【Kido Saori】:"……"

She wanted to say something else, but when she saw the document, she stopped.

After thinking about it, Saori received the document and clicked on it.

The other group members did not speak and clicked silently.

But they realized that perhaps what Lu Xiao is doing now is not a precedent.

It is very likely that in the future timeline, someone has done the same thing and slaughtered the gods.

Otherwise, Lu Xiao would not have suddenly sent this thing.

On this side, Lu Xiao has faced the strongest god at this time-Apollo.

Apollo had sensed the collapse of the sea world and the disappearance of the underworld before.

He also sensed Athena's microcosm, and guessed that Poseidon or Hades might have launched a holy war again to seize the earth.

The result was the same as always, and it failed again.

But he did not intervene, but planned to punish the saints who offended the majesty of God later.

Just like how Seiya and Athena were treated in the prologue of the heaven chapter.

But he did not expect that the other party would actually come to heaven!

Looking at the other gods lying on the ground, Apollo was angry.

"You are standing too high."

Lu Xiao said calmly, and his figure disappeared.


Apollo doubts

"I don't like looking up to others."

Above the heavens, at the top of the sky, Lu Xiao became infinitely large, just like the Buddha looking at Sun Wukong in his palm, Lu Xiao looked at Apollo

""Sir, do you know how we have offended you?"

Apollo was shocked, as if he was facing Zeus directly, and felt an infinite pressure in his heart!

At this moment, he understood.

Poseidon, Hades, and Ares lying on the ground in front of him did not die because of the Saints under Athena, but because of the hands of this powerful god!

A supreme and powerful god that no one knows!

Perhaps, this person's strength has far surpassed the king of gods, Zeus!

"The purpose of my coming here is to kill God."

"All the gods, including you."

Lu Xiao replied

"Including us?"

Along with the words, a powerful force of oppression swept across the entire heaven.

Seven figures appeared in the starry sky, surrounding Lu Xiao.

They are the ancient gods who have mastered the ultimate power, the true power of God, and are wearing combat clothes that are better than the clothes of God [the great secret treasure arsmagna].

The God of the Black Sea, the original god Gaia was born at the beginning of chaos.

Portus is the first ancient god created by Gaia.

There is no god as a father.

He is a god bred by Gaia alone.

The purple-haired and red-eyed god who commands the Sea of Chaos, or it is because of his advent that the endless dark sea of chaos that breeds all things in the universe is brought about.

The big boss behind the scenes in Saint Seiya G is also the ancient god who officially appeared.

It was he who resurrected the Titans in order to unseal Gaia.

He did not regard himself and the gods of later generations as the same kind. All gods, demons, immortals, Buddhas, people and the world are the objects he wants to destroy.

Together with Uranus, Eros and Erebus, they are known as the four great gods of creation.

Heaven The God of the Sky, one of the original gods born by the Earth Mother Goddess Gaia, Gaia's husband, and the king of all things.

He will never recognize other gods, only his own tyrants, and exiled some of his children because of personal preferences.

The God of Love Eros, like Gaia, is the original god born from chaos-one of the four creation gods.

The Dark God, like Gaia, is the original god born from chaos-one of the four creation gods.

The God of Hell, one of the ancient gods, combined with Gaia to give birth to Typhon.

Finally, there are the Night Nyx and the Mountain God Urya.

Except for Gaia, who was sealed in the chaos and neither alive nor dead, the other seven ancient gods are all here.

Apollo stared at this scene in amazement!

As new gods, the twelve main gods have always been at odds with the ancient gods.

After all, it was Zeus who snatched the universe from them and became the master.

The ultimate goal of the ancient gods is to awaken Gaia, that is to say, if Gaia wakes up, then everything will disappear directly.

"Good, this is interesting."

"It also saves me from looking for them one by one."

Lu Xiao smiled, and then put on the strongest Clothes of Time.

At the same time, he held the True Eternal Dance in his hand.

In an instant, the powerful power of the universe of God burst out, shocking the seven ancient gods and Apollo to retreat one after another!!

"This power!!"

"Aren't you the new god?!"

"Are you a super god?!"



Feeling the breath coming from this small universe, the seven ancient gods were all shocked and trembling with fear!

Especially Apollo!

He never thought that he still underestimated Lu Xiao's strength! He thought Lu Xiao should be at the level of the ancient gods, but it turned out that the other party was a super god who surpassed the new gods, the ancient gods, and all the origin gods!!

How can they fight?!

The power of the explosion of the universe of gods alone can suppress them!

And what did Apollo hear?


The god of time who lives at the end of time and space, controls all time and space, all dimensions, and infinite dimensions, the overlord of all time and space?!

How could he come to this universe!!

"What do you mean? Don't want to fight anymore?"

Lu Xiao frowned, looking at the other party's intention to escape or surrender, and was very dissatisfied.

It was rare for him to meet these powerful gods, and he was just about to have a good exercise, but he didn't want to fight?!

"My lord, even if all of us join forces, we are no match for you!"

"We are willing to go to the void and never come back!"

"That's right! We are willing to go!!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The ancient gods would rather go to the land of nothingness and chaos than die at the hands of Lu Xiao.

After all, the former is still alive, while the latter is doomed to die!

"Let's put it this way, if you can hurt me in the slightest, I will leave and no longer care about you."

Lu Xiao thought for a while and said

"`.Are you sure, sir?"

The ancient gods looked at each other and asked again

"Do you think I would lie to you?"

"of course not!"

"Does Apollo also count in this?"


Apollo was confused. What was he talking about?

You want me to fight Lord Saturn!?


"In that case, we are sorry!"

There is no other way out except to take action.[]

Even Apollo was the same.

Therefore, the ancient gods and the new gods of the United Front joined forces to challenge the existence of the super god.

Seeing this, Lu Xiao smiled with satisfaction.

"First, suppress the power to the strongest single universe level, that should be enough."

After all, the so-called strongest single unit also has different levels of strength.

Soon, the great war officially began!


"The world is undergoing changes!"

"What's going on?!"

Saori raised her head in worry when she noticed that the rules of the universe had changed and the stars were fluctuating.


Seiya and his men came to Saori (from Li), their faces full of worry.

The world changed suddenly, and everyone felt it.

The laws of nature, all things in the universe, all laws and orders, and orbits became chaotic.

The universe seemed to be about to be destroyed.

Saori was very worried, and she guessed that this should be caused by Lu Xiao.

Then she looked at Seiya.

It turned out that Seiya was also a godslayer in the future, and he would attract Saturn's attention only after he slaughtered all the gods.

And now, Lu Xiao just moved all this forward.

It turned out that she had wronged Lu Xiao.

Since everything will happen, what difference does it make if it happens earlier or later?

Even now that Lu Xiao lets it happen in advance, it can also allow Saori to get huge points. Maybe this is also a good thing?!

Just when Saori was thinking hard, the time of the entire universe stopped!

But soon, time returned to normal.

No one noticed this change.

Only here in Saori, a prompt suddenly popped up

【Ding! Congratulations to Kido Saori for changing the future of the gods and earning 18 million points】


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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