In a somewhat collapsed room, an obese man lay on the bed, his face like a hungry ghost, his pink hair disheveled, and a huge knife and a cow beside him.

Suddenly he opened his eyes, and a red light flashed in his eyes....

He turned lazily, summoned the cow in front of him, climbed on its back, and said to himself, "Ah, there are people who sent death again!"

"Little ones! Go, there are people who send them to death again!"

Orochimaru shouted.

Suddenly, dozens of bandits excitedly shouted, "Yes, boss!"

"Hahaha, I haven't eaten meat for a long time, I hope they are rich..."

Ace and they rode the big yellow dog to the door of this cottage, Luffy looked at the cottage, "Ace, is there really food here?"

Ace smiled, "This neighborhood is the most promising place to have food!"

"That dog is so fat!"

"Yes, I guess I can eat it for a long time!"

When the voice of the bandits came, a red light flashed under Ace's eyes, he laughed, and said to Luffy, "Luffy, it seems that there is a guy in this group of thieves, who is not bad!"

Luffy raised his fist indifferently, "It doesn't matter, I'm going to knock them all away."

Luffy said to Ace.

Immediately, Luffy's eyes widened, and the powerful impact rushed towards the enemy army, and all of a sudden, everyone except Jiu Tianmaru fainted, and even the green bull under Jiu Tianmaru's crotch fainted.

Jiu Tianmaru let out a snort, "Hmph, it seems that there is still some strength, no wonder you dare to come to me to provoke!"

Orochimaru then pulled out a long knife and pointed it at Luffy and Ace, "Come and die!"

Ace looked at the Jiu Tianmaru in front of him, and his body exuded a powerful momentum, "Luffy, you are optimistic about Ayu, I will go and compare with him!"

Luffy protested, "I'm going!"

Ace said seriously, "No, you have to protect Ayu, after all... I'm a nature department, faster than you!"

As soon as Ace's words fell, he turned into a flame and rushed towards Jiu Tianmaru, his arm turned into a burning fist, and slammed into Jiu Tianmaru, "Fire Fist!"

Orochimaru cut the flames with a knife, and he said calmly, "I used to have a friend who can cut all flames, I will only have a little!"

Ace laughed, then you try, can you cut off my flame! After saying that, Ace had both hands, countless flames appeared in the air, a huge ring of fire appeared under Ace's feet, the ring of fire slowly rose into the air, Ace's right palm was facing the sky, like a god who controlled the flame...

"Great Yan Ring, Yan Emperor!"


The country of Wa, the capital of flowers, the capital of flowers is different from other places in the country of Wa, and the capital of flowers is the residence of the so-called "nobles" of the kingdom.

The people of the capital of flowers not only drink clean water, but also have a special "carnivore" breeding place....

In one room, a beautiful-looking woman with long cyan hair pulled up high and dressed in a costume unique to Kazunokoku Hanakui.

Her door was pushed open, and a bald old man in rags pushed open the door and walked in, "Ah Zi, this is my last money!"

"With this money, I can take you home."

After the old man finished speaking, he stuffed a large handful of gold coins into Xiao Zi's arms, "Xiao Zi, come home with me!"

Ah Zi snapped and opened his hand, "Don't worry? You keep all your money with me, don't you make a note?

The old man bared his teeth and smiled at Ah Zi, "What fool would doubt the woman he adores!"

In fact, the old man originally had gold teeth in his mouth, but for the sake of A Zi, he even got gold teeth and sold them!

After hearing this, Ah Zi's expression slowly became cold, and he shouted outside, "Drag him out!"

Suddenly, the two big men threw the old man outside, and let the old man knock on the door to make up for nothing.

Ah Zi threw the gold in his hand casually, "You are not the first... It won't be the last!"

After muttering, Ah Zi stood up, wore clogs, and walked out....

Today is the day of Hua Kui's travel, and there are countless people watching next to Ah Zi's palanquin...

Even the old man from before rushed to the crowd, shouting Ah Zi's name.

However, the two guards mercilessly threw the old man out of the Flower Capital, "You have no money, and you are no longer qualified to live in the Flower Capital!"

In a golden palace in the capital of flowers, the black charcoal snake lay a little tired on the bed, next to him was a wonderful girl, the big snake said to himself, "This time for three minutes... Better than the last time!"

Suddenly, there was a shout outside the door, "General Big Snake, Hua Kui Azi is here!"

The black charcoal snake immediately stirred, he sneaked up his clothes, and snatched the door away...

Ah Zi walked towards the palace, and a blue-haired mad death man with a saber on his waist appeared next to Ah Zi, "Ah Zi, the plan begins!"

Ah Zi's body paused, and after a moment, he returned to normal, "Then there is work!"

Mad Death smiled and left.

Ah Zi came to the palace of the big snake and found that the faces of many geisha were raw, and there was even a black-haired geisha, whose appearance and figure were comparable to herself!

After dancing a song under the foil of many geisha, Ah Zi was beckoned to the side of the big snake, and as expected, the beautiful black-faced geisha was also beckoned to the big snake.

"Ah Zi, you want to kill me!"

The big snake said greedily, and Ah Zi avoided the big snake's salty pig hand and said to the big snake, "Yes, general, the concubine body is also a fantasy of being with adults every day and night!"

The big snake laughed loudly and took Ah Zi into his arms, Ah Zi struggled slightly, and said to the big snake, "Adult, you have something around your neck!"

"Then you help me take it off! Goo, haha..." the big snake laughed.

Because the body of the big snake is relatively large, Ah Zi needs to walk behind the big snake to reach the neck of the big snake...

As soon as Ah Zi walked behind the big snake, the mad death lang stabbed Ah Zi in the abdomen, and suddenly, blood was like a spring!

Mad Death Lang put the knife back into its scabbard, "Sir, the threat has been cleared!"

The big snake was stunned for a moment, and then furious, "Idiot, she just wants to help me remove the dirt!"

The body of the big snake split uncontrollably, expanded, and finally eight heads appeared suspended in the air, staring at the mad death.

Snake Snake Fruit Phantom Beast Species Yagi Great Snake Form!

Mad Death Lang's eyes narrowed, and he resisted the urge to slash the big snake to death...."My lord, I am protecting your safety!"

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