Chapter 711, envy and hate! (seeking a monthly pass)

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One head, two heads, three heads, these poor tortoises are constantly being penetrated under the giant spear of Wei Xiaobei.

Each small tortoise can bring 350Evolution Points to Wei Xiaobei.

In contrast, Zhao Tong, who dealt with these little turtles, is not as clean and clean as Wei Xiaobei.

The trick was to pick the small tortoise to the heights. After more than a dozen falls on the ground, the little tortoise was stunned and turned, and after accidentally extending the limbs, the skull would have a silver gun. With the blast into the key points!

I have to say that Zhao Tong is also a smart tool.

After seeing Zhao Tong to deal with these little tortoises, many military officers and sergeants have done the same.

With the right method, less than a minute before and after, all the little turtles are killed.

Wei Xiaobei moves faster, killing thirteen turtles.

But this is not bad, the total income is 4550Evolution Points.

After the killing of the little tortoises, the soldiers quickly evacuated after the command of the army to move towards the stone wall.

This is also a helpless thing. In the battle with the big tortoise, don’t say ordinary soldiers, as long as the strength is under 4-Star, whether it is the captain or Capital Senior, leave.

Otherwise, joining the battle is to die.

To be honest, as Wei Xiaobei joins the battle, he can feel the difference between the big tortoises.

The light is the Flame that it spurts, which is at least two thousand degrees higher than the previous small tortoises.

In addition to Wei Xiaobei’s ability to spur the Flame, the rest of the military, whether it is the week’s school or Zhao Tong, seeing this big turtle probe sprays Flame, they can only choose to quickly dodge.

The high-temperature Flame of this big tortoise is also the reason why Zhou Junyi and other military officers have been unable to take these big turtles.

The wisdom of these three big tortoises is much stronger than those of the little tortoises. They are accommodating each other. If Arrows shoots, they immediately shrink their heads, but even if other big tortoises spray Flame, they will not have the chance to get close, let alone fly them. Woke up.

But as Wei Xiaobei joined the battle, things became very simple.

A big tortoise has sprayed Flame move towards Wei Xiaobei, while Wei Xiaobei has no intention of dodging at all. Huge spear points to the front. Move towards the big tortoise that spurted Flame’s huge mouth and stabbed it.

The big tortoise was probably blocked by Flame. Maybe it wouldn’t be believed that someone could spray himself out of Flame. In short, Wei Xiaobei’s gun directly penetrated the big tortoise and then violently stirred it. The Flame in the tortoise’s tortoise was even more spattered, but the huge spear on Wei Xiaobei’s hand continued to penetrate.

If it is not that the skull of this big tortoise is big enough, Wei Xiaobei’s huge spear is hard to get into the brain with a shot. I am afraid that this big tortoise is as dead as a small tortoise.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei is a series of stabbing. The big tortoise still made a painful roar, and even took up Giant’s front paw move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei Gently on the ground, it was extremely light and regressed more than ten meters.

The front paws are like a huge stone falling in front of Wei Xiaobei.

A bang. A pit appeared on the ground and the gravel was spattered everywhere.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei had been carrying the gravel that had flown, and his legs slammed on the ground, as if a big bird had moved toward the head of the tortoise.

Huge spear The sharp and incomparable gun head pierced the giant tortoise!

Sting again!

The tortoise was already mad at this time, and the two front paws continued to move toward Wei Xiaobei, but this did not help the battle.

But then again, the toughness of the tortoise’s vitality made Wei Xiaobei somewhat surprised.

Fight for a few minutes in a row. Wei Xiaobei Huge spear in the hand almost smashed the head of the tortoise into a horse’s nest, even if some of the brains flowed out.

But the tortoise is still in anger, and the two front paws are constantly chasing Wei Xiaobei’s figure.

But this turtle finally fell under Wei Xiaobei’s huge spear.

Well, to be precise, it should be poured under the corrosion of White Fog Dragon Spear.

In the end, the skull of this tortoise was almost eroded so that only the skull was left, and then it screamed and slammed down, completely losing the breath of life.

1200Evolution Points!

And when this turtle was killed by Wei Xiaobei. The remaining two tortoises even squirted Flame and fired alive with Wei Xiaobei’s colleague, a Capital Senior under Zhao Tong!

Well, Wei Xiaobei was the first time he encountered a situation in which his peers were killed.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei is angry. But even more angry than Wei Xiaobei is Zhao Tong!

It was not yet waiting for Wei Xiaobei to rush to the top with Flame, and Zhao Tong had already leaped high. Suddenly suspended in the air, the right hand of the silver gun suddenly appeared a circle of white light.

Huh, a soft bang, the silver gun flew out from Zhao Tong’s hand. After a blink of an eye, the silver gun suddenly turned into a horse-sized white Phoenix. The wide wings slightly fanned, and instantly crossed the distance of hundreds of meters. Above the skull of the tortoise.

