Pure Land of Bliss.

As soon as Lu Xiao came in, the whole sky changed.

Dark clouds gathered, lightning and thunder roared.

A strong breath flew quickly from the depths of Pure Land of Bliss.

It was Hades.

He was wearing Hades' clothes, holding the sword of Hades, and came to Lu Xiao with the god of sleep and the god of death.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my underworld and kill my Hades warriors?"

"I'm here to kill the gods."

Lu Xiao said bluntly

"Killing gods?"

Hades frowned, very surprised by this answer.

Mortals have challenged the majesty of gods since ancient times, but no one has succeeded.

"You are looking for death"

"Super Heavy Pressure."

Hades raised his right hand and launched his own move towards Lu Xiao.

Instantly, the space around Lu Xiao became extremely heavy.

Heavy pressure, releasing a huge range of heavy pressure, can make all bronze, silver and gold saints unable to move, as if the whole world is pressing on them.

And with a thunderous sound, if you force yourself to stand up, the pressure will instantly increase millions of times, and can even directly crush the gold saints to serious injuries or even death.

And the super heavy pressure is even more powerful, and can be specifically targeted at a certain person.

For example, now

"Hades, do you feel hopeless?"

Lu Xiao asked calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"It means... rebound."

Lu Xiao's mind moved, and a pressure that was ten thousand times, one hundred thousand times, one million times stronger than Hades's move instantly fell on Hades and the God of Sleep and the God of Death behind him.


Hades and the other two instantly fell to the ground.

"How... is it possible!!"

Hades's face changed drastically, and he gritted his teeth to endure it all.

As one of the twelve main gods, he was actually pressed to the ground!?

This is not the end. Hades can still bear it, but the god of sleep and the god of death behind him were bleeding from all seven orifices, their bones were broken, and they died immediately!

"who are you!?"

"I am a god more powerful than any of you."

Lu Xiao said, and took out the True Eternal Rondo again.

"You can also call me the God of Time"

"God of Time?! You are Lord Saturn!!"

Hades looked at Lu Xiao who was flying into the air with fear.

"Lord Saturn! Spare my life!"

"Farewell, Hades."

Lu Xiao swung the Eternal Rondo and slashed at Hades.



The space was shattered, and the Pure Land, the ideal place for the dead, turned into countless stardust.

Along with the death of Hades, the entire hell and the underworld began to collapse inch by inch.

Lu Xiao stood in the collapsing world and looked up.

"The last place is heaven."

Lu Xiao muttered and disappeared on the spot.


【Ding! Congratulations to Kido Saori for changing Hades' future and obtaining……】

"Hades also solved it"

"I can feel the underworld disappearing."

Saori stood in the sanctuary, looking at the earth

"Athena, does this mean that Hades, the god of the underworld, has also been sealed by Lord Lu Xiao?"

Garlon asked, accompanying Athena.

"That should be the case. With Lord Lu Xiao's seal, I believe the earth will never be invaded by Poseidon and Hades again."

Saori is very confident in Lu Xiao's ability as the God of Time. Compared with a simple seal like the Athena Pot, the seal of time is the most advanced and the least likely to be destroyed.

"Then Master Lu Xiao should be coming back soon."

"Yes, he should be back, so he has left?"

Saori said as she opened the chat group.

【Kido Saori】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, has Master Lu Xiao left yet? (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"no, what happened?"

【Kido Saori】:"Then where have you been, Lord Lu Xiao?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:""Heaven."

At this time, Lu Xiao looked at Ares, the god of war, Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, Hephaestus, the god of fire, and Hermes, the messenger of the gods, lying on the ground, and silently waved the True Eternal Rondo, completely erasing them from the source of time.

Including them, there are still six of the twelve main gods.

However, it seems that Zeus has disappeared in the heaven, and no one knows where he has gone.

Now the strongest person in the heaven, and the current ruler, is only the sun god Apollo.

【Ding! Congratulations to Kido Saori for changing the future of Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Hermes.……】


"What's going on!?"

Saori was stunned!

Is Lu Xiao planning to seal all the gods?!

【Kido Saori】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, Master Lu Xiao!! What are you doing?!"

"Why did you seal the other gods too?!"

"Didn't we agree that we only need to solve the troubles caused by Poseidon and Hades?!"[]

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Have you forgotten the chapter on the heavens? Don't you want to solve the problem of the Moon Goddess? Don't you want to care about Apollo?"

"Wait a minute, I'll be done soon."

【Kido Saori】:"But it seems that Ares and his companions didn't cause any trouble to the earth! ?"

"Is there no need to seal them away as well?!"

【Yue Buqun】:"What is this doing?"

【Tsunade】:"It seems that Lu Xiao is dealing with the gods in Saori's world."

【Huang Rong】:"Oh, Saori, didn't you just seal them? Don't take it too seriously."

【Kido Saori】:"But……"

Saori wants to say that among the twelve main gods, except for Hades and Poseidon, the other gods are still very good and get along well, so there is no need to seal them all.

【Yue 293 Buqun】:"Is there a possibility that, according to the group leader’s habit, these gods were not sealed but killed directly?"

【Kido Saori】:"???"

Ding! Group member Yue Buqun has been banned for ten days by group owner Lu Xiao

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"!!!"


【Huang Rong】:"!!!"

The sudden ban shocked all the group members!

They realized that Lu Xiao was the group leader.

Although they kept calling him the group leader, it was mostly because Lu Xiao was so powerful that he won their respect. In addition, Lu Xiao rarely got angry, so they ignored the fact that there were many functions that the group leader of the chat group did not know about!

For example, the ban at this time!!

Yue Buqun looked pale when he saw that he could not send a message.

It seemed that he had offended Lu Xiao! ?

"Damn your mouth! I told you not to tell the truth!!"

Yue Buqun was so angry that he slapped his own talkative mouth!

Fortunately, he was only banned for ten days instead of being kicked out of the chat group. If that were the case, Yue Buqun would have no place to cry!

And because Lu Xiao suddenly banned people from speaking, the entire chat group became cold, fearing to trigger Lu Xiao's anger.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded the group file (Saint Seiya Ω) and received 100 points

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Kido Saori, look at the good things Seiya has done"


Don't worry: Ẩm Nguyệt Quân

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