Chapter 714, Phoenix Egg? ! !

The first chapter is sent! I apologize to everyone here. A few days ago, due to the confusion of the codewords, the result was that the North became the main gold. Divine Beast White Tiger found the mistake under the reminder of the book friends. Sorry, sorry, sorry. It should be the main water in the north, Divine Beast Xuanwu.


In the discussion with the military, another month passed.

Wei Xiaobei has almost upgraded his Spear Technique this month to an unadulted apex.

Well, Wei Xiaobei also knows that this is just his own illusion of forget it. This so-called apex actually enters the bottleneck itself and may require an opportunity to continue to improve Spear Technique.

But then again, Wei Xiaobei’s Spear Technique is not shown in the Attribute Panel, perhaps under the Eight Extremities Fist, but Wei Xiaobei himself knows that if Spear Technique is listed separately, I am afraid its realm is no less than Under the Eight Extremities Fist.

Your current Spear Technique is more than just Six Harmonies Great Spear.

In addition, the number and strength of monsters hitting the valley has decreased during the month, most of them are 2-Star Monster, but the flies are small and meaty.

There is also a month to say, and Wei Xiaobei has more than 5,000 Evolution Points.

The total number of Evolution Points is up to the arrived 26900 point.

But Wei Xiaobei didn’t easily put these Evolution Points on the attribute. He had a feeling that his breakthrough opportunity would soon be arrived, and if these Evolution Points were put into the attribute, I would probably delay this opportunity.

“White Tiger, come with me.”

On this day, Wei Xiaobei just returned to the tent from the school ground and took a cold shower. Zhao Yun sent a soldier to find the past.

And Wei Xiaobei just entered the Chinese army big account, Zhao Yun got up. Signal Wei Xiaobei to follow himself.

“big brother, what’s the matter?”

Wei Xiaobei Some doubts followed by Zhao Yun, could not help but ask.

“Some things should also let you see you.”

Zhao Yun said something that made Wei Xiaobei more confused, but walked with Wei Xiaobei move towards the waterhole.

Water pool?

Why are you going to the waterhole?

Wei Xiaobei will naturally not think that Zhao Yun is taking a bath with himself.


Before coming to the waterhole, Zhao Yun did not stop, bypassing the waterhole and continuing to move inside, and after walking around the waterhole, it was less than 50 meters, and a cave appeared in front of Wei Xiaobei.

In front of the cave. There are actually ten guards guarding!

I have to say that this really evokes the interest of Wei Xiaobei.

You know, Zhao Yun now has a total of more than 30 pro-arms. These pro-arms are powerful and released. How can they be a Capital Senior? Some of them are elite, even if they are a Sima.

In this area, a cave in the district has been guarded by ten soldiers, and the things inside it may not be simple.

“I have seen the general! I have seen the keeper!”

See Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei come over. Those pro-brothers rushed to salute.

Well, one thing to note is that Wei Xiaobei has also been promoted. From Capital Senior to the keeper, it took over the position before Zhao Tong.

However, for Wei Xiaobei, the promotion of this position is not as exciting as the promotion of Spear Technique.

Zhao Yun nodded and showed his Waist Token.

Arrived at this time, those pro-arms were scattered and separated on both sides of the cave.

This made Wei Xiaobei more curious about the situation in the cave.

As the military master, Zhao Yun needs to show the token to be able to bring himself into the house. It is obvious that the importance of this cave is beyond the imagination of Wei Xiaobei!

of course. This can also explain that Zhao Yun is extremely self-disciplined!

It is an idol in my heart!

Wei Xiaobei imagined the scene inside the cave while he was behind Zhao Yun.

As Zhao Yun and Wei Xiaobei stepped into the cave, the ten soldiers then blocked the hole again. For them, guarding this hole is their only mission!

Well, how do you say that?

After entering the cave, Wei Xiaobei did not see anything unexpected. There is only one channel that rotates downwards, and there is a faint heat wave from this channel.

One lap, two laps, three laps……….

After arrived, Wei Xiaobei also gave up the calculation of the number of laps in this channel.

Look down from the side of the passage. Only one tiny red dot can be seen.

But as Wei Xiaobei keeps going down, the heat wave rising from below begins to rise.

It took about half an hour. The temperature of this heat has been raised to about seven hundred degrees!

It can be said that the rocks under the feet of Wei Xiaobei are faintly red.

In such an environment, even the air inhaled into the lungs can easily ignite the wood!

If you switch to an ordinary person, I am afraid that before it has been here, it has become coke, coke from the inside out.

At this time, Zhao Yun, who walks in front of Wei Xiaobei, faintly transmits a faint white light, like a faint human-shaped light bulb, which will turn all around and keep the hot high-temperature out.

