Chapter 710, Turtle

The third chapter is sent! Finally caught up, almost missed.


However, those meridians have become much stronger than before.

Wei Xiaobei noticed at this time that his body temperature, which was different from ordinary people, also returned to normal.

Well, this should be a good thing? Feeling that the meridians are more solid than before, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention to the arrived Attribute Panel.

The Attribute Panel hasn’t changed much before, and the Physical Strength stays on 79.99.

Wei Xiaobei After hesitating for a while, he focused his attention, and with the consumption of 10Evolution Points, the final 0.01 of Physical Strength improved.

As Physical Strength rises to the 80 point, Wei Xiaobei feels that the whole body is under a mysterious change.

The cells that make up the body are constantly changing.

Wei Xiaobei feels that under this change, the whole body is comfortable, and there is no pain that has previously increased Physical Strength.

But this change is quickly over.

The toughness of the body has further improved.

This point, Wei Xiaobei can be more intuitive to feel.

After the Physical Strength was raised to the 80 point, the ability of the Rock Steady also changed.

Extraordinary: For various reasons, from this moment on, your body is separated from the body and has some characteristics different from mortals.

…….. um, extraordinary.

The introduction of this ability is rather vague, what is the reason, and what is different from the characteristics of mortals.

Did not say in the introduction.

Well, Wei Xiaobei wants to figure out what it means, and then looks at the entire Attribute Panel.

But after reading it, Wei Xiaobei felt a cold heart.

He suddenly found out. A Special Ability has disappeared!

Flame immunity (Advanced)!

This Special Ability disappeared from the Attribute Panel without even calling a greeting!

what happened?

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei almost jumped out of the quilt.


Perhaps Wei Xiaobei was shocked by the movement of the body, but he woke up the sleeping Tu Qingqing.

After a scream, Tu Qingqing’s body left Wei Xiaobei, his face was red, and he was wrapped in the quilt, but Wei Xiaobei was exposed.

Wei Xiaobei is now thicker. Rolling over, the quilt and Tu Qingqing are in the arms together.

However, leisure time is always short. Not long after, the soldiers’ running sounds came from outside. It seems that Eruption is fighting outside Taniguchi.

Tu Qingqing opened Wei Xiaobei and Wei Xiaobei did not continue to rush, just staring at each other with his eyes. Tu Qingqing stood up in the quilt, and the body turned, and the quilt fell and then slowly fell.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but widen his eyes. But the spring light that I thought I could see did not appear. As the quilt fell, Tu Qingqing had put on a green shirt. Let Wei Xiaobei sigh.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei sighing, Tu Qingqing hesitated a bit, biting his lip and saying: “The slave family is already a Wei Family person, why should the husband be greedy for a while.”


Tu Qingqing’s words made Wei Xiaobei feel awkward, but after a moment he woke up and couldn’t help but take out the military uniform, Leather Armor put on.

after that. Tu Qingqing took out the pot with warm water and waited for Wei Xiaobei to wash it. It was so beautiful that he almost knocked the basin to the ground.

Even after coming to the Chinese army, Wei Xiaobei had an uncontrollable smile on his face.

I have to say that even at this time, Wei Xiaobei can’t believe that he and Tu Qingqing have become husband and wife.

A woman like a country with a bright fragrance and a snowy sun, tell the truth. Wei Xiaobei had a little inferiority in the face of it.

It is as if a farmer suddenly married a princess and the whole person seems to be dreaming.

Seeing Wei Xiaobei’s appearance, Zhao Yun chuckled, since Wei Xiaobei feels good. As a big brother, Zhao Yun will not intervene.

“Report! The outside of the valley is tight. Weekly school, please send the army to the reinforcements!”

Just like Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Yun can’t stand it anymore. When he is ready to say something, he will hear the report to the reporter’s report.

Later, Zhao Yun sent Zhao Tong out, and Wei Xiaobei, as a part of Zhao Tong, naturally set off the soldiers and set off.

Just boarded the stone wall, Wei Xiaobei saw the battle outside the arrived.

At this time, more than 30 white turtles whose body type is like an elephant are being killed by the Large group soldiers, and a turtle whose body type is like a hill is being held up by several military forces.

Wei Xiaobei’s eyes swept, Erudite started, and even the origins of these turtles became clear.

In fact, these whole bodies are white, the head is red, and the turtle that constantly blows Flame from the mouth is called the tortoise.

It is known as a kind of catastrophe in the Classic of Mountain and Seas, and its place can cause fires.

Of course, watching the way it spurts Flame, you know how the fire came.

The situation at this time is indeed a bit of a crisis.

These turtles, the elephant body type’s Creature Rank is about 3-Star, the 3-Star elite, and the hill-shaped tortoise is the all-in-one 4-Star.