Without a slight sound, the white Phoenix was once again turned into a silver gun, and it passed through the skull of the tortoise and slanted to the ground.

The tortoise and the tortoise did not even have time to send out. The head that had stood tall and shook slightly, and it fell down. Its life breath completely dissipated after the gun.

Strong and strong!

At this time, Zhao Tong, whose breath is inexplicably enhanced several times, in the eyes of Wei Xiaobei, is a small sun that is moving toward all around.

However, killing a big tortoise, Zhao Tong did not stop, the right hand gently grabbed, the silver gun suddenly appeared again in the palm of his hand.

Another white light shone above the silver gun.

call! Turned into a white phoenix to fly again, the next moment, the head of the last big tortoise was penetrated by a silver gun, unwilling to close the pair of giant eyes like a wheel.

Until the last breath of the tortoise’s life completely dissipated, Zhao Tong, who was originally magnificent, suddenly fell, his eyes closed, and the body suspended in the air was like a kite.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has been paying attention to this Zhao Tong. When he saw it falling down, he rushed over in a hurry and grabbed Zhao Tong with his hands.

At this time, Zhao Tong has been in a coma.

Undoubtedly, the previous tricks, for Zhao Tong, I am afraid that the burden is too heavy, so that now the force is comatose.

Since Wei was in a coma, Wei Xiaobei was not polite. He was really curious about Zhao Tong’s previous changes. His eyes fell on Zhao Tong and Erudite started!

Name: Zhao Tong

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 1790 years old

Creature Rank :4-Star Elite

Camp: Shu Han

Position: Toothgate

Introduction: This person is the three kings Shu Han Wuhu Admiral Zhao Yun eldest son, Ren Fengshan training martial arts goalkeeper, brave and good war……..

Attribute :(???)

Skills: Matchless, Matchless,? ? ? ?

Special Ability: One is a gallbladder, a hundred birds are facing the phoenix gun, and seven are exploring the snake gun. ? ? ? ?

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate Evolution Points )

Items on hand : Treasure silver gun


Breakthrough! ? ?

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei first saw Zhao Tong, itsCreature Rank is 4-Star ordinary, but now even if the force is unconscious, it is still the 4-Star elite!

Undoubtedly, before the change of its breath is a breakthrough!

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei is somewhat envious of him.

I personally raised the Physical Strength to the 80 point, and also worked with Tu Qingqing on the method of Qingqiu, but failed to break through to the 4-Star elite.

And this Zhao Tong, seeing that his men were killed by Monster, broke through in a rage, and really made Wei Xiaobei somewhat envious and hateful!

Wei Xiaobei slightly checked Zhao Tong’s body and concluded that it was off force.

This conclusion makes Zhou Xia and others sighed in relief.

Do not say anything else, the identity of Zhao Yun eldest son is enough to make Zhou Xia and others cautious.

Returning to the Chinese army’s big account, Wei Xiaobei handed over the order because Zhao Tong was still in a coma.

Back to the tent, Wei Xiaobei was surprised to find that Tu Qingqing had prepared the meal and sat at the small table waiting for him to come back.

When Wei Xiaobei sat down, Tu Qingqing would have a meal and let Wei Xiaobei feel the mystery of life again.

Warm thinking ****…….

After eating and drinking, Wei Xiaobei is brave enough to hold Tu Qingqing, and then there is no need to mention it.

When the two were lying on the pavement, Wei Xiaobei enjoyed the softness and couldn’t help but ask: “Why is it so good to me?”

Tu Qingqing’s cheeks were slightly red, and her fingers were used to poke Wei Xiaobei’s chest without speaking.

Wei Xiaobei was awakened to come over, but he asked nonsense and used the modern consciousness to set out this Tu Qingqing.

Spring is bitter and short, and the king is not early!

Wei Xiaobei, who knows the taste of the marrow, is not a king in the next few days, but it is better than a king. When he comes back from the school field every day, he rushes back to the tent and wants to do something. Naturally, there is no need to say more.

However, a few days later, Tu Qingqing refused Wei Xiaobei because of the reason that the man should not be too indulge in the female color.

Tu Qingqing’s refusal was to make Wei Xiaobei, who was upset, almost jumped up.

However, Tu Qingqing is an ordinary woman, two or three words, let Wei Xiaobei’s mind turn more than half.

Indeed, I have been too indulge bedtime in the past few days.

This is Dust World, not the peaceful and peaceful reality. Well, it is about reality. It is not peaceful now.

I have to say that the first night with Tu Qingqing brought great benefits to Wei Xiaobei.

Well, the main thing here is to solve the problem of the weak body, the body temperature returns to normal, and there is a strange feeling between Wei Xiaobei and Tu Qingqing. If the two are separated, the two sides can easily feel Go to the position of the other party, and this feeling is still improving. (To be continued~^~)

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