【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao, spare me!!"

Saori looked at the devil's hand that was stretched out and quickly called for mercy!

But at this moment, as Lu Xiao said, her body could not move, but her consciousness and senses were still there, and she could even send messages in the chat group.

She hoped that her admission of fault would make Lu Xiao stop!!

【Kido Saori】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, Master Lu Xiao, I was wrong!"

"Group leader: Lu Xiao, Lord Lu Xiao, please let me go this time!!"

Saori kept asking Lu Xiao, hoping that he would pay attention to the message in the chat group.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"This... Group leader, why don't you just teach him a lesson and don't use too much force?"

【Tsunade】:"Yes, Lu Xiao, just give him a beating, after all, we are group members, we should get along well."

【Huang Rong】:"Brother Lu Xiao! Please show some mercy to Saori because she is a girl!"

【Diana】:"Please show mercy, group leader!"

【Yue Buqun】:"……"

Yue Buqun watched silently, not daring to speak.

After all, he was banned from speaking for ten days last time he said something, luckily Zhang Sanfeng helped to intercede.

He dared not stand up again this time!

But although the group members were all begging for mercy, they were relieved because Lu Xiao was still the invincible one!

No one dared to challenge Lu Xiao's authority as the group leader!

They spoke only because Saori was a group member and they didn't want to ruin the atmosphere of everyone getting along.

The last time Yue Buqun was banned, it was just a minor punishment and harmless.

But this time they took action!

If it is not handled properly, it will create a bad impression on Lu Xiao!!

After all, the group leader is a tyrant, so they can't chat happily like usual.

"You can still talk in the chat group?"

Lu Xiao stopped immediately.

Saori's eyes looking at Lu Xiao seemed to have hope!

They are all good group members!

Thank you for your help!!

"But you may have misunderstood something. I don't mean to beat you up."

Lu Xiao explained

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Don't worry, I haven't started yet."

"I can't bully the weak."

"I'm busy, let's talk later."

Lu Xiao said a few words in the group, and then looked at Saori.

"What follows may not be suitable for children, Saori, please don't say anything in the group."

Lu Xiao smiled at Saori and stretched out his hand.


【Kido Saori】:"Ah! Hum……"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Saori, just bear with it for a while, everything will be fine once the group leader's anger subsides"

【Yue Buqun】:"Yes, yes, don’t worry, Saori, you will be fine!"

【Tsunade】:"Oh, forget it, it looks like Saori can’t escape this beating"

【Huang Rong】:"But with Saori's current strength, she should be fine even if she gets beaten up."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"But why is Saori's speech so strange? Is this what it means to be painful? Hum?!"

【Diana】:"Although Saori is a super god, she is a girl after all. She was also a goddess before and has many Saints under her. She has definitely never been beaten."

【Huang Rong】:"Makes sense!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Seniors always focus on something strange."

The group members chatted casually, and no one continued to pay attention to Saori's affairs.

After all, the cause of this matter was Saori herself who took the initiative to provoke it. It was normal to be beaten, so that no one would become arrogant after becoming stronger and challenge the group leader.

Saori looked at the content in the chat group and wanted to cry but had no tears!

What is being beaten?

I am not being beaten!

I am... woo woo woo, she was embarrassed to say it!

At this moment, Saori was stopped in time and suffered from Lu Xiao's beating. It was painful and happy, and the taste was indescribable.

After a long time.

Lu Xiao lifted the time stop, and Saori collapsed in Lu Xiao's arms.

Her eyes were blurred and misty, and she felt very aggrieved.

"Don't look at me like that, you asked for it"

"Then you can't... do this to me.……"

Saori was speechless. She just pinched Lu Xiao's nose, but ended up being pinched all over her body by Lu Xiao!

This price was too high!

"Also, why did you lie to me!"

"What did I lie to you about?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"You are better than me, why don't you say it! You make me look like a clown……"

When Saori thought of her previous challenge to Lu Xiao, she lowered her head in shame.

How embarrassing!!

Lu Xiao is so hateful!!

"If I tell you, then you will have nowhere to vent your anger, right?"

Lu Xiao smiled.

"I haven't gotten rid of my anger yet.……"

Saori pursed her lips, feeling even more aggrieved!

Not only did she fail to vent her anger, but she also lost her wife and her army, leaving herself to Lu Xiao.

Also, what kind of time stop is this!

How can one be so clear-headed after time stops!!

"If you feel angry, let’s do this, I won’t move this time, you do it!"

"I don’t want to!!"

Saori blushed immediately!

How could she possibly do such a thing!![]

"This is what you don't want. Don't regret it later."

"Humph! I won’t regret it!!"

""Okay, okay, I will be responsible for you."

Lu Xiao hugged Saori and touched her head.

Saori did not resist and leaned obediently in Lu Xiao's arms.

Later, Lu Xiao did not leave here directly, but helped Saori create a universe, a Saint Seiya universe that belonged to her.

Moreover, the development process of this diverse Saint Seiya world is basically the same as what Saori experienced and was created by Chronos.

Therefore, Saori successfully returned to the Sanctuary as the goddess Athena again.

But this time, Saori has the ability to change everything.

As for how to change and whether to change, it all depends on Saori's thoughts.

Then, Lu Xiao gave Saori permanent permissions to his own world, allowing Saori to travel freely between the two worlds and see him at any time.

After doing all this, Lu Xiao returned.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"'It's settled, I'm back"

【Tsunade】:"Why did it take so long? You weren't beating up Saori, were you?"

Tsunade said, is Lu Xiao so stingy?!

I didn't see it before!

Or, with the strength of Saori and Lu Xiao, fighting is very time-consuming!?

Lu Xiao said, it is indeed very time-consuming!

The others saw Tsunade asking the same question, and they all watched silently, waiting for Lu Xiao's answer.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Later, I (De Li) helped Saori create the universe, which delayed me for some time."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hiss! Creating the universe! ?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Is this the character strength that surpasses Saturn?! Too scary! Hook!"

【Diana】:"So, Saori can create a world like Saint Seiya?"

"So if I buy the God template, can I also create my own DC world like Saori?!"

【Kido Saori】:"Yes, since the points required to purchase the God template are the same as the Chronos template I purchased, it means that they are both at the same level."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Saori is right"

【Tsunade】:"Kido Saori, are you okay? Are you okay? Did Lu Xiao not hit you too hard?"

【Kido Saori】:"Ahem... Lord Lu Xiao didn't use any harsh blows, he was very gentle."

Offline, Saori couldn't help but recall what Lu Xiao did to her, and her face turned red.

She was indeed right, Lu Xiao was really gentle!


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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