【Nami】:"Ah? Brother Lu Xiao is coming to my place?"

【Tsunade】:"Is Marineford Wars so fun?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I want to go and have a look. Nami, I'm going over there. You guys chat first."

Lu Xiao said, and then he traveled through the world and came to Nami's ship.

And Lu Xiao found a problem, that is, after he upgraded, he seemed to be no longer restricted by the chat group, and he could freely travel between the worlds.

Even if it was a world like Diana that did not give him permanent permissions, as long as Lu Xiao wanted, he could enter it at any time.

Lu Xiao guessed that it might be because he was above OAA, God, and all the universes, and was one dimension higher than them.

Anyway, it seems quite convenient.

Pirate World

""Brother Lu Xiao!"

Nami ran to Lu Xiao in surprise.

She was very happy, after all, the last time they met was on Zhang Sanfeng's birthday.

Every day when she was on the boat, she thought about how she could see Lu Xiao again, but she had no reason, and she was the youngest in the chat group and among Tsunade, so she was afraid that if she invited Lu Xiao or applied to go to Lu Xiao's world, she would be rejected.

Unexpectedly, this time because of the war on the top, Lu Xiao actually came!

This is simply a huge surprise!!

"Lu Xiao"

""Brother Lu Xiao!!"

Hawkeye greeted calmly, and Zoro was very excited.

And Sanji and Usopp, they both respected and feared Lu Xiao.

But they were still very happy to see Lu Xiao. After all, whether it was Hawkeye staying on the ship or Nami's power to control thunder, they were all brought by Lu Xiao.

In addition, there were several new members on the ship.

Archaeologist Robin, who is still wheat-skinned, doctor Chopper who has the Human-Human Fruit, shipbuilder Franky, and musician Brook.

Nami, adhering to the idea of earning points, intercepted all the crew members of the former Straw Hat Boy Luffy.

As for the problems caused by Robin's boarding, because of the strength of Hawkeye and Nami, the navy turned a blind eye and pretended not to see it. He even directly invited Nami to become a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Therefore, the plot of Robin being captured did not happen.

"Robin, Franky, Brook, Chopper, this is the Brother Lu Xiao I’m talking about!"

"He is very powerful!"

Nami introduced the new crew members.

These days, they have learned about Lu Xiao's glorious deeds from their daily conversations, and they are amazed!

Therefore, they are very reserved.

In addition to being reserved, there is a trace of enthusiasm and expectation in their eyes when they look at Lu Xiao!

Therefore, Lu Xiao can revive others!!

Whether it is Robin, Franky, or Chopper, Brook, they all have people they care about in their hearts!

"I can see that you seem to have something to say."

Several people turned their heads to look at Nami, then looked at her.

"Just tell me what you want to say, and as for how to do it, it's all up to Big Brother Lu Xiao."

Nami said.

"Brother Lu Xiao! I want to... I want to... can you help me revive Tom!!"

Franky stood up immediately after hearing Nami say this.

"As for Tom, yes he can, but even if he survives, will the world government let him go?"

"……He can change his name!!"

"Sure, I'm free now anyway."

Lu Xiao agreed

"As for you, I also know what you think, so I won't ask anymore, just agree to it."


Franky was delighted.

"Oh, thank you very much, Master Lu Xiao!"

"Thank you, Lord Lu Xiao!"


Chopper hid behind Zoro's legs, poked his head out, and whispered his thanks.


Lu Xiao stretched out his hand, pulled Qiao Ba over, held him in his arms, and rubbed him!


Chopper's face turned pale with fear, but he didn't dare to move!

"Let me hold you for a while, or I won’t allow you to revive Hiruluk."

Chopper suddenly quieted down when he heard this!

""One by one, starting with Frankie."

Lu Xiao said, and he and Frankie immediately disappeared on the boat.

When they reappeared, Frankie was so grateful to Lu Xiao!

"Next, Brooke, what are your friends going to do?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Well, I want to ask their opinions, whether they want to continue to go to sea or find a place to live."

Brooke thought for a while and said

"Okay, then I will revive them here directly."

Lu Xiao raised his hand and fished the crew of the Rumba Pirates and their boat out of the long river of time.


Brook looked at his former captain, tears welling up in his skull's eyes.

"You explain it to them."

"Chopper, it's your turn."

Lu Xiao said and left again.

Drum Island.

Chopper looked at the confused Hiruluk after his resurrection and rushed over excitedly.




Chopper explained the resurrection to Hiluruk and told him that the country was full of cherry blossoms. His dream had come true!

0 Ask for flowers

Finally, Lu Xiao took them to see Dr. Kuleha. This time Hiluruk could spend his old age here in peace.

"Robin, it's your turn."

"Yes, Lord Lu Xiao!"

Robin tried hard to suppress her excitement.

Since she got on board, she heard Nami talking about Lu Xiao, especially Nami said that Lu Xiao resurrected her mother, which made Robin even more excited, hoping to see Lu Xiao again!

Moreover, she was determined to ask Lu Xiao to help her resurrect her mother at any cost!

But she didn't expect that this opportunity would come so easily!

Lu Xiao didn't even ask them for any price!

This moved and appreciated Robin!

West Sea, O'Hara, the once famous archaeological holy land, is now a deserted island.

Since it was destroyed by the Demon Killing Order, even after more than ten years, the tragic scene of that day can still be seen.

Robin stood here, full of memories

"Are you ready? I'm about to start"[]

""Yes, Lord Lu Xiao!"

Robin wiped his eyes and waited expectantly.

Then, Lu Xiao snapped his fingers and turned back all the time on the island to the quarter of an hour before the navy arrived and launched the Demon Killing Order.

Luo Bing looked at the deserted island, which had gone through spring and autumn, and had grown weeds one after another, as well as the huge Tree of All-Knowing, which had gone from extinction to rupture and rebirth. Everything happened in just a short moment.

Robin personally experienced the magical time reversal and witnessed the resurrection of O'Hara. He could no longer hold back and knelt on the ground and cried.

The resurrected residents of O'Hara still had memories of the moment when the navy was about to attack, launch a Demon Killing Order against them, and destroy the Tree of All-Knowing. They were all extremely panicked.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao directly conveyed a thought to them, telling them that it was more than ten years later and that they had died once. At Robin's request, they were resurrected.

"Lord Lu Xiao, is there any way to prevent them from being discovered by the navy?"

Although Robin was happy that O'Hara was resurrected, he was also worried that the navy would not let them go.

Once they discovered that they were still alive, they would usher in the second demon slayer order.

"It's very simple. From now on, no one from the navy, pirates, or the world government can see this island."

"Anyone who accidentally comes to this island will lose all relevant memories after leaving."

Lu Xiao casually set a few rules to wipe out the island of O'Hara from the sea.

In this way, they will be completely safe.


I love you: Ý Chí

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