After Lu Xiao came back from Huang Rong's world, he went to Nami's pirate world the next day.

At this time, Nami's pirate group had already reached the Grand Line, close to the sphere of influence of the Crocodile.

Hawkeye was still on the ship, studying every day how to turn his body into an indestructible sword.

Zoro's strength rose sharply because of Hawkeye's guidance.

When they saw Lu Xiao, they were all very excited.

Especially Hawkeye, who proposed a contest again.

The result was still a loss without suspense.

But Lu Xiao could clearly see that Hawkeye's domineering seemed to have improved a lot compared to the last time.

Later, Lu Xiao took Nami directly back to the Cocosia Village and resurrected Nami and Nokigo's mother.

After staying for a while, Lu Xiao left.

Then he went to the Condor World again and met the long-lost Xiaolongnu.

Because Xiaolongnu did not have Yang Guo's participation this time, she lived a home life as usual and was not affected by the Quanzhen Sect.

Zhen Zhibing also had no chance to see Xiaolongnu's fairy appearance.

Moreover, because the dragon girl swallowed the water dragon ball, her power increased day by day, and the problem of practicing the Jade Girl Heart Sutra was directly skipped. She has become one of the best in the world, and her strength is close to the five supreme masters.

After Lu Xiao went there, he not only resurrected Lin Chaoying, but also resurrected Wang Chongyang, so that they could continue their previous relationship.

In short, after dying once, Wang Chongyang finally accepted Lin Chaoying's pursuit, and everyone was happy.


【Little Dragon Girl】:"Group leader: Lu Xiao, I want to open the jar!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Okay, how much do you want?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I have 100,000 points, all opened!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Mr. Group Leader, have you ever been to the world of your predecessors?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"He went and is back. He also resurrected Wang Chongyang. Now he and Lin Chaoying are getting married."

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"!!!"

"Lovers finally get married."

Zhang Sanfeng sighed.

【Yue Buqun】:"Is Xiaolongnu doing a live broadcast?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:""Okay."

After saying that, Xiao Longnv opened the live broadcast and traded the points to Lu Xiao.

The live broadcast still showed the tomb.

The ice stone left by Lu Xiao last time still emitted a faint white light, just right to illuminate the room.

【Yue Buqun】:"It is hard to imagine that Xiaolongnu can live here forever."

【Nami】:"Yes, Xiaolongnu, aren’t you bored?"

【Huang Rong】:"If it were me, I wouldn’t be able to stay here!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"It's not boring. I think it's good. I practice martial arts and raise bees every day. I'm very happy."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Xiao Long Nu lived in the ancient tomb since she was a child, so she was used to it."

【Yue Buqun】:"She is really a fairy who is not interested in worldly things. She is more like a fairy than me!"

Yue Buqun sighed.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"I gave you the jars, five in total.

Ding! Group leader: Lu Xiao sent Xiao Longnv’s exclusive red envelope

【Little Dragon Girl】:"Received, I'll open it."

After receiving the red envelope, Xiao Longnu opened it directly, calmly.

【Congratulations to Xiao Long Nu for winning a box of universal capsules, a fire dragon ball, an alternate dimension, the power of clones, and the projector of all worlds.】


【Yue Buqun】:"Fire Dragon Ball? I remember the group leader said that if you swallow the Water and Fire Dragon Balls at the same time, you can achieve immortality?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, you can also practice peerless magic"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Haha, now the senior can also live forever!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"Can I swallow the Fire Dragon Ball directly? I hope it won't happen like last time."

This time, Xiao Longnu learned her lesson and asked Lu Xiao first.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Don't worry, swallowing the water and fire dragon balls at the same time will balance the yin and yang, and no other problems will occur. In addition, you can also comprehend a magical skill from it."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"I understand, but what are the other things? The power of clones?"

After receiving the power, Xiao Longnu understood it instantly.

Then she used it subconsciously.

【Nami】:"Wow! Two little dragon girls!"

【Yue Buqun】:"How effective is this magical power?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"This is me, the effect is exactly the same as my original body, well, including myself, a total of nine"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hiss! This is really amazing!"(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Nine little dragon girls, all with the same strength!

Who can beat her!?

【Little Dragon Girl】:"It looks weird, a universal capsule?"

Xiao Longnu cancelled her clone and looked at the box in her hand.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"The universal capsule contains props. I'll show you a video and you'll understand."[]

Ding! Group owner: Lu Xiao uploaded Bulma's video.

Fortunately, Lu Xiao had watched Dragon Ball and remembered this prop.

Soon, the group members understood the use of the capsule from the video.

【Nami】:"This thing is so convenient! There is even a house!"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes! It is a must-have for home and travel!"

Please give me flowers0

【Tsunade】:"If I had this thing before, why would I need to stay in a hostel!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"It's good, but the ancient tomb can't hold it."

Xiao Longnu sighed.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Isn't there another dimension? Can you go in?"

【Little Dragon Girl】:""Oh, yes! I'll try!"

Xiao Longnu said as she tried to use the power of the other-dimensional space. Soon, a space door with white light appeared in front of Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu walked in and saw an endless grassland inside.

Xiao Longnu could sense that this space was very large!

However, there was nothing else except the grassland and a few streams.

The scenery was refreshing, the space was open, and the sky was clear.

【Little Dragon Girl】:"It’s really nice! I like it here very much!"

Xiao Longnv said that not only was there no one here, but it was also very bright and the wind was very comfortable. It was like it was tailor-made for her!

【Yue Buqun】:"This place is so much better than the dark ancient tomb!"

【Huang Rong】:"Indeed, but for Xiao Long Nu, it was just a change of place to live.

Huang Rong was silent, but Xiao Long Nu was like this by nature, and could endure loneliness, so she could only express her understanding.

【Nami】:"You can use the universal capsule here, try it now!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:""Okay."

Xiao Longnv took out capsules of different colors and threw them on the grass in front of her according to the instructions.

Then, with a bang, a house appeared out of thin air!

There were also cars, motorcycles, and airplanes.

【Tsunade】:"This is so comfortable!"

【Yue Buqun】:"It's not just comfortable, it's incredibly convenient!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Alas, senior can finally live in a good home."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"What is your all-world projector?"

【Yue Buqun】:"Eh? Is there something the group owner doesn't recognize?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Yes, after all, there are so many worlds, I can't possibly have seen them all."

【Little Dragon Girl】:"This is a projection of the universe. It seems to be able to play movies, TV series, anime, etc. This is what it told me."

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"……It really suits you. With these things, you can stay at home forever."

Lu Xiao was speechless.

This was only for Xiao Long Nu. If it was anyone else, these things would not mean much to him.


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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