Solon came out of the grass with a somewhat pale face covering his stomach, and he understood that wild boar should not be sour.

It's all to blame for that color kappa....

The food that Solon had just eaten was all coming out of his stomach at this moment, and he was even hungrier than before...

Solon picked up the three knives and slowly walked along the river, suddenly, the river slowly flowed faster, the river became more spacious, Solon fixed his eyes, there was a waterfall in front of him, and under the waterfall, there was a relatively large boat.

Solon showed a smile and jumped directly off the waterfall...


On a flame-filled island, Kaido slowly opened his eyes and shouted, "Ember, come in!"

A black figure covered in flames slowly walked in, "Governor, what are your orders?"

Kaido said, "What happened to my bastard son?"

Ember said softly, "Yamato... It's still quite resistant!"

Kaido slammed the table, "Damn it!"

Ember thought for a moment and said to Kaido, "Governor, there are people from the Whitebeard Pirates!"

Kaido was a little surprised, "What? Is it because we invaded Whitebeard's collar two years ago?

Ember shook his head, "I don't know, but the Whitebeard Pirates are indeed coming!"

Kaido asked, "Who's coming?"

Ember said, "It's the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, White Tiger Rikuichi!"

Kaido scoffed, "It wasn't Whitebeard who came in person, or Marko who came, but just a second-team captain?"

Ember said, "Do you need me to deal with it?"

Kaido said, "No, it's not the 'Immortal Bird', then you don't have to make a move!"

"Let Jack go!" Kaidor paused and said, he originally wanted Quinn to go, but Quinn had other tasks, so let Jack go!

Ember nodded, "Yes, Governor!"

After Ember walked out of Kaido's room, he walked to another spacious room, in which a huge figure was gulping alcohol.

"Come man, get another pot!"

"Coming man!?"

"What about people???"

Jack roared three times, but when he saw no figure, he immediately stood up and prepared to teach the useless servant a lesson.

As soon as Jack stumbled to his feet, he saw Ember and said to Jack, "Jack, don't drink!"

"Ember? Be nosy and get out of here!"

"The Governor has a mission!"

Jack then quieted down and looked at Ember, "What task?"


"Fight? What do I like the most, with whom? If it's too weak, I won't fight!" Jack said to Ember.

Ember said, "Captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, White Tiger Rikuichi!"

"White Tiger Rikuichi?" Jack's eyes immediately lit up, "Hahahaha, Lao Tzu has long wanted to fight him!"

"Where is he?"

"Nine miles!"


In the woods next to the village of Jiuli, Luffy said to Lu Yi, "That's it, our mission is to gather the remnants of Mitsuki twenty years ago!"

Lu Yi bowed his head, "No need!"

"The weak combat power overlord color domineering is enough, and the high-end combat power, plus your 'straw hat' is enough, so there is no need to gather the remnants of Guangyue."

Luffy also nodded thoughtfully, "Then let's go!" Go beat Kaido and the black charcoal snake!"

Lu Yi sighed and said, "Don't worry, let's go find the crew of your straw hats first!"

"In that case, it will be easier to cope with!"

Luffy nodded thoughtfully, "Lu Yi is right! Ace, what do you think?

Ace said weakly, "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, I'm just a thug anyway."

"Then let's go!"

"Luffy, you and Ace go find your crew. I'm with Hancock..." "

Wait, what about me?" Momonosuke shouted.

Lu Yi said flatly, "You stay here, you are too weak, following will only add chaos, there are the boss of the fish people and Luo and Gu Yina, it is very safe!"

"Wait, Brother Lu, I'm going to follow Ace!" Ayu also said to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi smiled and said pleasantly, "Well, good, pay attention to safety." "

Momonosuke: d(ŐдŐ๑)


Luffy sat on the big yellow dog with Ace and Ayu and ran into the distance, and after a while, Luffy said to Ace, "Ace, I'm hungry!"

Ace, "Didn't you just eat?" Luffy

pouted, "Then I'm just hungry..." Ace

asked Ayu with a little headache, "Ayu, do you know where to eat?"

Ayu glanced around and said with some hesitation, "The water source of Wano Country has been polluted due to the perennial discharge of sewage, and the animals that drink these water have also been polluted and cannot be eaten..."

"And where there is food, there is food where the 'nobles' live, but it is still far from us... And then there is..... They have food, but the bandits are very ferocious!''

Ayu said to Luffy and Ace.

Ace and Luffy's eyes lit up after listening, "Mountain thief!?"

Ayu nodded, "Yes, the mountain thief is terrible!"

Luffy immediately clapped his hands, "I decided, just go grab their food!"

Ace said, "Well, the mountain thief, I miss it so much, I don't know if she's okay..."

Da Dan who was far away in the East China Sea sneezed, which bastard was thinking about the old lady? Will it be those two brats?

Suddenly, Lu Yi said to Ace, "By the way, Ace, I see Saab!"

Ace, "Oh, wait, what? Who do you say!?"



, Saab is not dead, he is now a revolutionary army, I saw him in Dressrosa!'"

Luffy said to Ace with a smile.

"Just live, wait until I go back and drink with him!" Really, that stinky boy, I don't know to inform Lao Tzu if I am alive!"


ps,, the dog's head saves his life, I will make up for the chapter owed, the big guy spares his life ..............

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