Chapter 707, a lot of gains (seeking a monthly ticket)

The third chapter is sent! Go to sleep first, people can’t do it………


Well, the monster nest is actually a hill. There are many caves on the mountain. From those caves, from time to time, a strange bird with a human body, a bird’s head and a back wing will be drilled.

Well, it is an ostrich!

This monster is a bird’s wing with wings. It is said that this monster is good at digging holes and capable of flying.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to start Erudite against those ostriches, worried about the grass to scare the snake.

At this time, Zhao Tong brought together several Capital Seniors, including Wei Xiaobei, to discuss them.

Zhao Tong is familiar with this kind of ostrich, knowing that this monster is not weak.

After some deliberation, 500 people surrounded the hill.

Among the people, Wei Xiaobei’s archery is the strongest, so when the people are hiding, they will pull the bow and lead the arrow. After a slight aim, they will move three arrows on the hill.

Bang bang bang !

These three arrows fell on the hill, and the movement caused by it was not small.

Each of the three arrows drilled into a cave, and the Eruption, which was carried by the giant force, shocked the cave and caused the hill to vibrate.

Not to mention Wei Xiaobei, these three arrows killed a few ostriches, and said that the movement caused by this, they were shocked by the ostriches, and then move towards Wei Xiaobei.

Not waiting for the ostrich to approach, Wei Xiaobei was shot behind a rain and shot a few ostriches, and Wei Xiaobei did not stop, and Arrows only moved towards those caves.

Not to kill those ostriches, as long as the cave is shocked, then the remaining ostriches want to come out. It is a little troublesome.

In fact, perhaps the ostriches were so punched that the cave was covered with caves. After the eighth arrow was shot, the hill collapsed in the midst of violent shocks!

Under this time, the ostrich trapped inside did not know how many, but there were more than a dozen ostriches that could escape, surrounded by soldiers, and Arrows continued to shoot. Not long after, there was no ostrich that could move around this hill.

The next thing is handled very well.

The soldiers rushed up and opened the shocked caves one by one, and the ostriches that were shaken and dizzy had just climbed less than half, and were killed by more than a dozen long guns and plain blade hedgehogs.

Most of the ostriches were easily killed by soldiers, while the small half of the ostriches took the opportunity to escape the collapsed caves, but the next moment attracted a surprise attack by military officers such as Wei Xiaobei.

I have to say that these ostriches are too bad luck.

If you let them fly high, there are a few more Wei Xiaobei. It is hard to deal with them.

People don’t fight, can you escape?

However, there is no chance of even fleeing this time, and the sneak attack is successful.

After killing all adult ostriches. Well, the battle didn’t end completely.

The soldiers also need to clean up the caves and kill the ostrich chicks inside, as many eggs are taken away.

Well, the bodies of these ostriches can’t be eaten. Whether it is Wei Xiaobei or the sergeants, there is a psychological rejection of this kind of monster like human flesh.

Those ostrich eggs. According to Zhao Yun’s order, it is to be brought back.

As for what is useful, Wei Xiaobei didn’t know for a while.

Under the leadership of Zhao Tong, the five hundred sergeants did not say unscathed, but at least did not break one person, which really makes people happy, even Wei Xiaobei’s prestige has also improved a lot in the hearts of the sergeants.

at this point. It can be seen from the eyes of the soldiers that they were passively obeying orders, but now they are actively obeying orders.

Back to the valley, Zhao Tong, including Wei Xiaobei, was remembered.

of course. In fact, in the Han Dynasty. Although this work is very strict, the relationship between promotion and record is not strict.

Some people have made a lot of credit, and they may not be promoted, but some people are lucky and saved the Lord. They will rise to the third level.

Of course, before making a big mistake, you made a big mistake and you will usually be killed.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei is not too interested in this work.

At night, Zhao Yun was in a good mood, and Wei Xiaobei said with a courage to tell the story of Ao Yan.

Zhao Yun listened to Wei Xiaobei’s words, his eyes suddenly brightened, but he turned a little bleak, so Wei Xiaobei took the towed scales and looked at it. He couldn’t help but sigh: “What about me?” ?”

Wei Xiaobei also understood the meaning of Zhao Yun.

Indeed, Zhao Yun alone has no problem in the past, but his thousands of sergeants can’t follow the past, and it is impossible to leave them here.

This is absolutely impossible for Zhao Yun.

“White Tiger, can you marry the little fox girl?”

Zhao Yun thought about it for a while, Zhangkou gave Wei Xiaobei a blockbuster.


The fox that was beaten by himself and swollen?

Wei Xiaobei hurriedly shook his head, making a joke, big brother, this is not a konjac, right?

If you smash the Six Tails Demon Fox, it will be ruined in this life.

“The little fox girl hates the younger brother and will agree.”

