Chapter 708, weak body (question for monthly pass)

A little bit of Calvin, actually Cavan! Shet! This poor Daoist is sorting out ideas and everyone will wait for a while.


Moreover, this voltage and the increase of the current intensity also have an effect on the electromagnetic field, and can also increase the voltage and current intensity generated by the electromagnetic field when cutting metal objects!

After spending so much, Wei Xiaobei’s Evolution Points quickly shrank and faded to 28000.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei turned his attention back to the attribute.

At this point he became a little hesitant.

The most cost-effective attribute promotion should be the branch attribute under the charm focused attribute, which consumes fewer Evolution Points.

But the branch attribute under the charm focused attribute, many things can be improved, such as the Qingqiu tea made by Tu Qingqing.

Well, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel a little stomach when she thought about the Qingqiu tea.

After reviewing the attribute table, Wei Xiaobei felt that Physical Strength should be placed in the highest priority.

This attribute is the highest value of all branch attributes and has been promoted to 70 by Wei Xiaobei!

Just need to raise the 10 point again, then Physical Strength can be promoted to the 80 point!

Wei Xiaobei has a hunch that this ability may enhance your chances of survival in the next few days!

However, after the attribute is promoted to 60, 0.01Evolution Points are required for every 10 upgrade!

To increase 10 points, you need 10000Evolution Points!

Even Wei Xiaobei, who has recently earned a lot of Evolution Points, has some pain in his mind.

But in the end, Wei Xiaobei focused on Physical Strength!

With the concentration of attention, Physical Strength began to slowly increase, but Evolution Points fell quickly.

However, it is a bit strange to let Wei Xiaobei. Just as Physical Strength was promoted to 79.99, the entire lift suddenly paused and stuck in this place.

what happened?

Wei Xiaobei suddenly felt that the body was not quite right, just like the loss of strength, the whole body did not say that it could not move, but it was like the machine was rusted, and the action was horrible.

The mind sinks!

Wei Xiaobei sank his mind into the body and looked around for reasons.

There is no problem with Muscle all over the body, and there is no problem with the bones. There is no more problem with the blood. The air in the meridians is normal. The fire and electricity are just a lot more than before, but there is no problem.

Where is the problem?

Wei Xiaobei looked for a while and found no problems.

Suddenly there was such a problem, and Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to add any more. He simply made a tent and moved towards the army.

Maybe the big brother can see some problems.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei’s walking posture is a bit weird and looks like a zombie. The soldiers who passed by could not help but look at each other.

Even the two soldiers behind Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but ask.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know why, but how can I explain why? I only waved my hand and it was very difficult to move on.

Waiting to enter the Chinese army big account. Zhao Yun was sitting at the scene and looking at some documents. See Wei Xiaobei came in and looked at it with amazement. Then he asked: “White Tiger, what is going on here?”

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t say anything about the Attribute Panel, only a bitter smile: “big brother, I don’t know what’s going on?”

Next, Zhao Yun touched Wei Xiaobei all over the body and shook his head: “The body is no problem. It seems that only Miss Tu can see it.”

Miss Tu? Is Tu Qingqing?

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t do it at this time, and he was in a hurry to go to the hospital, let alone Tu Qingqing, even if it was a little girl, it doesn’t matter.

When Zhao Yun sent someone to invite Tu Qingqing, the situation of Wei Xiaobei became more serious.

In short, it means that the action becomes more rigid, and even if it is difficult to raise your hand, the whole body seems to be frozen.

That Tu Qingqing entered the big account. The bright gaze fell directly on Wei Xiaobei, and he couldn’t help but snorted. Then he walked a few steps to Arrived Wei Xiaobei. The little white hand was gently touched on Wei Xiaobei’s forehead and then sat. Aside. It seems to fall into meditation.

“Miss Tu, I don’t know my second brother. What happened to him?”

Zhao Yun looked at Wei Xiaobei’s more serious situation. It is rare that some of them are anxious. For a long time, they have not resisted, and they even ask questions.

“The body is weak and forget it.”

I heard Zhao Yun ask, and Tu Qingqing said it.

Strong and weak?

Zhao Yun listened, thinking a little.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t quite understand it, but literally, should the body be too strong and the soul too weak?

Tu Qingqing’s next words confirmed Wei Xiaobei’s speculation.

Just like a car, its engine power is small, and it can’t drive the car to run.

“How to solve this strong soul?”

Zhao Yun then asked.

“Strong soul.”

Tu Qingqing proposed two solutions.

One is to take some treasures that can make a strong soul, and the other is to practice some cultivation techniques to strengthen the soul!

Yes, after hearing this, Wei Xiaobei thought about it. He once killed the ostrich in Yggdrasil Dust World, and the soul beads he got should be the treasure that can be used to strengthen the soul.

