!

Although the puppy in the game, the jumper looks slightly different from the reality, um, after all, 2D and 3D can’t be exactly the same, but anyone who has played the game can recognize it.

An old farmer who was busy spraying pesticides found a group of puppies appearing in his own dense farmland. They could not help but be angry. Although these dogs are quite Terror, they ruin the growing crops. Fall down.

The old peasant who carried the hoe to the front was swept to the ground by the puppies.

A Large group of ducks swimming in the river is desperately trying to move towards the center of the river, and behind them, the ducklings with long bamboo poles have been eaten for white bone.

“Dry! I seem to have hit someone!”

Back The driver who was sweating rushed to push the door open, but found that he was flying out of a Life Form that he had never seen before, but in the next moment, more weird Life Forms appeared from both sides of the road, and the fierce rushed over. .

“Shooting !Shooting ! Give me a fight!”

In the construction work that was formed by the temporary accumulation of sandbags on the road into the city, the heroic National Guards were constantly moving toward the road, and the puppies of the Large Group rushed to move away.

“Crash them!”

A provincial-level big bus is mad at the road in the F1 equation. The passengers in the car have been numb. In the back of the big bus, several puppies are madly chasing, and the road ahead of the big bus. On, from time to time, a puppy will be intercepted.

Of course, in front of the big bus with wide body weight, these body types are not very large puppies. As long as they are touched, they will be hit and flew out, even if several puppies are crushed by the wheels.

The bus driver has already red eyes at this time, his right foot is stepping on the gas pedal, and the hands holding the steering wheel are rooted in the blue veins!

At this point, the life of the entire vehicle was caught in the hands of the car, which made the bus driver not dare to relax.

But bus is always bus, not a tank. Under the desperate interception of the puppies, the bust wheel of the bus can no longer bear the cutting of the sharp edge. In a crisp sound like a glass crush, the tire burst!

The unprepared driver only had time to slap the steering wheel and slam on the brakes. The big bus rolled directly under the inertia.

There was an exclamation and whine in the carriage.

To say that this driver is also very strong.

The big bus rolled out, but the puppies that were too late to dodge were pressed into patties.

But after the big bus rolled for a few laps, and not to mention the casualties in the car, several puppies madly moved toward the window.

If nothing happens, the only ending for those in the car is to kill the dog by the puppies!

Just in the midst of this millennium, several low-pitched sniper rifles sounded, and the puppies were all killed by headshots, and the soft body was stuck in the glass window of the crush.

Several figures of Energetic humans rushed from a distance.

Well, the lucky passengers like this are a minority, and the human beings in this area are more likely to face death.

I have to say that when the bloody picture of this scene appeared on the TV, even the most courageous guy couldn’t help but have a cool back.

What happened to the world?

At first some people might suspect that it was a prank by TV, but as more information came, the entire Green Lake City became confused.

Reflex’s fastest residents quickly chose to leave Green Lake City with a variety of transportation, but more people chose to stay behind.

Human beings are like this, either they can’t bear the wealth outside of the world, or they can follow the big stream and think that the disaster cannot spread.

Of course, this is just the initial doubt of forget it.

With the National Guard entering Green Lake City in large numbers, after a chilling atmosphere spread, the string that was tightly stretched was broken when the fortifications were set up in various streets and buildings.

For those citizens, the National Guards who entered the city could not alleviate their sense of tenderness, but instead pushed back on the back.

Of course, in this case, those organizations have played a big role. Many bosses have tried to move their own organizations. The Corporation has gone. Those employees can only follow, and this has led to the escape of the citizens. Great tide. (To be continued~^~)

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