Chapter 706, camp, military service (monthly ticket)

The second chapter is sent, I feel that I have a cold sway, my stomach is uncomfortable, I don’t know what it is that I have broken my stomach. This chapter is slightly out of the main character data, so I put a few hundred words in this chapter.


Zhuge Jun nodded, and then he wrote the words of Wei Xiaobei.

As for the number, it is completely unnecessary.

Anyone who has something wrong, at least in the cultural circle, is a big one, enjoying a high reputation, Wei Xiaobei is absolutely impossible.

For example, Zhuge Liang, another name Wolong, Pang Tongfei No. Feng Chu, Sima Hui No. water mirror, Li Bai No. Qinglian lay and so on.

Not ordinary people.

After registering the book, Zhuge Jun let Wei Xiaobei press the fingerprint, take out the token, military uniform, Leather Armor and so on to Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei When even in a tent, the general suit was replaced and the Leather Armor was put on the outside.

Well, this Leather Armor is much better than the captain, but the defense is more common. Special Ability is also an Elementary level defense, which can weaken the enemy’s 10% damage. Although this Special Ability is not bad, But at the level of Wei Xiaobei, it is more general.

But after Leather Armor was put on, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was gradually integrated into the barracks.

Before, Wei Xiaobei wore a modern dress and walked between the military camps, not to mention the soldiers, and even they felt a bit blind.

Of course, if you want to wear iron armor, I am afraid that at least in the Zhao Yun army, I will rise to the level of the keeper.

But then again, Zhao Tong became a keeper and didn’t know whether he was promoted or was killed.

Wei Xiaobei thought behind the main book.

Well, the school yard is arrived.

Zhao Tong is hanging his arms on one side and commanding a group of sergeants to practice.

The next thing is to go through the program.

The main book, Zhu Gejun, handed the Capital Senior to the dental goalkeeper Zhao Tong. Even if all the things are over, the next thing will not be taken care of.

“I have seen the keeper.”

Wei Xiaobei is Zhao second’s second uncle. However, in the military camp, under the broad daylight, they can only be called in accordance with the military service.

Zhao Tong was quite bureaucratic at this time, nodded, and even assigned one hundred sergeants who were being drilled to Wei Xiaobei.

This keeper was originally the general of the defending city, and it was the most dangerous army when the enemy attacked the city.

But now, the fangs will become the rushing force, in short. The danger is not the slightest drop.

From here, Wei Xiaobei can see it. Zhao Yun is a strict ruler and puts his son in the position with the highest rate of death. Even the other military officers can’t say anything.

As for himself, as a keeper of the fangs, the degree of danger is not lower than anywhere.

There is only one scabbard in the army, with a command of 500, and the next four Capital Seniors, who lead a hundred sergeants.

Wei Xiaobei is after understanding this. Let the two captains lead the team to drill, and they are turning their attention to the arrived Attribute Panel.

The reason is very simple, with Wei Xiaobei entering the Zhao Yun army. There have been some changes in his Attribute Panel.

…… ..

Name: Wei Xiaobei

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 22 years old

Creature Rank : 4 Star Normal (Features: Law Series)

Camp: Shu Han

Position: Capital Senior (Zhao Yun Army)

Attribute : (normal adult man attribute mean 10 point)

Strength :65.25(Muscle 60.5Advanced Eruption ,Physical Strength 70Rock Steady )

Agility : 60.25 (Hand-eye Coordination 60.5 eagle eye control, Flexibility 60.5 is light as Yan, Reflex 60Relative Control, balance 60 walks freely)

Vitality: 64.6 (healthy 63.6Cut Limb Regeneration, endurance 65.6 is alive)

Intelligence : 50.1 (Learning 50.1, 10 lines, Reasoning 50.1)

Awareness: 44.78 (Willpower 45.1 is gritty, Common Sense Judgement 43Erudite. Perception 43 induction pulse, Intuition 48 ghosts)

Charm: 36.4 (Courage 42Micromotion, persuasion 45 convinced, Character Attraction 45 out of the ordinary, leadership 25body, Attractive Appearance 25 looks like handsome.)

Skills: Unfathomable, Life Form Genetics (Unfathomable), Reach the Higher Level. Engraving (Unfathomable), Electrical Work (Matchless), Eight Extremities Fist (Matchless), Fishing (Reach the Higher Level), Three Emperor Cannon Fist (Perfection). Pseudo-hidden weapon (Unfathomable), medical (Unfathomable). Reach the Higher Level, cooking (Unfathomable). Language {China Wen (proficient), English (proficient), French (proficient), Spanish (proficient), Danish (proficient), Western divine (slightly), Ancient Sanskrit (proficient)}.

Special Ability : Red pine beads (fire, electric, current enhancement 20%), Life Altar (mass quality 32000/200000), Release Electricity (voltage limit 2500 volts “3 volts per 1Evolution Points”, current limit 1000 mAh ( Every 3Evolution Points raises 1 mA). Transform (enhanced 3 times), electromagnetic field (96 meters), Flame immunity (Advanced, 2000 degrees in evolution), desertification (basic), root network.

Features: The law series (Death, Dominant, Intimidate, Blind, Silent). Sacrifice.

Evolution Points : 19380

Partner: Keith Honey (Intimacy 85), Ge Datian

Worship brother: Zhao Yun (big brother), Wei Xiaobei (second brother).