In any case, Zhao Yun does not have the metamorphic Flame absorption ability of Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei is not uncomfortable in such an environment, but it is somewhat comfortable.

When the hot air is close to Wei Xiaobei, it will cool rapidly, and the hair in the meidians of Wei Xiaobei slowly emerges a trace of silky fire. After passing through Dantian, the fire will be completely absorbed by the beads. Half a point.

Finally, after another half an hour, the destination was arrived.

The long underground spiral passage is at the end of the arrived.

This is a lava lake in Giant, where the all around rock exudes the same heat as the magma, making Wei Xiaobei barely see the end of the lava lake.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were completely attracted at this time.

Of course, it is not the lava lake that attracts Wei Xiaobei’s attention, but something that is half-sinking in the lava lake.

A fiery red giant egg!

This giant egg is said to be a giant egg. It is actually not too big. It is also one meter in diameter. It is hard to see this thing in this lava lake.

But Wei Xiaobei clearly sees the giant egg.

This is a feeling that is difficult to describe in words, and the flaming red of the giant eggs is not conspicuous in the lava. But it is like the night pearl in the night, which can’t be ignored.

Switch to the egg of any Life Form, I am afraid that it will be cooked in this lava lake.

But Wei Xiaobei knows that this giant egg has a life style.

“This, what is this?”

Wei Xiaobei is not stupid. He probably guessed what the giant egg was, but this speculation made him too shocked, so he subconsciously asked.

“It should be a Phoenix egg.”

Zhao Yun replied with a slightly hesitant tone, and the white light on his body became more dazzling. The temperature of the air has exceeded thousands of degrees here!

Phoenix eggs?

Yes, if you want to come, if you are not a Phoenix egg, what other Life Form eggs can float in this lava lake.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have to go on. With his experience, it is easy to guess the temperature of the lava here, at least more than three thousand degrees!

Wei Xiaobei did not continue to ask, he knew that since Zhao Yun came here with himself, he would say everything.

And then, Zhao Yun really put things together.

original. When Zhao Yun first came here, the Phoenix egg was not a Phoenix egg, but a Phoenix corpse with a diameter of more than 30 meters!

Absolutely a dead body! There is no life.

There is no doubt about this. If Zhao Yun can see the eye, then I am afraid that everyone in the world is presbyopia.

But after Wei Xiaobei first came to the valley, the Phoenix corpse gradually changed.

Of course, Zhao Yun was only a month before the routine inspection, only to find that the Phoenix corpse became an egg.

But with a little extrapolation, recall, Zhao Yun came to the conclusion that the Phoenix corpse was initially changed. It was when Wei Xiaobei first entered the valley.

But even Zhao Yun didn’t dare to get close to the Phoenix egg.

Like these divine objects, it is not so easy to approach, as to why, Zhao Yun did not elaborate.

But the problem was that the Phoenix corpse became a Phoenix egg.

The first is that there are some problems with Qingqiu.

Before Zhao Yun and Qingqiu reached an agreement, in simple terms, is to jointly develop this Phoenix corpse.

If not, then. How can the Qingqiu country take the initiative to take action, and is willing to marry a woman from her own family?

Zhao Yun did not inform the Qingqiu country about this, but brought it here after Wei Xiaobei reached the bottleneck. The meaning of this is very clear.

It is good to be close to your own brother.

It can also be seen from here that at a critical moment. Zhao Yun is not the kind of completely pedantic.

I want to come, too, if it is the kind of person who acts in full accordance with the routine. I am afraid I will not bow to Wei Xiaobei.

Of course, this is also because Wei Xiaobei is very resistant to Flame, otherwise, it is dead here.

“You go ahead and see.”

Zhao Yun’s eyes fell on the eggs that were undulating in the magma, thinking for a while.

For the magma below, Wei Xiaobei didn’t have any fear, and when he jumped on his legs, he jumped and started the ability to walk freely before falling on the magma.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was able to stand firmly on the tumbling magma and feel the heat from his feet. Wei Xiaobei move towards the Phoenix egg.

When it was ten kilometers away, Wei Xiaobei stopped and he could feel the life of the Phoenix egg.

But it is a little different from what Wei Xiaobei imagined.

After approaching the Phoenix eggs, Wei Xiaobei found that its all around magma temperature was slowly declining, and that the life of the Phoenix eggs was extremely weak.

Well, if you use the life of ordinary people as the base 1, then the life of the Fishman guard should be around 1.2, the life of Thunder Worm has 4 points, the Sacred Beetle has at least 20 points, the Thousand-eyed Monster has 50 points, Wei Xiaobei should have 100 or so.

And the life of this Phoenix egg is only about 0.01!

That is to say, its life is even lower than that of black beetles. In terms of its volume of more than one meter in diameter, it is like a trace of candlelight in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time. (To be continued~^~)

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