In fact, Wei Xiaobei didn’t know at all that if he hadn’t taken a few soul beads, he had this problem before the attribute was upgraded to 60.

But then again, the soul beads have long been eaten clean by Wei Xiaobei, and this kind of treasure that can strengthen the soul is rarely.

As for practicing cultivation techniques to strengthen the soul, in fact, the inner boxing has a faint effect, but the effect is very weak, and the Wei Xiaobei attribute is too fast compared to the ordinary martial arts person, so that the inner boxing Adding that point is not enough.

Zhao Yun is willing to pass on her own seven turntable snake work to Wei Xiaobei, but this thing is not a short time to see the effect.

As a result, this road has been broken.

“I don’t know if there is such a kind of treasure in Qingqiu, Zhao Yun is willing to pay for gold!”

Finally, Zhao Yun will call Arrived Tu Qingqing.

That Qingqiu Demon Fox lineage was originally not an ordinary monster, its status is outstanding, the wife of the Holy Emperor is from the Qingqiu lineage, which shows the thickness of its heritage.

Tu Qingqing shook her head and replied apologetically: “My Qingqiu lineage has some such treasures, but such treasures are used in Qingqiu to give souls to future generations. The elders may not agree to sell them. “”

“Oh, I knew this, I should have left the yellow towel in the first place.”

Having said that, Zhao Yun couldn’t help but sigh.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t know what the yellow towel demon was, but couldn’t bear to see Zhao Yun’s too much focus, hurriedly waved his hand and signaled that he was fine.

In Wei Xiaobei’s opinion, it is not bad to be able to save a life. As for other things, come back later, there is no way to go.

Seeing the two brothers’ dejected look, Tu Qingqing hesitated for a while and lightly opened the lips: “There is still a law, don’t know if Mister Wei is willing?”

“What method? Willing to be willing! Even if it is painful, I can bear it!”

Before, there was no way. Wei Xiaobei could only support it hard. Now I heard that there is a way. The happy one in my heart jumped up. Although the body is very stiff, I can still squat twice.

When I heard Wei Xiaobei’s answer, Tu Qingqing’s face was inexplicably red clouds, but it added a bit of charm, and Wei Xiaobei looked a bit inconspicuous.

“Please also ask Miss Tu to talk carefully.”

Hearing the way, even Zhao Yun couldn’t help but stand up excitedly.


Having said that, Tu Qingqing, who has always been generous, is ashamed to bow his head.

Well, as the words came out, Zhao Yun suddenly understood, and the wind stood up and shouted: “Come, send 100-Man Commander and Miss Tu back.” Then whispered to Wei Xiaobei: “You talk slowly.”

After listening to Zhao Yun, even if two of the soldiers came in, Wei Xiaobei was lifted up and waited for the big account to hand it over to Wei Xiaobei’s own soldiers.

When I got back to my tent, two of my soldiers went out, and Wei Xiaobei didn’t come over with Reflex. What is the situation?

Suddenly, Zhao Yun sent him back, how the whole process looked strange, even Tu Qingqing.

“Miss Tu, your method, can you talk about it?”

Of course, Wei Xiaobei was not willing to give up treatment anyway, so he immediately asked.

“Qingqiu Yang Kui convergence method!”

For this problem, Tu Qingqing did not refuse, but after speaking, the face was painted with rouge.

Well, hearing this name, Wei Xiaobei vaguely understood a little, and after a little thought, he understood it completely.


Feelings are this method, no wonder this Tu Qingqing blushes like a sunset glow.

Indeed, what Tu Qingqing said is also unmarried maiden, which makes people say this method, but it is somewhat difficult.

No wonder Zhao Yun will look like that.

If you want to come, he should know something about it.

But then again, when Wei Xiaobei understood it, his face was red as well as the monkey’s ass.

But in any case, this man is always thicker than a woman’s face in this respect, and Wei Xiaobei is no longer a virgin.

Under the temptation of Jiao Yan, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but grow up with courage, and his right hand stretched out and touched the little hand.

For the rudeness of Wei Xiaobei, if it was changed to the previous one, Tu Qingqing might have waved his hand and let the other side go out.

But at this time, Tu Qingqing just took the little hand back and did not speak.

Upon seeing, Wei Xiaobei’s courage was inexplicably bigger, and the scalp was grabbed by the small hand that Tu Qingqing took back.

At that moment, Wei Xiaobei felt his heart swaying, and a pair of smooth hands like a creamy hand made Wei Xiaobei have an urge to indulge in it.

“I also hope that Mister Wei will be heavier!”

Who would like to know that this little hand has just caught less than the amount of time, and was pumped back, even if Wei Xiaobei’s strength wants to catch it. (To be continued~^~)

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