"Crystal wall!"

A transparent and solid crystal wall suddenly appeared between Hulk and Abomination, causing them to suffer the huge reaction force from their fists and retreat fiercely.

""Light Speed Fist!"

Gwen stood in the middle of the monsters and punched them.

In an instant, Hulk and Abomination were enveloped by golden light and suffered from all-round, powerful, and countless attacks!

With two bangs, Hulk and Abomination fell to the ground!

"It only took two hits to solve it?!"

Fury looked at the golden Gwen in the picture and was shocked!

His evaluation of Gwen's superpowers continued to rise!

Whether it was the opponent's attack power or speed, they were all top-notch!

At this moment, Fury couldn't help but compare Gwen with the powerful Captain Marvel who had left the earth.

"If Stacey also has her strength, then we can build a team around Stacey."

"Even, she alone can solve most of the crises on Earth!"

Fury gradually became excited!

He seemed to see hope and the success of his Avengers plan!

In addition to S.H.I.E.L.D., Hydra is also paying attention to Gwen's performance, trying to pull Gwen into their camp.

If not, then look for her weaknesses, at least don't let Fury succeed, right?

This is the idea of Fury's immediate superior, former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and current member of the Security Council, Pierce.

On the other side, Hulk and Abomination, who were stunned by the light speed punch for 370 meters, gradually recovered under their powerful self-healing ability.

The first to stand up was Hulk. After being attacked, he became more angry. As his anger increased, Hulk's abilities also improved in all aspects.


Hulk roared and punched Gwen hard!

"This monster is so strong.

Gwen couldn't help but be surprised.


Gwen used telekinesis to throw the Hulk, who was about to hit her, away.

"Breaking the Speed of Light……"

Gwen controlled his strength and changed his moves.

"Don't kill him, he will be your future teammate."

Lu Xiao suddenly sent a message

"Huh? My future teammate? This monster?"

Gwen stopped and was confused.

"His original form is human, and he became like this because of the gamma ray radiation. I will tell you more about this later. Let's deal with the abomination first. This one can be killed."

"All right."

Gwen nodded and changed her tactics.

"Crystal Net!"

Mu's binding move, using the microcosm to materialize telekinesis into a crystal net that is invisible to the naked eye, makes the opponent like being trapped in a spider web, blocking the ability to move.

After Gwen trapped Hulk, she turned her head and looked at the Abomination.

"It is really difficult for me to display my strength on Earth, let's go somewhere else."

Gwen teleported behind the Abomination, grabbed him, and took him to the universe as light.

"Where are the people?!"

"Start the satellite and find it for me!!"

Fury shouted anxiously

"Boss, it seems like they went to space!"

"Give me the picture!!"

Soon, through the satellite, they found Gwen again.

"Sure enough! She has the strength comparable to Danvers!!"

"But she suddenly stopped just now. Was she talking to someone? Who could it be?"

Fury's excited expression turned into doubt. He was a little worried about the position and purpose of the person behind Gwen.


"It’s much better here, turn into dust!"

"Starlight Extinction!!"

Gwen, who was able to attack with confidence, used her powerful move against the abomination that was floating in the universe and gradually freezing! Gwen opened her arms, and her body was like the sun, emitting a dazzling golden light!

Starlight Extinction is a space move that has the ability to transfer space (distort space) and physical attacks, and is known for its gorgeous moves.

The definition in Saint Seiya is"As if being swallowed by starlight."、""If you are hit by the starlight, there is only one way to go to the land of death."

Therefore, the hatred shrouded in a golden light felt the fear of death!

In a space distortion, even the body that could withstand the violent explosion without any damage finally disappeared into the universe with the golden light!

""Huh! I finally feel comfortable!"

Gwen, who had almost fully exerted her strength for the first time, felt relaxed physically and mentally! Compared to the situation on Earth, where she could easily destroy the earth and had to be careful when making a move, this universe was the best place for Gwen to show her combat power!

After seeing Gwen solve the abomination, Lu Xiao went back first.

As for Hulk, Gwen put away the crystal net and he would escape by himself.

Without Gwen's suppression, it would be impossible for the military to control Hulk.

In short, the matter came to an end.

And the next day, after 24 hours, Lu Xiao's system was finally upgraded.

【The mall is open, please check it yourself. 】

This time, the system upgrade only added one mall.

Lu Xiao was very disappointed at first, but after clicking in, he found that he was disappointed too early!

Because he found that all the rewards that he or his group friends had already opened before can now be purchased directly in the mall!

For example, the templates of Shura, Mu, and Ophiuchus Gold Saints. For example, the templates of Taishang Laojun, the God of Otsutsuki, Wonder Woman, Thor, and Saturn.

There are also various props, such as the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, cultivation techniques, magic weapons, devil fruits, etc.

In addition to the rewards that have been opened, those that have not been opened are also included.

For example, all the remaining gold saint templates, the small universe of the tenth sense, the will of the gods, the ultimate power, and the absolute consciousness.

The twelve main gods of Olympus, various superhero templates of Marvel and DC, infinite gems, the heart of the universe, infinite gloves and other props.

Even Lu Xiao flipped all the way up to the most expensive thing, and was almost shocked to jump up!

Infinite Creator, beyond all universes, 10 million points.

Chronos, 5 million points!

OAA 5 million points!

DC God, 5 million points!! (To read the best novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Saturn, Transcendence, Molecule Man, Silver Superman Template, Gold Superman Template, 4 million points!

Living Tribunal, 3 million points!

Marvel's Five Great Gods, Primordial Sage, 2 million points!

Odin, Zeus, Ancient One, 1 million points


"This means I don’t have to open the can anymore, I can just buy it!!"

"Even if it is a conceptual god、OAA!"

"But what does this infinite creator with 10 million points mean?"

Whether in performance or setting, OAA is the supreme in the Marvel Universe, the creator of the Marvel Omnipotent Universe, the master of the Life Tribunal, the omnipotent creator, and the god of all things.

Just like the supreme god of the DC comic world, the Supreme God.

According to this comparison, they are equivalent to the author, and the infinite creator surpasses this level, which means he is above everything?!

Lu Xiao was a little confused and very excited!

Before, it all depended on luck to obtain any ability, but now, there is a targeted improvement!

Although Lu Xiao is infinitely close to the existence of the level of OAA. God and Chronos at this time, it does not prevent Lu Xiao from continuing to obtain other templates!

For example, Silver Superman!

This is the most powerful period of Superman!

Regarding the upper limit of Superman's ability, the official answer is"there is no upper limit"、""The limit of a superman depends on where he believes his limit is!!"

In short, the mall is now equivalent to opening up all the powerful templates, props, etc. in the universe.

Even for Superman, all templates from different periods are in the mall.

However, the starting price of these top-notch items is one million points. Not to mention that the points of group members may not be enough, even if Lu Xiao wants to buy it, he has to spend a lot of time to earn points.

"Fortunately, many new people have joined"


This is my mother: Naruto789

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