Chapter 709 is really an accident! (seeking a monthly pass)

The second chapter is sent, and the third chapter continues the code word.


Tu Qingqing reached out and looked at the hair that fell before the balance, and his face was flushed, but the spit from the little mouth made Wei Xiaobei somewhat shy.

What happened to yourself?

Suddenly, the **** heart attack is indeed a bit rude.

“Sorry, me, me, me…”

Wei Xiaobei For a time, there are some things that should not be explained very much.

“Mister Wei, the method of Qingqiu Yang Kui, the little woman said to you first, you have to keep in mind, otherwise it will harm others.”

Next, the words of Tu Qingqing, but Wei Xiaobei could not say a word, only nodded, trying to suppress the color of the heart.

When talking about the method of Qingqiu Yang Kui, Tu Qingqing’s face was extremely serious, just like a political teacher who was teaching in class, and it made Wei Xiaobei’s wandering heart gradually quiet.

After listening to it again, Wei Xiaobei also probably came to understand that the so-called Qingqiu Yang Kui’s method is white, it is equivalent to the Yellow Emperor’s internal surgery.

However, unlike the Yellow Emperor’s internal classics, this Qingqiu Yang Kui method only applies to women who have not been in the Qingqiu!

It is only valid for the first time. After using it once, it will have no effect.

But the effect of the so-called Qingqiu Yang Kui method is magical.

Simply use a sentence to describe it: “Together with life, death, and fate.”

Only in this way can Wei Xiaobei’s soul be quickly enhanced.

Well, Wei Xiaobei has figured it out, and it seems that some places are not right, but they can’t say it, but it’s not harmful to himself.

but. At the time of Wei Xiaobei’s mind, Tu Qingqing had already gone out to guard the door’s soldiers. When he came back, he took out a quaint bronze jug, put a pair of dragon and phoenix candles in the tent, and laid the bed on the floor. Replace as many times as possible.

Watching Tu Qingqing busy with all this, Wei Xiaobei feels a little tense inexplicably.

Well, although he is not a virgin, but in the face of such a national beauty, exquisite woman. It is a lie to say that I am not excited.

In the busyness of Tu Qingqing, the tent quickly changed, and a thick wedding atmosphere wandered inside the tent.

At this time, the tent became dark and a lot of shadows. Tu Qingqing waved his right hand, and the pair of dragon and phoenix red candles lit themselves and turned the tent into Bright.

Wei Xiaobei is not a fool. I saw this scene and I understand it.

The question is, is this too simple?

Well, Wei Xiaobei feels a bit of a paste in his mind. What does Tu Qingqing mean at this time?

Wei Xiaobei Some can’t imagine.

Two quaint bronze cellars were placed on a small table, and the bronze jug flew up on its own and tilted the mouth. Pour the crystal wine into the cup.

Tu Qingqing raised a wine cellar and Wei Xiaobei felt that the pipe was dry and hurriedly picked up another cellar.

“Hey, it’s simple, it’s just a simple gift.”

Speaking, Tu Qingqing’s pink and white arms bypassed Wei Xiaobei’s arm, and Wei Xiaobei’s trembling hand gently slanted and poured the liquor into his mouth.

Have a drink with a glass of wine. The dragon and phoenix red candle suddenly went out, and the whole tent suddenly became very dark, making Wei Xiaobei quite different.

You know, although there is a sky change in this Dust World, the real day and night are not there.

At this time, the darkness in the tent was like the outside turned into a night, and all the sounds outside were cut off. Even Wei Xiaobei’s powerful induction pulse seemed to be ineffective, and it left the tent and fell into the darkness.

Suddenly a gentle little hand touched Wei Xiaobei’s chest. Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but smack her hands, but it was empty, and the delicate body opened before Wei Xiaobei’s hands came.

“How is this going?”

Wei Xiaobei asked some doubts.

“This tent has been isolated from the military camp by slaves, lest others disturb you.”

Tu Qingqing exhales like a blue, lightly said with a smile. But not close to Wei Xiaobei.

Surprised me?

Wei Xiaobei is not a taste of the real heart, is it a fear of a man? The heart is burning. Wherever, the soldiers who may exist outside the account are forced to pass the past……..

Time passes by.

For the pro-inspectors who are guarding outside the tent, the tent is quiet, as if their own 100-Man Commander and Miss Tu Tu did not enter the tent.

Of course, as a pro-military, the two will not be so uninterested. They have long stood far, even if someone wants to be close, they are all stopped by both.

At this time, the tent was squeaky.

“Go to Dantian, don’t let go!”

“Well? What is in your Dantian?”


Tu Qingqing didn’t say everything.

Tu Qingqing, who is bent on the road, is determined to marry a human being.

Therefore, the so-called “Qingqiu Yang Kui” method, although it is necessary to use the Qingqiu virgin spell, but it does not really need physical contact.

