
"Tony! You are such a genius! You can actually invent such a good thing!"

Stanley drove the Iron Monger and stepped on Tony to the ground, his tone full of complacency!

"Stan! You still have time to turn back!"

"Tony, your biggest mistake is that you are not ruthless enough! You knew clearly that I was the one who had you kidnapped, and you still wanted to let me go?"

Stanley felt sorry for Tony. After he came back from the Ten Rings, he was only dismissed from his position.

Originally, when Stanley faced the truth told by Tony, he was still very panicked, fearing that Tony would send him to prison.

In the end, Tony was still the same Tony.

Therefore, Stanley had the opportunity. Not only did he discover the new weapons that Tony had developed privately, he even stole the blueprints and created his own Iron Monger!

Stanley said that what he is wearing now is the future of Stark Industries!

And what Tony wears is too petty, neither the military nor the terrorists will like it!


Tony yelled angrily

"Haha, Tony 21, go with peace of mind, Stark Industries will only grow stronger in my hands!!"

"Your invention will also play a greater role in my hands!"

Iron Monger pointed the weapon in his hand at Tony's helmet, and was about to get rid of Tony completely!

Tony was desperate!

The Mark III he built himself was still a little weak.

Faced with Stani's practice of blindly increasing weapons, increasing defense, and increasing weight, Tony was angry and helpless!

Not to mention the lack of aesthetics, the iron suit was designed entirely for war, which completely subverted Tony's original design intention.

But now, no matter how unwilling Tony was, he looked at the lit gun barrel in front of him, and all he had left was regret.

After being reminded again, he should have been ruthless and got rid of Stani completely.

Otherwise, today's situation would not have been created.

""Little Pepper, I'm sorry."

Tony closed his eyes silently.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang!


The expected attack did not come, but his body felt lighter, and Stani left his body!

""What's going on?"

Tony opened his eyes in confusion and saw a stranger wearing golden armor and a white cape flying in front of him.

As for the Iron Monger who was so arrogant just now, he had already flown more than ten meters away and fell into a pile of rubble.

"Who are you?"

Tony took off his mask and asked in confusion.

"You can call me the Gold Saint."

Gwen said without looking back.

Before, after some struggles and understanding the definition of a superhero, Gwen finally decided to stand up.

She wanted to be a superhero!

Lu Xiao was not surprised by Gwen's answer and expressed his support.

Therefore, the scene just now happened


Tony was surprised when he heard the voice.

"What's wrong with a woman? Can't a woman save you?"

Gwen turned around and glared at Tony in dissatisfaction.

"That was not what I meant!"

"By the way, was it you before?"

Tony remembered that he was kidnapped by the Mandarin of the Ten Rings last time, taken to the rain forest, and then rescued by a mysterious man.

Now, looking at the suddenly appearing Golden Saint, Tony subconsciously became suspicious.

"Before? Before what?"


Tony was a little disappointed. It seemed that it was not this beautiful woman who saved him last time.

In the distance, Coulson was hiding behind a building and making a call on his cell phone.

"BOSS, did you see it?"

"See, she finally showed up!"

Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

After waiting for so long, he finally waited for this mysterious superpower to show up.

It was worth it that he arranged his right-hand man Coulson to be next to Tony, and even let the Black Widow Natasha disguised as a secretary to enter Stark Industries.

Although the two of them did not find out any information about this mysterious person, at least they waited for the other party to show up, right?

Moreover, through Tony's strange actions after returning from the rainforest, such as firing Stanislavsky and closing the weapons manufacturing department.

SHIELD also got the information about Stanislavsky and learned that he was the one who contacted the secret agents behind the scenes. The Ten Rings gang intends to get rid of Tony and completely control Stark Industries.

And his little moves later were also noticed by SHIELD.

But under Fury's instruction, Coulson did not stop it, but chose to wait and see. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

The reason why Fury did this was to find out whether the mysterious superpower behind Tony would take action again when Tony encountered a crisis again.

As it turned out, the other party would!!

When Fury saw Gwen suddenly appear in a golden armor with golden light and save Stark, he was so excited!!

"Finally... I've waited for you!!"

Fury stared closely at Gwen's every move on the screen.[]

Because the other party has never appeared in front of everyone, SHIELD has never had the opportunity to evaluate the strength of this superpower.

Now is the best opportunity for them!

Gwen didn't know that she was mistaken for Lu Xiao. Facing the Iron Monger who rushed over to attack after getting up, she just clenched her fist and smashed it directly!


In the eyes of everyone's fear, the Iron Monger who just beat Tony was directly blown into pieces by Gwen's punch!! Stani's legs trembled, and he maintained the action of controlling the suit. He stood on the ground as if he was scared silly!

I have such a big iron suit! ?

What kind of monster is this!!

Tony, Coulson and others also expressed doubts.

Especially Tony, his body trembled subconsciously!

Good guy!

The suit he spent so much effort to study couldn't withstand the opponent's punch! ?

That's fine, but what the hell is this terrible control! ?

Why does Stani look fine!

"What kind of superpower is this?!"

Fury exclaimed when he saw this scene!

Lu Xiao920 above, with his hands in his arms, said that this was just a basic attack as a gold saint.

Everything in this world was born from the Big Bang and is composed of atoms, including flowers, trees, grass, rocks, stars, the Milky Way... even the universe is no exception.

So the essence of destruction is to smash atoms!

Only when you reach this level can you officially become a reserve saint.

In the sanctuary, even a saint candidate who has not obtained the holy clothes can destroy a nuclear reactor with his bare hands.

So it is easy for a gold saint to break the steel suit without hurting Stanny inside.

"It's done, I'm leaving."

Gwen nodded with satisfaction at her masterpiece, and her body suddenly disappeared.

The invisible Gwen returned to Lu Xiao.

""Lu Xiao, how did I do?"

Gwen asked as if to take credit.

"It's OK, the only drawback is……"

Lu Xiao stretched out a finger and pointed it at Stani who was still in a daze below. Suddenly a beam of light pierced through his head.

"Don't hold back when dealing with your enemies"

"But it's okay, you'll get used to it in the future."

After all, Gwen has never fought, so she has never killed an enemy, so it's normal to show mercy.

But Lu Xiao doesn't want Gwen to be just a superhero who doesn't kill.

She's not Spider-Man or Batman, so why should she limit herself?


Don't worry: Kỳ this is this

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