After thinking about it, I refused, and I swept Zhao Yun’s face. Wei Xiaobei hurriedly added a sentence.

This is also the truth. After restoring the human form, the little fox girl just saw Wei Xiaobei, which is the appearance of gnashing teeth. If it wasn’t for Tu Qingqing’s suppression, she might come up and look for Wei Xiaobei.

“Yes, I haven’t decided on the temperament of the little fox, and it is quite arrogant. If the White Tiger is smashed, it is a scourge.”

Zhao Yun listened to Wei Xiaobei’s rejection, but nodded. It seems that the little fox girl is not worthy of Wei Xiaobei, but the next moment, Zhao Yun’s words turn again: “It seems that the brother has to ask Tu Qingqing to help. The second brother looked for a good lover in Qingqiu.”

Well, when Wei Xiaobei left the big army account, his mind was still thinking.

In the previous exchange, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

For the time being, there are a lot of things that need to be assisted by the Qingqiu family.

For example, Phoenix in Fengtoushan, um, if you want to help Ao Yan, these thousands of sergeants also need the Qingqiu family to take action to help migrate the past and so on.

In short, Wei Xiaobei 娶一Qingqiu women’s things are settled, as for which one, this depends on Wei Xiaobei’s luck.

If the luck is extremely high, then Demon Fox, which is even more embarrassing than the little girl, is miserable.

Well, Wei Xiaobei also accepted his life at this time. After he was too big, he was used as a bodhisattva at home.

In the next month, Wei Xiaobei followed Zhao Tong out and annihilated a lot of monsters, but it took a lot of benefits.

In addition to Evolution Points, there are a lot more materials in the Storage Bracelet. Of course, Wei Xiaobei had to take a lot of food from the Storage Bracelet.

Of course, those foods are not wasted, and they are all converted into military exercises to send arrived squats.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei was promoted to the post after January and was promoted to 100-Man Commander by Zhao Yun.

Well, although the number of soldiers under the leadership of the army has not improved, but the military position is considered to be improved, and the equipment is replaced with iron armor, but also with a horse.

To say that this flower horse, Wei Xiaobei is very invisible. He prefers a little solid color. In the words of Zhuge Jun, it is good to have a horse ride. Now the horses in the military camp are only three hundred, and the number is more than tense. It is conceivable.

Well, in addition to these, 100-Man Commander has the added benefit of having two soldiers.

On this day, Wei Xiaobei came back from the school field to practice the equestrian. He originally planned to go back to the tent to take a bath. Before he returned to the tent, he was called by Zhao Yun.

When Wei Xiaobei came back from the Chinese army, his face was not very good.

It turned out that Zhao Yun was extremely serious in the past. The idea was that after a period of time, you could enter the Phoenix body, so the invasion of the monster may become more and more intense in recent days.

Ok, look at the look of Zhao Yun, Wei Xiaobei knows that this is going to be a crucial moment.

Back in the tent, Wei Xiaobei wondered if he should improve his strength, and then turned his attention to the arrived Attribute Panel.

Due to the constant elimination of the weak beasts, Wei Xiaobei has not counted the Evolution Points during this time, and the total number of Evolution Points has exceeded 4 million!

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei took the lead in focusing on the Special Ability of Release Electricity.

To say that Wei Xiaobei is now encountering more and more Monster species, especially those monsters recorded in Classic of Mountain and Seas. Most of them have strange abilities. During this time, Wei Xiaobei feels himself. The best ability to use is undoubtedly the Release Electricity.

But for the current enemy, this current is somewhat weak regardless of voltage or current intensity.

Changed to the real life of Life Form, 2500 volts, 1000 mA, in addition Transformer capacity enhanced 3 times! Even an elephant can die directly.

In this Dust World, the effect of this current is also reduced due to the strong body of those Monsters.

In short, it’s hard to kill Monster, and it’s not bad to be able to paralyze.

Even some Monsters are extremely thick, and even if they can harden the current, the strong high-voltage voltage roots can’t break through their skin.

As Wei Xiaobei’s attention is focused on the voltage of Release Electricity, the upper voltage limit begins to rise and the Evolution Points decline.

Increase 3 volts per 1Evolution Points!

2600 Volt, 2700 Volt, 2800 Volt…….

In this tone, Wei Xiaobei consumes 7500Evolution Points and boosts the voltage by arrived 5000 volts!

This voltage is not low, plus the effect of the transformer, Wei Xiaobei can release the high voltage of 20000 Volt!

Of course, if the light boosts the voltage, the lethality of the monster is not significant.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei focused his attention on the current intensity and increased the current intensity by an incremental 6000 mA after consuming 3000Evolution Points.

This current intensity is not low, and it can be upgraded to 12000 mAh under the influence of the transformer effect! (To be continued~^~)

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