【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Have you all finished watching the drama?"

Lu Xiao looked at the lively chat group and joined in.

【Huang Rong】:"Finished chasing!!"

"Is Brother Lu Xiao's world so advanced?! Those technologies are so amazing! I really want to go to Brother Lu Xiao's world to take a look!"

Huang Rong focused on Diana's world, and was shocked by Superman's terrifying fighting power when he fought Zod-!

Compared with the martial arts world they were in, it couldn't be weaker!

At the same time, Huang Rong saw the advanced modern facilities and couldn't help feeling ashamed.

She was worried that she really couldn't keep up with Lu Xiao's knowledge, and she would have no common topics with Lu Xiao in the future!!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You can come to play in my world anytime."

【Nami】:"I've finished watching it too! I can only say that the world that the new members of the group live in is very powerful!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Indeed, apart from Di Yun, even in Bu Jingyun's world, his martial arts level is higher than ours."

【Yue Buqun】:"Yes, I am a little skeptical. Is this still a martial arts world? Fortunately, I have become an immortal, so I don't have to worry too much."

【Xiao Feng】:"Looking at it this way, it seems that I am the only one who has not become an immortal or a god.……"

Xiao Feng suddenly realized that as the second group member to join the chat group, he seemed to be the only one who didn't open the jar!

For example, Huang Rong has become a female sword fairy!!

Even the selfless Xiaolongnu has become immortal!

He is still standing still!

"No, I have to open the can! Otherwise I will fall behind!"

【Wanwan】:"Haha! I have already obtained the Secret of Immortality!! I also got 10,000 points!"

"Now I plan to get the evil emperor's relic!"

After watching The Twin Dragons of the Tang Dynasty, Wanwan went to find Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling and snatched the immortal secret.

Then she set off for Yang Gong's treasury. Anyway, she knew how to open the treasury, so she naturally wanted to get the things first.

When she brings the things back, I believe her master will be very happy!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You can't practice the Changsheng Jue, so what's the point of taking it?"

Practicing the Changsheng Jue is best for people without martial arts skills so that they won't easily go astray.

For masters like Wanwan who have practiced the Heavenly Demonic Art for many years and even achieved great success, they can't avoid the risk of going astray if they practice rashly.

Even if Wanwan knows the correct method, she will inevitably be distracted and worried during the process, which will lead to failure.

【Wanwan】:"It's also good to keep it for collection!"

Wanwan said indifferently.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"as long as you are happy"

【Bu Jingyun】:"Group leader, as long as I get points, I can open the jars with you and become stronger?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That's right"

"Bu Jingyun, you have also watched Feng Yun 1, right? Kong Ci is not your best choice, Chu Chu is. If you still lose Chu Chu, then you are really a waste."

【Bu Jingyun】:"I understand."

Bu Jingyun looked at Fengyun and naturally knew that Xiongba's intention was to break them up and make them kill each other.

Moreover, he also saw Chuchu's protection and companionship for him, so he would not repeat the same mistake!

However, Xiongba has not let Kong Ci marry Qin Shuang yet, and the plot has not officially begun. What should he do?

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Saori Kido, how are you now?"

【Kido Saori】:"It's over, I'm fine now."

After twelve hours of fierce fighting, Seiya and his team finally defeated Gemini Saga and rescued Kido Saori.

They also awakened the seventh sense of the small universe, and their strength was greatly improved.

【Tsunade】:"Are you free now? If so, why not ask them to open a jar?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's no problem to open the can, but before that, let me show you something, a picture.JPG"

Lu Xiao uploaded a screenshot of the mall.

And the points required were doubled by Lu Xiao.

After all, he also needs to earn points.

【Tsunade】:"What the hell...Oh my god!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss!! What is this?! Group leader, can we buy all these things?!"

"There are so many templates for gods?! Even Erlang Shen has one!?"

"Thirty-six divine powers of the Heavenly Gang! And the Seventy-two Transformations of the Earthly Demons! ?"

Yue Buqun looked at the long screenshot, and his eyes suddenly glowed green!

As the poorest immortal in the group, he had no spells or magic weapons, which made Yue Buqun embarrassed to say that he was an immortal.

But now, he saw a large number of immortal templates, magical spells, and even many magic weapons in the screenshots!

As long as he had points, he could buy them!

Although the points required for some things were terribly expensive, it also gave Yue Buqun a lot of motivation!

In addition to Yue Buqun, the rest of the group members were also like this.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Why does Taishang Laojun have a prehistoric version and a conferred god version? What does this mean?"

If he remembered correctly, the template he got seemed to be the Journey to the West version.

Is there any difference between them?

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Your version of Journey to the West is just a clone of the prehistoric version"

"The Taishang in Journey to the West is an ordinary god, while the Taishang in Primordial Chaos is one of the six great saints, the leader of the human religion, and an immortal being who has endured countless calamities."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hiss!! I am just a clone! ?"

"But this is too expensive! It actually costs 4 million points? How can I make that much money?"

Zhang Sanfeng was very greedy, but when he saw the huge amount of points, he was immediately poured a bucket of cold water.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"When you earn points, you can't just focus on the Jianghu you are in. Isn't there also the secular world? Isn't there also the imperial court?"

"In fact, the earth is so big, can't you do something else?"

"You need to broaden your horizons!"

"I will upload a history book and a world map for you later, you can take a good look at them."

Although the points seem to be a lot, Lu Xiao doesn't believe that Zhang Sanfeng, Yue Buqun and others can't get millions of points after changing the world!

【Yue Buqun】:"Hiss! After hearing what the group leader said, I suddenly understood!!"

"But Yue still needs to think carefully about how to do it."

"Master Zhang, are you done with your work?

Shall we get together?"Yue Buqun planned to bring Zhang Sanfeng along to discuss things.

After all, there were too many things he wanted in the screenshots uploaded by Lu Xiao!!

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"You are welcome anytime! After the group leader uploads the history book, we will discuss it carefully!"

Zhang Sanfeng readily agreed to the invitation!

【Diana】:"You actually have Superman and God templates in here?!"

"Hiss! Ten million points?!"

Diana also saw someone she knew from the screenshot.[]

There was not only her own Superman, but also the future Superman, the Flash, and even the gods of Olympus and the God of Heaven!

It was everything!

This really opened Diana's eyes!

Especially after she watched Superman: Man of Steel and Justice League, she had a general understanding of Superman's strength.

On Earth, Superman is invincible!

"Maybe I can try to earn some points and buy some stuff."

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao! Are the Lord Saturn model and Lord Chronos template here real?!"

Kido Saori was shocked!

You can actually buy the templates of the God of Time and the God of Space and Time here!?

If she has enough points, can she become a being like Lord Chronos!?


This is my mother: Naruto789

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