
【Huang Rong】:"???"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Saori, you... have you been beaten stupid by the group leader?!"

【Nami】:"Does Saori like this style?"

【Yue Buqun】:"The harder you hit, the deeper your love?!"

The group members were all shocked!

What on earth did Lu Xiao do to make Saori say such a thing!!

【Tsunade】:""Lu Xiao, did you hit too hard?"

Even Tsunade felt that Saori was taught a lesson too hard by Lu Xiao.

But it was also true that the beating they thought of might be enough to easily destroy the universe for Lu Xiao and Saori.

Especially now that no one knew what template Lu Xiao had obtained or what level of strength he had reached.

After all, Lu Xiao did not put the template of the Infinite Creator in the screenshot, nor did he intend to sell it to the outside world.

He could allow someone to surpass Saturn, but he did not allow anyone to become the Infinite Creator like him.

Lu Xiao could not leave any hidden dangers for himself.

Therefore, in the understanding of Tsunade, Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Buqun and others, it was natural that Saori was scared by Lu Xiao's beating.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"How could I have been too strong? I didn’t even use my full strength. 980"

Saori said, it’s not that you didn’t use your strength, it’s just that you used your strength in other places!

【Kido Saori】:"You all misunderstood. Lord Lu Xiao did not use harsh measures against me. I sincerely think Lord Lu Xiao is a very gentle person."


"It seems that another innocent girl has been fascinated by Lu Xiao."

【Huang Rong】:"Yes, after all, Brother Lu Xiao is really too good."

Not only Tsunade sighed, but Huang Rong also felt emotional.

Through daily communication, she has discovered that not only she has fallen in love with Lu Xiao, but also Tsunade, Nami, and even the homebody Xiao Longnu, they all have different feelings for Lu Xiao.

This makes Huang Rong very helpless.

The lover is too good, I can't help it!!

It's like now, there is another goddess Athena!!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Well, okay, stop talking nonsense, does anyone else want to earn points? I'm very free"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I won't bother you anymore, I have invited Master Yue to help me found a sect and change the world."

【Yue Buqun】:"That’s right, Master Zhang and I have done some research and decided to use the spirit veins and spirit gathering array that we purchased from the mall last time to first create a sect, recruit disciples, and then influence the secular world and change the world!"

"If there are friends who want to join, you can try it with us. If it goes well, everyone can follow this model in their own world in the future."

【Xiao Feng】:"Xiao wants to join, is that okay?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"If Xiao Da Xia wants to join, then he is definitely welcome!"

Don't say that Xiao Feng has now become a Leo Gold Saint with strong strength. Even if it was Xiao Feng before, Zhang Sanfeng would not refuse him.

After all, everyone can earn points together, so why not?

【Di Yun】:"Master Zhang, can you count me in?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hahahaha, of course!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Bu Jingyun, are you coming? Wanwan, how about you?"

【Bu Jingyun】:"Establish an immortal sect? Our Tianxiahui is already a top gang, especially after purchasing the spiritual vein, Wulin legend Wuming, Jiansheng and others have joined, so there is no need to learn experience anymore."

"As for changing the world and becoming an emperor in the secular world, we have no such idea for the time being."

Now Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng just want to live a peaceful life and help Qin Shuang manage the New World Association, and occasionally go to the martial arts world to resolve some disputes. That's all they want.

Bu Jingyun doesn't pursue stronger strength, the current Feipeng template is enough for him.

【Yue Buqun】:"Oh well"

【Wanwan】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, I want to earn points! Can you help me?!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"No, it's meaningless. You can go find Zhang Zhenren and Yue Laoshi."

【Wanwan】:"Tsk! Can't I even dance for you?"

Wanwan pouted, asked again in a different way, and threw out the bait. (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Dance? This……"

You know what, Lu Xiao was moved!

【Tsunade】:"Wanwan, Huang Rong, Nami and I will go to help you!"

【Huang Rong】:"That's right, it's so nice for us girls to get together! We can even invite Little Dragon Girl!"

"It's just right for me to learn from their experience!! Oh, and I can also get the Wu Mu Testament from my world! It's just right that this is the Art of War, we can use it!!"

Tsunade and Huang Rong saw that Lu Xiao was about to be seduced by the dance of the Holy Maiden of the Demon Sect, and they quickly stood out on the same side!!

In their minds, this Wan Wan is extremely talented, good at bewitching people, and especially can use her advantages to make profits, she is simply a big enemy!!

But Lu Xiao fell for it!!

【Little Dragon Girl】:"OK, I have time, you can call me anytime."

【Nami】:"Ah, I may not be able to go."

【Tsunade】:"Sister Nami, what happened?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes, Nami, do you need help?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"If you need anything, just ask, we will help you"

【Yue Buqun】:"Master Zhang is right!"

【Nami】:"Don't worry, everyone! I'm fine. I'm fine!"[]

"Luffy's brother Ace was captured by Blackbeard, and now we are about to enter the plot of the top war"

"Because Hawkeye came on my ship, and I had gained some fame, I was recruited as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I thought it was fun, so I agreed."

"Therefore, I plan to accept the invitation of the Navy with Hawkeye to go to Marijoa for a meeting and participate in the war on the top."

Nami felt warm in her heart when she saw the concern of her group members. Although she had only met these people once, her relationship was surprisingly good!

So Nami quickly explained the reason why she couldn't go, so that they would not misunderstand her.

【Tsunade】:"It's the war on top."

【Huang Rong】:"I'm glad you're okay!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"In that case, Nami, you should take care of your own business first. Tsunade and Huang Rong are here to help Wanwan."

【Wanwan】:"Hey, hey, hey! I haven't agreed to your help yet!!"

"Group leader: Lu Xiao, are you really not coming? I can really dance for you~"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"No, you ask Tsunade and Huang Rong for help, I want to go to Nami's world to participate in the top war!!"

When Lu Xiao thought of the scene of the top war in the anime, he was immediately excited!

This time he wanted to see the first-person perspective!


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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