【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:""Saori Kido, I'm back. How many points do you have?"

After Lu Xiao fought with a group of ancient gods and Apollo, half of the universe was almost destroyed. Fortunately, Lu Xiao has now surpassed the multiverse level and can restore the damaged areas.

Then he left the world of Saint Seiya without saying hello to Saori.

This time, Lu Xiao has dealt with all the other gods except Athena among the twelve main gods of Greece.

In addition, there are also the Nordic gods, the Roman gods, and the seven ancient gods, which Lu Xiao did not let go.

As for the other gods, Lu Xiao did not bother them.

But despite this, I believe Saori should have obtained a lot of points.

Lu Xiao is still looking forward to it.

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao, please forgive my previous rudeness!"

When Saori saw Lu Xiao slaughtering the gods, she was still a little angry, and even wanted to kick Lu Xiao out of this world.

But when Saori wanted to do this, she found that after she opened the permanent permissions for Lu Xiao, she couldn't close it at all! Only then did she understand why Lu Xiao asked her for permanent permissions. It turned out that he had realized this a long time ago.

At that moment, Saori regretted it a little. She regretted that she trusted Lu Xiao too much.

Then, Saori saw the Saint Seiya (Omega) that Lu Xiao suddenly uploaded, and saw that more than ten years later, Seiya, who became the Sagittarius Gold Saint, actually killed all the gods in this universe 290!

After Saori was surprised, her anger slowly disappeared.

Anyway, there will be such a day in the future, and the gods will never be able to avoid the fate of sleeping, and there is no need for her to continue to be angry.

Therefore, Saori decisively apologized to Lu Xiao in the group.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's okay, I don't mind"

"Anyway, when you become a being like Saturn, you will understand that what I did actually has no effect."

Only after seeing the charm of the multiverse will your horizons be completely opened.

In this way, Saori will also understand that the change of a single universe is just a tiny drop of water in the ocean for the multiverse.

【Tsunade】:"Yes, Saori, Lu Xiao will not do meaningless things!"

"Instead of apologizing, why not talk about how many points you earned?"

【Huang Rong (abfb)】:"Yes! Tell us how many points you have! We are looking forward to it!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I think the points Saori has earned should be the highest record in the chat group's history!"

Huashan, Yue Buqun looked at the chat in the group and shed tears silently.

This feeling of wanting to participate but not being able to speak is so uncomfortable!!

He wanted to find Lu Xiao to apologize privately, but because he didn't know how Lu Xiao felt, he didn't dare to disturb him without permission!

He could just endure the ten-day ban.

If he was kicked out of the group, he would regret it!!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:""Master, regarding the matter of Master Yue, can I apologize to you on his behalf? He made an unintentional mistake and said something he didn't want to care about. Master, please don't take it to heart!"

Zhang Sanfeng saw Lu Xiao coming back, and the chat group became lively again. He began to plead for Yue Buqun.

After all, considering that Yue Buqun was a junior and they had a good relationship, Zhang Sanfeng spoke up.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Since Master Zhang has spoken, I will lift the ban on him."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Thank you, group leader!!"

Ding! Group leader: Lu Xiao has lifted the ban on group member Yue Buqun

【Yue Buqun】:"Thank you for showing mercy, group leader!!"

"Yue will be careful with his words and actions in the future!!"

Yue Buqun, who had been paying attention to the chat group, showed up immediately after the ban was lifted.

This time, it was a reminder to the group members, killing the chicken to scare the monkey

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Saori Kido, where are you?"

【Kido Saori】:"I am here!!"

"This time, thanks to Master Lu Xiao, I got 18 million points!!"

Saori was just waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to say something, so she didn't speak.

【Tsunade】:"Hiss!! So many?!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"I originally thought it was only a few million, but it turned out to be more than 10,000! ?" (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

【Huang Rong】:"Oh my god! Doesn’t this mean I can buy the best rewards? ?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"How much supplies can this buy? I’m so jealous!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"……Senior, please stop talking."

Supplies? Are you not limited to buying wine now?

You have also gained the ability to live forever, what a waste!

Zhang Sanfeng is really disappointed with you!

【Diana】:"The level of the Saint Seiya world is so high! ?"

Diana was also a little surprised.

According to the god system of Saori's world, it seems that if Lu Xiao came to her world and did the same thing, the points should be about the same, right?!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The upper limit of the Saori world has not been completely reached. In addition to the gods, there are Saturn and Chronos. The two of them together are enough to surpass the current 10 million points."

"As for Diana, your world is the same. At least there are several beings like Saturn, so the potential is higher than that of the Saint Seiya world."

The same is true for Marvel.

For example, the five great gods, Dormammu, the Beyonder, the Galactus, Vishanti, and other demons in different dimensions, etc., there is a lot of potential to be explored.

【Diana】:"So that's how it is."

Diana nodded silently, but she didn't dare to let Lu Xiao go yet.[]

Although Lu Xiao can gain a huge amount of points through his performance in this incident, it is too stressful!

【Tsunade】:"Kido Saori, have you decided what to buy?!"

"This is a chance for you to become a god directly!!"

"Maybe even surpass Lu Xiao!!"

【Huang Rong】:""Sister Tsunade, what do you mean by this?"

Huang Rong was immediately dissatisfied.

Surpassing Lu Xiao?! What are you thinking!!

【Tsunade】:"Don't worry, Rong'er sister, I don't mean anything else, I'm just making a metaphor"

【Huang Rong】:"Humph! Brother Lu Xiao is unsurpassable!!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Okay, let Saori decide what she wants to buy."

Lu Xiao smiled. Rong'er is really well-behaved. She knows how to care about her lover.

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao, you purchased Lord Saturn's template, right?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"right"

【Kido Saori】:"Can the abilities of the templates be superimposed?!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Of course it is possible, but the stacking of templates of the same level is greater than that of different levels."

【Kido Saori】:"I see!"

"Then I want the Chronos template worth 10 million points and the Silver Superman template worth 8 million points!!"


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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