It should be said that there are not many problems with the number of military lords headed by Zhou Xia, but it is a little troublesome for the thousands of sergeants to deal with more than 30 elephants.

These tortoises are extremely defensive. When they encounter an attack, they will retract the skull and limbs back to the hard shell. After the skull stretches out, it is a spray of Flame.

In this way, dozens of soldiers were burned out of the battle.

And the military and other military officers will want to solve the hill-shaped turtle, I am afraid it is not so simple.

Of course, if you solve those little turtles, it should be much easier to deal with the big tortoise.

Zhao Tong is also a soldier who is always a soldier. When he sees such a situation, he naturally understands how to deal with it. Even if he orders, 100-Man Commander, Capital Senior leads his own to deal with a turtle.

Wei Xiaobei was in a good mood at this time, and with her own hundred soldiers, the move towards a tortoise rushed over.

At that time, the tortoise had already repelled the soldiers who had surrounded him. He wanted to move toward the stone wall at the mouth of the valley. Who would like to know, at this time, Wei Xiaobei killed the arrived.

When I saw the enemy’s reinforcements coming, the tortoises would not panic. When we saw Wei Xiaobei huge spear stabbing in front, the head and the limbs were shrunk without hesitation, and the back shell was left on the ground.

Wei Xiaobei naturally won’t stop here, White Fog Dragon Spear will chase after the move towards the head of the back shell.

To say that after the turtle has retracted its head, a plate that grows at the top of the skull will block the last hole, so that there is no trace of flaws in the whole body.

The Arrows, the knife and guns in the hands of the soldiers, all touched the iron plate on them, but they were defeated by their chances.

But this turtle did not think that, just retracting the head, I felt a pain at the top of the plate.

For Wei Xiaobei, when huge spear chased the piercing, it felt a little obstructed, but with Wei Xiaobei, the obstacle was no longer hindered, and the sharp bleeding attached to the huge spear The effect is that the gun head will penetrate the plate in a moment and then penetrate.

The tortoise’s back shell is hard, but the body is definitely not hard. After being easily penetrated by huge spear, there is a little accident.

The blood in the body spurted out through the huge spear, and when it touched the air, it formed a hot Flame.

Wei Xiaobei immediately retired, but suddenly, even if Wei Xiaobei Reflex was very fast, the chest was sprayed with the burning blood.

Then Flame, which was ignited by blood, shrouded Wei Xiaobei in half, at least in the chest and even in the abdomen.

The temperature of the turtle’s Flame is not low. The soldiers were burned to death, and the burns were not said. The guns burned a lot.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was seen in the Flame spray formed by the blood. The soldiers who had fought with the tortoise had rushed forward to help extinguish the fire.

But these soldiers have not yet approached, Wei Xiaobei chest, the belly of the belly will be dissipated.

Well, to be precise, those Flames should have been absorbed by Wei Xiaobei.

Even those soldiers look at the scene of the arrival.

The fiercely burning Flame, like a very reluctant bad child, was sucked in by Wei Xiaobei’s chest and abdomen!

Well, Wei Xiaobei also found this. Wei Xiaobei didn’t feel how hot it was when Flame formed by blood burned on himself. That is to say, before seeing the Special Ability of Flame immunity on the Attribute Panel disappeared. Just a false alarm forget it!

This ability has not really disappeared in oneself. It should be said that the feeling of Wei Xiaobei seems to be completely integrated with his own body.

After the Flames were absorbed, they quickly entered the Meridians, and then, when they passed through the Dantian, they were swallowed up by the beads suspended in Dantian, known as the red pine beads by Wei Xiaobei.

Well, no doubt, the ability of the Flame to immunize seems to have changed after it merged with its own body.

To be precise, it shouldn’t be called Flame immunity, but it should be called Flame absorption!

Your own body has become able to absorb Flame!

Have to say that this is an amazing progress.

However, Wei Xiaobei also feels some distress, this ability is not shown on the Attribute Panel, Wei Xiaobei does not know at this time that this ability can absorb more high-temperature degree Flame!

This is undoubtedly important for Wei Xiaobei.

There is no doubt that this ability to absorb Flame cannot be unlimited, and Wei Xiaobei is worried that if he encounters a Flame that exceeds the absorption limit, will it be burnt directly into coke?

Well, anyway, this turtle’s Flame, Wei Xiaobei can be easily absorbed.

Eight Baidu’s high-temperature forget it.

Of course, this is reasonable.

After all, the Creature Rank is only 3-Star’s common tortoise, and its defense is much higher than those of the 4-Star.

The only problem is that they met Wei Xiaobei at this time! (To be continued~^~)

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