Items on hand :(略)


Well, the two extras in this Attribute Panel are camps and positions.

The camp is Shu Han and the position is Capital Senior (Zhao Yun Army).

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei set his sights on a soldier and immediately launched Erudite.

Name: Yellow Leopard

Race: human

Sex: Male

Age: 19 years old

Creature Rank :2-Star Terror

Introduction: This is the villagers of Luofeng Village in Fengtou Mountain. They joined the army before March……..

Camp: Shu Han

Position: Pikemen


Don’t have to watch the rest.

As the Attribute Panel has changed, the ordinary soldier’s attribute table has also changed, with more signs of camp and position.

However, this camp, what is the use of the position, Wei Xiaobei for the time being only know that he has more than one hundred soldiers!

of course. These hundred soldiers are not the private soldiers of Wei Xiaobei, but the men who can be led by the war.

However, the military will have a pro-military, such as Zhao Yun as the highest governor here, General Zhendong, with a hundred soldiers! Of course, due to the lack of compensation for the battle, Zhao Yun’s own soldiers now have only 30 people.

After all, the coaches are not able to act casually, and their combat power is far superior to ordinary soldiers. Simply put, any one soldier. Its strength to take out as an 100-Man Commander is nothing wrong.

Like Liu Bei’s former soldiers, there were only five hundred.

Wei Xiaobei is a Capital Senior, um, also has a soldier, one person!

Well, to a certain extent, Capital Senior can be regarded as the most basic officer, and the captain underneath, there is no parent, can only be regarded as the commander!

“To report Capital Senior, my name is Zhao Xin. I came to the Capital Senior in the name of General.”

Well, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have to pick a soldier from the soldiers, not long after. A soldier wearing a full armor will automatically report it.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it, but the pro-brother was looking very handsome and his body was a little thin, but he brought his own momentum.

I want to come, too, how can the pros who Zhao Yun teaches, like the ordinary soldiers?

Just look at its surnamed Zhao and you know what’s going on.

The surnames of the surnames like the coaches are either the pro-family of the coach or the orphans received by the coach. Changed the surname.

I have to say that with Xiaobing, Wei Xiaobei’s little days are a good thing. If there is anything, I will directly tell the pro-arms, and Zhao Xin will do it with great enthusiasm.

Well, 4-Star has the usual strength. Wearing armor and standing with Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Xin is more like Capital Senior, and Wei Xiaobei is like a soldier.

But Wei Xiaobei has a Capital Senior Waist Token who can order the 100 soldiers. This is what the soldiers can’t.

In the next few days, Wei Xiaobei focused on training. In the free time, practice the shooting and archery with Zhao Yun.

And that Tushanqing Tu Qingqing has not left the military camp, it seems that Wei Xiaobei 娶Qingqiu female things have been put on hold.

Wei Xiaobei wants to tell Ao Yan about Zhao Yun, but see Zhao Yun has too many things. Anyway, there are still more time, so don’t worry.

Within a week, Wei Xiaobei was completely integrated into the barracks, and everything that Capital Senior needed to do was understood.

On this day, strange bird sounds came from outside the stone wall, but it didn’t take long for the weird bird to disappear.

Wei Xiaobei was now working on the 100th soldier on the school ground and saw a soldier in a hurry to find Zhao Tong’s order.

After the departure of the pro-Bing, Zhao Tong immediately recruited Wei Xiaobei and others to the front: “The general has orders, the demon beasts are attacked by the valley, and I am waiting to find the demon nest, eliminating the aftermath.”

After such an agitation, led by Zhao Tong, the five hundred sergeants lined up to leave the school ground, and moved toward the stone wall.

Let Wei Xiaobei be speechless. Of the five hundred people, only Zhao Tong has a white horse, and the rest of the sergeants, regardless of position, are running forward.

However, according to the observations of Wei Xiaobei these days, this kind of thing is normal. There are very few horses in the entire military camp. There are only one team and two hundred horses alone.

In addition, some officers have war horses and the captains of Zhao Yun.

In short, the horses are extremely scarce.

Fortunately, Zhao Tong is not the kind of person who doesn’t know the soldiers. His arm was cured by Wei Xiaobei a few days ago. After leaving the stone wall, Zhao Tong took the white horse with his left hand and marched with the soldiers. .

Well, like this, Wei Xiaobei came to the valley for the first time.

The sergeants here are not weak, and the speed of marching is not slow. Less than half an hour before and after, the valley behind them becomes blurred.

The valley came out as a plain, and the view was extremely wide, but Zhao Tong also sent several scouts to spread out, and he also rode a white horse, carrying a silver gun, and his eyes continued to sweep all around.

Although it is plain here, there are many shrubs and weeds, and the height is not low. It is not surprising if there are any monsters hidden inside.

As a leader, Zhao Tong needs to master all around to make the right Reflex when encountering enemies.

In other words, this road has met some monsters in the past.

However, most of the strength is not strong, 2-Star elite to 3-Star are common, the number is not much, was killed by Zhao Tong commanding the sergeant.

Wei Xiaobei is naturally holding the huge spear in front, and at least 50% of these monsters are killed by Wei Xiaobei.

After killing a moose rushing out of the bush, the scout sent by Zhao Tong came back, and the report was confronted with a scout sent by the general, and the monster nest that slammed the stone wall was in front. (To be continued~^~)

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