Chapter 712, attribute disappears? (seeking a monthly pass)

The second chapter is sent! Accelerating………


Wei Xiaobei looked at the Attribute Panel. Although I slacked off some of these days, I still brushed up some Evolution Points, which made the total number of Evolution Points increase the awarded 29750.

The Muscle attribute should be improved a bit.

See what new capabilities will emerge when this Muscle attribute is promoted to the 80 point.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei still has some expectations.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not hesitate, and then focused on the Muscle attribute.

With the concentration of attention, the Muscle attribute starts to increase by the amount of 0.01 each time, while the Evolution Points fall at the speed of each 10 point.

Compared to Physical Strength, the improvement of Muscle attribute gives Wei Xiaobei a more obvious feeling.

Every time the Muscle attribute is improved, although only the extent of 0.01, Wei Xiaobei can still feel the slight expansion of Muscle.

Well, this Muscle attribute is now very slow to upgrade relative to other attributes.

Let’s just say, lying on the shop for about half an hour, Wei Xiaobei’s Muscle attribute only raised the 2 point.

Tu Qingqing probably saw that Wei Xiaobei’s body was undergoing a mysterious change, so he did not bother him, and quietly left the tent after laying it up.

For Tu Qingqing’s departure, Wei Xiaobei noted the arrival, but the lengthy Muscle attribute promotion process made him unable to distract him.

After about five hours, this long Muscle attribute upgrade ended.

Muscle attribute 80 points! Consume Evolution Points 19500!

However, just after the Muscle attribute was raised to the 80 point, Wei Xiaobei felt a terrible pain in the Muscle!

it hurts!

Wei Xiaobei is now suffering from this sudden pain.

But in this regard, Wei Xiaobei has no lose one’s head out of fear at all, but feels a little happy.

This is not Wei Xiaobei’s masochistic potential. But there is no pain, but Wei Xiaobei’s mind is a bit unreliable, just like the physical strength is raised to the 80 point, just like a dream.

Fortunately, the pain is coming!

But this time the pain is not what Muscle dissolves and reorganizes, but starts from the meridians. Because of the Qingqiu method of the Qiaqiu, Wei Xiaobei, the internal gas in the meridians has expanded to the extreme, and this pain just appeared. A large amount of internal gas is produced in the acupuncture points. Especially the Dantian is the most.

The internal gas that exceeded the total capacity of the Meridians for a moment made the meridians squeaky. It seems that the next moment, the whole body of the Meridians will collapse in the rapid expansion of this gas.

But what Wei Xiaobei absolutely didn’t think was that the beads that were suspended in Dantian began to swallow the Danian’s inner air.

This phagocytosis is extremely fast, less than five minutes before and after, and the internal air in the meridians is swallowed clean.

Although the acupoints are still producing internal gas at this time, the internal gas in the meridians is not enough to explode the meridians.

Time passed slowly, and after half an hour, no gas was produced in the acupoints.

But at this moment, the beads that had swallowed the inner air quietly spit out a few drops of crystal clear. Transparent and slightly a few silvery liquids, these liquids give Wei Xiaobei a familiar feeling, just like the previous air.


This is what happens when the internal air condenses to the extreme. This stuff is undoubtedly higher than the internal gas.

In all kinds of Taoist literature in China, there is a explanation for this thing.

There is real mercury, there is the saying of Refining Qi chemical solution and so on.

But this thing has some mystery, and Wei Xiaobei still has to explore a little bit.

Of course, at this time, Wei Xiaobei still named this thing as real mercury, and its color is similar to mercury.

After the emergence of this real mercury, it slowly moved along the major meridians. But in the course of its operation, it rose up with a silvery cloud that penetrated into the Meridians.

At first, this infiltration did not change, but as time went by, the meridians who were constantly infiltrated by this silver cloud will gradually appear silver.

Relative to this infiltration, the amount of real mercury is somewhat less, and a drop of true mercury will soon dissipate among the meridians.

But every once in a while, the beads in the Dantian will spit out a few drops of real mercury. Constantly running on its own, rising and infiltrating.

Simply put, this kind of real mercury, Wei Xiaobei’s mind is difficult to manipulate. Only let it run on its own.

Well, this is a very long process.

Arrived at this time. Wei Xiaobei remembered the set of ideas that Zhao Yun taught to him a few days ago. It is said that this set of minds was created by Zhao Yun. There is no name, but it is good for the soul.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei began to run this set of minds in the body meridians.

I have to say that Zhao Yun’s products are really different. Under the operation of this set of methods, Wei Xiaobei’s acupoints in the body quickly produced a lot of internal gas. Of course, these internal gases were also quickly used by the beads in Dantian. Swallow up.

But after the beads swallowed the air, the real mercury produced seemed to be a little more.

This set of minds can speed up the production of real mercury, and it is also the surprise of Wei Xiaobei.