The two only need to touch their hands, and the yin and yang in the body can blend together.

It’s not as glamorous as Wei Xiaobei’s mind thinks.

Of course, for Tu Qingqing, the combination of yin and yang is also equivalent to the close contact with them. As a result, Tu Qingqing will arrange the tent as if it were a wedding. It is also a woman who should have a round. the process of.

Wei Xiaobei Want to use strong?

Sorry, with the strength of Wei Xiaobei, and not to mention the problem of physical weakness, even if the two really fight, Wei Xiaobei is really not an opponent.

Didn’t you see a strong person like Zhao Yun who was courtesy of Tu Qingqing?

Well, as a result, Wei Xiaobei is miserable.

Under Tu Qingqing’s hand, it is exactly the same as a cockroach. It is stimulated to be soaring. It is almost incarnate, but it is just a little bit touched by Tu Qingqing. The whole body is stiff, not to mention the avatar, even if it is It’s impossible to move a little finger, it’s impossible.

Under such circumstances, Wei Xiaobei can only guide the yin and yang in the two bodies in accordance with the instructions of Tu Qingqing.

But Tu Qingqing is countless, but it misses one thing!

After Wei Xiaobei’s yang qi was excited, Tu Qingqing joined Yin Qi in his hand and worked in his body for a week. When he entered Dantian, the problem appeared.

Tu Qingqing suddenly found Wei Xiaobei, and there was an inexplicable bead in the Dantian. A fire dragon was rushed out of the bead, and a dragon was slammed, so it swallowed the yin and yang of the two. .

For Tu Qingqing with Full Attention luck, this is definitely a big hit.

Affected by this, Tu Qingqing cherry mouth is the mouth spurt blood out, Wei Xiaobei drenched a skull and covered his face, then Tu Qingqing’s soft body slowly fell down.

Wei Xiaobei’s body was inexplicably restored to freedom at this time, but there was some concern about the safety of Tu Qingqing. When both hands were caught, the weak and weak body was picked up.

Who wants to know, this is a big problem.

The beads in Wei Xiaobei Dantian suddenly became hot, and Wei Xiaobei only felt that the volcano had risen in the belly, and then the Fire Dragon spurted out the fire. As a result, the fire in the meidians seemed to be The ignited gasoline suddenly burned up.

So sad!

This is just the last thought of Wei Xiaobei’s clear-headed mind. The next moment, the Fire Dragon left Dantian. Wherever he went, he gathered himself on the fire dragon and attached it to the Fire Dragon. After that, the Fire Dragon formed. A line of fire runs through the Weidbei meidians and burns Wei Xiaobei’s mind.

However, the delicate body in his arms is very cold, so Wei Xiaobei can’t help but stick it up, want to absorb the coldness of the trace, to relieve the high-temperature of the body.

Numerous fires penetrated the skin into Tu Qingqing and were later absorbed back.


Wei Xiaobei slowly opened his eyes, and some faint memories appeared in his mind, but he was inexplicably red-faced.

Did you have a dream?

Wei Xiaobei feels a little bit wrong, what seems to be left in the left hand, smooth and tender between the start, like a creamy skin, body …..

Turning around, it was a beautiful and alluring woman lying in her arms. At this time, her face was tired and she slept very sweetly, but the delicate white neck was covered with red hickey.

Not a dream?

it is true!

That’s right, I think of it.

At this moment, Wei Xiaobei thought about it. Tu Qingqing used to organize the tent, drink the glass of wine and even everything that happened afterwards.

Perhaps the sleeping position was a little biased. Tu Qingqing in her sleep twitched the body, then hugged Wei Xiaobei, as if holding a big puppet, the charming face of the charming face showed a comfortable look.

Well, this Tu Qingqing feels comfortable, but Wei Xiaobei feels that a body of Flame has rushed into his mind, and suddenly there has been a change.

However, Wei Xiaobei did not dare to act rashly. To be honest, fundamentally speaking, he occupied a big bargain. Such a beautiful woman has become a person in his arms.

But Wei Xiaobei is worried that after Tu Qingqing wakes up, what kind of miserable he will be!

At this time, Wei Xiaobei feels a little big, and the bodies of the two red fruits are close together, and the extremely awkward posture is a man who can hardly bear.

Deep took a deep breath, Wei Xiaobei sinks his heart and turns his attention into the Arrived Dantian.

Unlike yesterday’s big show, the beads in Dantian have no movement, but their colors have changed.

The whole body is red, with a few large electric horns Binding, and a little cyan emerges. The Fire Dragon is also lazy and occasionally emerges, but more often it disappears into the beads.

What surprised Wei Xiaobei was that the tiny electric awns that were originally covered with Dantian disappeared.

Well, it’s not just that this kind of abnormality has occurred in Dantian. After Wei Xiaobei looked at it, I discovered that the electric mans in the meidians disappeared. (To be continued~^~)

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