When Lu Xiao returned to his own world, he was still confused.

He went to the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes and got a beautiful fiancée?

But thinking of the girl in white shirt, as bright as the sun, Lu Xiao was very happy.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Nami, are we going to your world tomorrow?"

【Nami】:"Brother Lu Xiao, do you have time tomorrow? If you do, I'm fine with it!"

【Yue Buqun】:"So, Huang Rong's mother was successfully resurrected?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes! Thank you, Brother Lu Xiao~"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Congratulations on the family reunion!"

【Huang Rong】:"Thank you Master Zhang!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Nami, I'll go there tomorrow night."

【Nami】:"Okay, Brother Lu Xiao!"

【Little Dragon Girl】:"The day after tomorrow will be me, right?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Can"

【Huang Rong】:"Brother Lu Xiao, can I open a jar?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Didn’t you say you wanted to accumulate points?"

【Huang Rong】:"After my mother was resurrected, I got another 50,000 points. Together with the previous 80,000 points, I have a total of 130,000 points. I want to open a few gold jars to see if I can get something for my parents."

Huang Rong thought that she would have plenty of opportunities to get points in the future, and now that she is already a first-class master, the 990 improvement in strength is not so urgent.

On the contrary, her father Huang Yaoshi is old, so Huang Rong thought it would be great if she could get some good things for them.

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"OK, then I'll give you 140,000 points and seven gold jars."

【Huang Rong】:"Thank you, Brother Lu Xiao!"

Ding! Group leader: Lu Xiao sent Huang Rong an exclusive red envelope

【Yue Buqun】:"Haha, it’s time to open the can again!"

【Tsunade】:"looking forward to!!"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"There must be a lot of good stuff out there."

【Huang Rong】:"Then I'll open it!"

Huang Rong replied, silently


【Congratulations to Huang Rong for obtaining the Lu Xueqi Template, Elixir of Life, Tianya Sword, Jade Skin Firming Pill, Millennium Red Fruit, Shushan Qi Training Technique, and Thunder Fruit.】

【Huang Rong】:"It seems that a lot of good things have been opened!! Picture.jpg"

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Hiss! Elixir of Life! ?"

Although Zhang Sanfeng has rejuvenated and returned to the age of fifty, he still couldn't help but feel excited when he saw the elixir of life!

【Yue Buqun】:"This is really good stuff! Congratulations to Huang Rong!"

【Nami】:"What is this Lu Xueqi template? Is it amazing?"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Very powerful, a true female swordsman!"

【Yue Buqun】:"Another female swordsman?!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"Oh, yes, compared to the owner of the Peach Blossom Sword that Rong'er had obtained before, Lu Xueqi is much stronger than the other. She is the real peerless swordsman."

"Immortality and flying with a sword are no problem"


【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"……"

Women's sixth sense is always so sharp, and their focus is always so special

【Huang Rong】:"I also want to be closer to Brother Lu Xiao~"

【Tsunade】:"I see."

Tsunade nodded.

【Zhang Sanfeng】:"Huang Rong should be very satisfied now, right?"

【Huang Rong】:"Yes! Very satisfied! Thank you, brother Lu Xiao, I will log off first!"

【Group owner: Lu Xiao】:"It's all your own creation"

"You have to open more cans to get better rewards."


Offline, Huang Rong found Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng who were communicating affectionately.

"Dad! Mom!"

"Rong'er, why are you here?"

"I'm here to bring you something good!"

Huang Rong sat next to Feng Heng, looking very happy.

Thanks to Lu Xiao, Huang Rong finally felt the motherly love she had never experienced before!

"What is it?"

Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng were very curious. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Dad, Mom, look!"

"This is an elixir of immortality, eating it can make you immortal! This is a jade skin beauty pill, eating it can keep you young forever! And this thousand-year-old red fruit, eating it can increase your skills by a hundred years!"

"Oh, and there is also this Shushan Qi Training Technique. Practicing it can help you embark on the path of cultivating immortals!"

Huang Rong took out the rewards she had just received and placed them on the table.

"This this……"[]

Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng were both stunned!

Immortality? Eternal youth? A century of skills? The path to immortality! ?

The two looked at Huang Rong. They believed that these things were definitely not something their daughter could come up with. So, it was Lu Xiao?!

"Rong'er, you and Lu Xiao just got engaged, and he sent the betrothal gifts over?!"

"Dowry? Oh, mother, what are you talking about! These are not what they are!"

Huang Rong reacted and blushed immediately!

What do these things have to do with the betrothal gift!

""Rong'er, although Lu Xiao and you are engaged, you can't go too far. It's not good to take these things home before you get married!"

Feng Heng warned seriously, and Huang Yaoshi nodded repeatedly.

Huang Yaoshi even began to feel nervous, thinking that his family was marrying up.

The fact that he could easily produce such a magical elixir was enough to prove that Lu Xiao's family was wealthy.

On the other hand, they couldn't even provide a corresponding dowry for their daughter. If Rong'er married into the family in the future, wouldn't she be looked down upon by Lu Xiao's family?

Wouldn't this make Rong'er feel wronged?

Huang Yaoshi was panicked!

"Oh! Mom, these things were not given by Big Brother Lu Xiao, I earned them! Well, anyway, I didn’t take anything from Big Brother Lu Xiao for nothing! What are you thinking!"

Although it is true that I earned 10,000 points from Lu Xiao for nothing, Huang Rong, Lu Xiao, and the other group members all used points for legitimate transactions!

"Really? You didn't lie to us?"

"Why would I lie to you! Is my daughter so ignorant?"

Huang Rong said helplessly

"That's good!"

Feng Heng breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Rong'er was sensible.

"But these things are too expensive, we can’t accept them!"

"Ah Heng is right, Rong'er, take these back and keep them for yourself, don't give them to us."

Huang Yaoshi nodded in agreement.

"No! You must eat it! Dad, you eat this elixir of life, Mom, you eat this jade skin firming pill!"

She opened the jar specifically for the two of them. If she didn't eat it, wouldn't it be a waste of her kindness!

"Hey, you... um!"

"Rong'er, you first... Woooooo!"

Huang Rong said nothing and directly stuffed the pill into the mouths of Huang Yaoshi and Feng Heng.

""Rong'er, your martial arts?!"

Huang Yaoshi was incredulous.

When did his daughter become more powerful than him?!

"Hehe! I am now a female sword fairy!"

Huang Rong put her hands on her hips and smiled proudly.

"Rong'er, you must treat Lu Xiao well when you marry him in the future."

Feng Heng sighed.

They really owed Lu Xiao too much!


I love you: Ý Chí

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