【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"That’s right, as long as you have points, you can become a god in a second and ascend to heaven on the spot!"

"How about it, do you want to earn points? I have a way to let you earn a lot of points!"

Lu Xiao bewitched Kido Saori.

Because the combat power in the Saint Seiya world is very high, the points earned must be far more than the Ninja World and the Pirate World.

You know, after Lu Xiao solved the Otsutsuki clan and killed Otsutsuki Shibai, Tsunade earned 1.5 million points. If this were to happen in the Saint Seiya world, 5 million points would definitely not be a dream!

【Kido Saori】:"Lord Lu Xiao, the solution you mentioned is to come to my world and help me solve the enemy?"

Saori read the chat records and knew what the so-called big boss was like.

Just like Nami and Tsunade, because of Lu Xiao's intervention, they easily obtained a lot of points, in exchange for the opportunity to become gods."Two seven seven"

But Saori hesitated, is it necessary for her to do this?

As Athena, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, there is no need to continue to improve her strength.

But the template of the God of Moment is really tempting!!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, I can help you defeat the enemy and change the plot in advance, so that you can get points"

"Wait a minute, I'll upload a few files, you can take a look yourself."

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Saint Seiya Nordic Chapter, and got 100 points.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Saint Seiya Poseidon Chapter, and got 100 points.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Saint Seiya Pluto Chapter, and got 100 points.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Saint Seiya Celestial Chapter Prologue, and got 100 points.

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Saint Seiya Pure Land Chapter, and got 100 points

【Tsunade】:"Why are there so many?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes, there are so many changes in Saori's future?!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"Another drama to kill time!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Senior is really a mountain girl.……"

Zhang Sanfeng was speechless. Since Xiao Longnu obtained the Water and Fire Dragon Balls, the immortality, and the other-dimensional space, she has become even more selfless!

She is even more divine than him!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Because Saori's world is more diverse, there are more plots."

"Similar to Diana's DC world, each superhero has his or her own character story, which cannot be told all at once."

【Di Yun】:"Then, group leader, can you come to my world and help me rescue my sister?"

Di Yun silently watched the group for a long time, looked again and again, and begged again.

And the price he had to pay for this seemed to be the points he had earned last time.

After Yue Buqun came to save him last time, he had earned 10,000 points, and now he hadn't used them.

【Yue Buqun】:"Why bother the group owner? I can solve your problem. Just post a group task."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, if you have any questions, you can ask and post group tasks, and everyone will benefit from it."

【Bu Jingyun】:"According to the group leader's idea, all you need to do is to have points to make a move?"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"That's right, after getting points, the best reward is to find the group owner to open the can or buy it."

"Do you need help, my friends?"

【Bu Jingyun】:""I want to kill Xiongba, but I can't do it now. Can you please help me?"

Bu Jingyun hesitated for a moment and spoke carefully.

He joined Tianxiahui for so many years just for revenge.

But unfortunately, his martial arts are still far inferior to Xiongba!

Even if he has seen Fengyun now and knows his future, it will take him several years to gain the power to kill Xiongba!

Since the chat group can ask group members to take action and the price is not high, he would like to get rid of Xiongba as soon as possible!

【Yue Buqun】:"Of course you can! Release the group task!"

Yue Buqun said that there could be more such tasks!

Anyway, Di Yun and Bu Jingyun are both from the martial arts world, so he can handle everything!

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I'll go there myself."

【Yue Buqun】:"Ah? Master, you want to earn these points too?"

Yue Buqun was dumbfounded.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"There are some very powerful things in the world of Fengyun, such as the dragon essence and phoenix blood that can make people immortal."

"There are also old monsters that have lived for thousands of years. If you are not careful, Teacher Yue, you may capsize in the gutter."

【Yue Buqun】:"???"

"Isn’t this a martial arts world! ?"

Yue Buqun was shocked!

What kind of martial arts world is so awesome?!

There are real dragons and real phoenixes?!

There are even old monsters that have lived for thousands of years?!

Isn’t this a god!?

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, this is the plot of Feng Yun II, and it has not appeared in Feng Yun I yet........."

"Anyway, Bu Jingyun, if you are willing, I will go there"

【Bu Jingyun】:"I am willing! I only ask the group leader to kill Xiong Ba!"

Bu Jingyun did not hesitate!

What's more, it was the group leader who did it himself, so it was definitely a sure thing!! (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"OK, I'll send you the application, just agree to it"

"As for Di Yun, Teacher Yue can go there and deal with him, but remember to let them know the truth, don't just kill him and leave it at that."

【Yue Buqun】:"I know! I will!"

【Di Yun】:"Does Teacher Yue know the spell of resurrection? I want to resurrect Ding Dian and his poor sweetheart."

【Yue Buqun】:"Why didn’t you tell me about this earlier!!"

Damn it, if you wanted to revive them, you should have told me earlier. In that case, why not just let the group leader go?!

��He doesn't know how to live!

【Di Yun】:"ah?"

【Yue Buqun】:"I can't! Now only the group leader has the magical power to bring the dead back to life!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"You go first, we'll talk later"

【Yue Buqun】:"All right"


Saori Kido is still hesitant now. She decided to finish watching the rest of Saint Seiya in 2.8 and see how Lu Xiao handles things after going to Bu Jingyun's world.

Diana has no pursuits yet and is waiting to see what happens.

As for Wanwan?

After she learned about the future, she is now happily making trouble everywhere. Why does she need Lu Xiao's help?


In the world of wind and cloud, Lu Xiao appears

""Master, group leader!"

Bu Jingyun had no expression on his face, he was very arrogant and cold.[]

But it was obvious that his tone changed a lot when facing Lu Xiao.

"Bu Jingyun, I can help you solve the Tianxiahui, but the martial arts world will be in chaos later, and you and Nie Feng must step up to calm the situation."

"It doesn't matter if it's you, Nie Feng, or Qin Shuang who takes over the position of leader of Tianxiahui."

Lu Xiao reminded

"Don’t worry, group leader, I will do my best!"


This is my mother: Naruto789

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