However, at this time, Wei Xiaobei did not have much time to practice this set of methods, until the time is available.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the arrived Attribute Panel.

Ok? ? ? ?

what happened?

At the first sight of the Attribute Panel, Wei Xiaobei’s eyes were wide.

Compared to before, the changes in the Attribute Panel are a bit large.

The two branch attributes under this strength main attribute are gone!

Strength : 80 (extraordinary)! ! !

Muscle attribute, Physical Strength is gone, leaving only one ability after the main attribute of strength, which is extraordinary.

This is this! ! ? ?

To be honest, this change is even worse than the previous fade immunity, which makes Wei Xiaobei horrified.

For this change, Wei Xiaobei thought for a while, and his heart was probably a bit of a spectrum, but he didn’t dare to say that what he thought was really the same thing.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei focused on the main attribute of strength.

Then the strength main attribute changes from 80 points to 80.01 points, while Evolution Points consumes 40 points.

so far so good!

Wei Xiaobei suddenly lost a big sigh of relief.

As long as the strength main attribute can be promoted with Evolution Points, what changes are easy to say.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei had some concerns before, and Evolution Points were useless for the promotion of attributes, in which case their own Attribute Panel lost more than half of the benefits.

At the same time, as the main attribute of the strength was promoted to 80.01, Wei Xiaobei’s meridians suddenly produced a lot of internal gas, and the Meridians squeaked, but Wei Xiaobei was shocked.

From this scene, it can be seen that in a short period of time, it is necessary to raise the main attribute of strength.

Strength The main attribute has been improved. Wei Xiaobei has not stayed in the tent. When he got out of the tent, he followed the feeling of his heart and came to the tent of the little girl.

Well, before this Tu Qingqing and Fox Xiaomei lived in a tent, but after Tu Qingqing and Wei Xiaobei, they naturally moved into the tent of the Wei Weibei.

Just as soon as I was close to the fox’s tent, Wei Xiaobei’s keen ear heard some angry and ruined voice of the arrived fox girl.

“Sister! You actually married the man?!! I don’t agree!”

The voice of Fox Little Girl is a bit sharp and high.

Wei Xiaobei’s make complaints, all on the top, do not agree?

Then there was Tu Qingqing’s swaying whisper and the fox-sisters became more and more angry.

Wei Xiaobei I thought about it. When I go in this time, I am afraid I will find it.

Although Wei Xiaobei was not afraid of the little girl, but on the face of Tu Qingqing, Wei Xiaobei decided not to care about this little girl, turned and moved towards the school yard.

When Wei Xiaobei came to the school, he saw that Zhao Yun was holding a wooden gun and Zhao Tong killed each other.

I have to say that Zhao Yun’s Spear Technique is beyond the imagination of Wei Xiaobei.

Zhao Yun didn’t use much strength at all, but the wooden gun spurted it out, but it made it difficult for Zhao Tong, who had already upgraded to the 4-Star elite, to fight. After more than a dozen shots, Zhao Tong was shy and stopped fighting. .

Well, Zhao Tong has more than a dozen white spots on his chest. That is to say, in this fight, Zhao Yun hits Zhao Tong with ease.

“big brother good Spear Technique!”

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but cheer.

“White Tiger is here.”

Zhao Yun will pick up the wooden gun, said with a smile: “Come, let the big brother look at your current Spear Technique.”

Although the time here is not short, but because Zhao Yun military is busy, Wei Xiaobei did not have much time to ask Zhao Yun, then Zhao Yun said so, Wei Xiaobei will be shirked, and eager to go to the weapon rack I took a wooden gun before.

This wooden gun is the same as the ordinary huge spear except that the gun head is replaced by a group of cloth wrapped in lime. Well, it should be called a spear.


See Wei Xiaobei to select the weapon, Zhao Yun right hand long gun will move towards Wei Xiaobei one finger, lightly shouted.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei felt like he was stared at by a tiger. The whole body was under the invisible pressure, just like the Mount Tai, and for a moment, Wei Xiaobei almost went straight to the ground.

Strong and powerful!

Wei Xiaobei The whole body is working hard and it is hard to hold the body.

Is this the true strength of Zhao Yun! ? ?

Just lightly shouted, so that you can barely move your body!


Wei Xiaobei forced the heart to move at this time. Among the Dantian, the bead suddenly spit out a few drops of real mercury. The real mercury turned into an endless inner gas, filling the meridians, making the constant pressure one of them. pause.

Taking advantage of the sudden momentum of the power, Wei Xiaobei’s full force suddenly Eruption, he can clearly see his Attribute Panel above, the strength attribute suddenly increased from 80 point to 90 point.

Then Wei Xiaobei felt the body as if he had broken away from the shackles of the mire. The wooden gun moved forward and turned into a streamer, and Zhao Yun in front of the move towards the past. (To be continued~^~)

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