After Mad Death Lang killed Ah Zi, the black charcoal big snake sighed and finally forgave Mad Death Lang, after all, a powerful 'guard' is worth more than a 'vase'.

Immediately afterwards, the black charcoal snake who was in a bad mood dismissed the banquet, and Robin did not find any valuable information because of this matter.


On the other side, Lu Yi was walking with Han Cook in this jungle, and suddenly, Lu Yi's eyes flashed red, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he looked at the grass on the side....

"That's really interesting," Lu Yi muttered.


accompanied by a roar, and the next moment, a huge giant tiger rushed out from the grass, and his eyes looked at Lu Yi viciously!

Hancock looked at the white tiger, immediately pursed his lips and smiled, and looked at Lu Yi.

I saw this tiger with black spots on a white background, a scar from top to bottom on his left eye, and a big sword in his mouth.

Lu Yi looked at this tiger, and suddenly beasted, and suddenly, another huge white tiger appeared....

The two tigers confronted, and the sense of oppression exuding from Lu Yi's body made the tiger crawl on the ground in a moment...

Lu Yi smiled, the huge tiger palm touched the forehead of the white tiger, and then Lu Yi changed into human form and jumped directly onto the back of the white tiger......

Riku beckoned to Hancock, "Come on!"

Hancock's face appeared red, pointed at Lu Yi, Lu Yi was stunned, suddenly looked at himself, then Lu Yi smiled dumbly, and the bestialization burst his clothes....

And the white tiger under Lu Yi stood up with his back to Lu Yi, and between a few jumps, he brought Lu Yi a dress, which is a typical Wano Country costume...

Lu Yi looked at 'Dabai' in surprise.

Da Bai let out a low roar a few times, "Roar roar~

" "You mean, these clothes were picked off before you ate people?" Lu Yi asked Dabai.

Dabai nodded the tiger's head.

Lu Yi put on his clothes, "You are exquisite..."

"Go to the official village, go to the official village, let you leave!" Lu Yi touched Dabai's head and said to Dabai, Lu Yi knows, Dabai can hear and understand.

It may be the reason why he is also a 'white tiger', Lu Yi looks at Dabai a little kindly, but Lu Yi is the 'white tiger' in Eastern mythology, and Dabai is just an ordinary white tiger.

Da Bai nodded the tiger's head, Lu Yi fished Han Cook onto the back of the tiger, and Da Bai let out a low roar and galloped in the direction of Lu Yi's finger...

Suddenly, Lu Yi saw a teahouse, he searched for it in his memory, and said to Dabai, "Go there!"

Da Bai turned around abruptly and rushed in the direction of Lu Yi's finger.

In front of the teahouse, a fat man with pink hair is pulling a woman.

"Aju, from me, I really like you!"

The horizontal bar said to Aju with a tender face, and Aju's face was indescribable...

"But we've only met on two sides!"

"I fell in love with you from the first sight of you, Aju, I am sincere!"

Suddenly, Aju pointed to the back of Henggang with some panic, "Xiao, be careful!"

Henggang was stunned, but still said to Aju, "I'm the strongest sumo wrestler in Guanyuan Village, follow me, you are a nobleman..." Ahhhhhh


Aju looked at the sumo wrestler with a worried expression, he was not worried about the sumo wrestler, but he was afraid that if Yokooka died, he would implicate himself..... After all, Momonosuke-sama has not yet come to Wano Country, and he can't make a mistake in his own part...

Otherwise, how right, Mrs. QiShi!

At this moment, Henggang stood up tremblingly, "Which bastard sneaked up on Lao Tzu?" Attacking the nobility is a capital offense, a capital offense!"

Henggang looked at Lu Yi and them angrily, and then the sumo wrestler was stunned, the anger on his face disappeared, he ran to Dabai, knelt on one knee, and said to Hancock, "Beautiful young lady, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you!" I have a sumo wrestling match tomorrow, can you invite you to watch it!"

The sumo wrestler said to Hancock with a tender face.

Hancock said coldly, "Get out of here!"

The smile on the sumo wrestler's face froze, and then he sent out another invitation.

Lu Yiqi laughed, saying, you don't treat me as a person!

Lu Yi jumped off the white tiger and walked straight towards the sumo wrestler, "Get out of the way, you're in the way!"

The sumo wrestler glanced at the spacious ground around him, and the corners of his mouth twitched, "This TM is looking for fault!"

''Beautiful young lady, now let you see the heroic martial arts of the first sumo wrestler!'' The sumo wrestler said with a smug look at Cook.

Lu Yi spoke lightly, "Henggang? I also know a person called Henggang, who has more strength than you, in addition....... He's a frog!"

The sumo wrestler felt humiliated, and pounced on Lu Yi with both hands as claws, Lu Yi looked up at him, and the red light flashed in his eyes....

The next moment, the sumo wrestler foamed at the mouth and fell to the ground, and Lu Yi said flatly, "Waste!"

Then Lu Yi looked at Aju, "You..... It's Kikunosei!"

Ah Ju immediately looked at Lu Yi warily, "In Xia, what are you?"

Riku Yi smiled, "There is a color imp who has come to the country of Wano, his name is..... Momonosuke Mitsuki!"

Ah Ju's face was immediately shocked, "What did Your Excellency say?" Momonosuke-sama is here? Who is Your Excellency?"

Kinemon had not yet conveyed the news to the people in Wano Country that they had returned to Wano Country, and before Kinemon left, he said, "Someone will tell you when I return with Momonosuke-sama!"

Lu Yi smiled, "I, ah, just accompany my team members to fulfill a promise, and besides, I have some personal feuds with Kaido!"

Kaido attacked Whitebeard's territory, which Rikuichi has always remembered, and this time Rikuichi's purpose is to snatch the country of Wano away from Kaido!

Originally, Wano Country was the territory of Ota, and Ota was the captain of the second team before Whitebeard, although later Ota went to Roger's Pirates, but Roger's sons were all members of Whitebeard's team....

Therefore, the country of Wano should have been the territory of Whitebeard, but it was cut off by Kaido, and Rikuichi thought that he snatched the country of Wano from Kaido..... It's the thing it should be!

Ah Ju was shocked, "What kind of person are you!?" The average person doesn't have the courage to call Kaido by his name!"

Riku Yi smiled, "I am the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and the former captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates is Mitsuki Ota!"



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